

_mobilize the earth

Earth Day

(April 22, 10), event established to mobilize public sentiment toward environmental issues; suggested by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin with hopes of it occurring annually; Congress adjourned as members spoke at gatherings across U.S., with up to 25,000 people taking part in rallies; in 1980 about 250,000 people marched in New York in remembrance of the original Earth Day; 1990 celebration had themes of individual responsibility for halting pollution and exploitation of Earth's finite resources; 200 million people in 140 nations participated in parades, trash cleanups, and concerts.


原文为从前,有一个人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥.一天,后羿外出打猎,遇到了王母,求得了一颗仙丹,服下仙丹,就能立即成仙.后羿舍不得妻子,就把仙丹藏在了枕头底下.三天后,后羿再次外出打猎.嫦娥趁后羿不在,把仙丹吞到了肚子里,立即飞到了月亮上成了仙. Once upon a HouYi time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the possession of immortality underneath his pillow. Three days later, he became hunting again. She was not taking advantage of Hou Yi, immortality Tundao the stomach and immediately flew to the Moon became cents.


Earth Day(April 22, 10),

event established to mobilize public sentiment toward environmental issues;

suggested by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin with hopes of it occurring annually;

Congress adjourned as members spoke at gatherings across U.S., with up to 25,000 people taking part in rallies;

in 1980 about 250,000 people marched in New York in remembrance of the original Earth Day;

1990 celebration had themes of individual responsibility for halting pollution and exploitation of Earth's finite resources;

200 million people in 140 nations participated in parades, trash cleanups, and concerts.



世界地球日 world earth day

When I first conceived of Earth Day, a global holiday to celebrate the wonder of life on our planet, I thought long and hard about the day on which it should fall. It must be meaningful. One that might be accepted universally for all of humankind.

When the Vernal Equinox dawned on me, I immediately knew it was right. The Earth tremor that shook our California dwelling at that moment seemed an omen of confirmation. What could be more ropriate than the first moment of Spring, when day and night are equal around the world and hearts and minds can join together with thoughts of harmony and Earth's rejuvenation. Just as a single prayer can be siginificant, how much more so when hundreds, thousands, millions of people throughout the world join in peaceful thoughts and prayers to nurture neighbor and nature.

And so it came to pass we initiated the celebration of Earth Day on March 21, 10. The first Proclamation of Earth Day was by San Francisco, the City of Saint Francis, patron saint of ecology. Designating the First Day of Spring, March 21, 10 to be Earth Day, this day of nature's equipoise was later sanctioned in a Proclamation signed by Secretary General U Thant at the United Nations where it is observed each year. Earth Day was firmly established for all time on a sound basis as an annual event to deepen reverence and care for life on our planet.

While other dates he been called Earth Day it is obvious that a singular Earth Day is needed and that the original choice of nature's day is best. More attention for this fact will increase the influence of Earth Day and its benefits.

Every effort to encourage Earth care is to be commended. But just as more than one birthday each year for an individual would diminish the real birthday, calling other dates Earth Day detracts from the authentic day -- which can provide a more meaningful focus and oain more unity in our diversity. The nature of the March equinox provides a reason for an event at the same time all over the world.

Other events leading up to or following could be called Earth Festivals, or given other names. Then events can complement each other and increase awareness and care for our planet and its people. In the midst of this will be Earth Day, where the United Nations Peace Bell rings at the moment Spring begins and hearts and minds join all over the world.



范文:Legend has it that Chang'e was Yi's wife. She shot nine suns to benefit the people. An old Taoist admired him and ge him a package of elixirs for immortality.?

He ge them to Chang'e for safekeeping. Disciple Yi coveted the elixir of immortality. Chang E swallowed the elixir in a hurry and flew to the sky.?

When Yi returned home, he was so distressed that he set up a banquet on August 15 every year to reunite with Chang'e against the moon.






