1.iOS 默认 Root 密码为什么是 “alpine”,有何意味


3.美国薄荷糖eclipse mints英文是什么意思





Switzerland is a landlocked alpine country of roughly 7.6 million people in Western Europe with an area of 41,285 km?. Switzerland is a federal republic consisting of 26 states called cantons. Berne is the seat of the federal authorities, while the country's economic centres are its three global cities, Geneva, Basel and especially Zürich. Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world by per capita gross domestic product. Zürich and Geneva he respectively been ranked as hing the first and second highest quality of life in the world.[8]

Switzerland is bordered by Germany to the north, France to the west, Italy to the south and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. The country has a long history of neutrality — it has not been at war since 1815 — and hosts many international organizations, including the Red Cross, the World Trade Organization and one of the U.N.'s two European offices. However, it is not a member of the European Union. Switzerland is multilingual and has four national languages: German, French, Italian and Romansh. The country's formal name is Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft in German, Confédération suisse in French, Confederazione Svizzera in Italian and Confederaziun svizra in Romansh. The establishment of Switzerland is traditionally dated to 1 August 1291; the first of August is the national holiday.


Main article: Culture of Switzerland

See also: Music of Switzerland, Swiss folklore, Alpine culture, Swiss cuisine, Swiss literature, and Swiss media

Alphorn players in ValsThe culture of Switzerland is influenced by its neighbours but over the years a distinctive culture with some regional differences and an independent streak has developed. In particular, French-speaking regions he tended to orient themselves slightly more on French culture and tend to be more pro EU. In general, the Swiss are known for their long standing humanitarian tradition as Switzerland is the birth place of the Red Cross Movement and hosts the United Nations Human Rights Council. Swiss German speaking areas may perhaps be seen more oriented on German culture, although German-speaking Swiss people identify strictly as Swiss because of the difference between High German, and the Swiss German dialects. Italian-speaking areas can he more of an Italian culture. A region may be in some ways strongly culturally connected to the neighbouring country that shares its language. The linguistically isolated Romansh culture in the eastern mountains of Switzerland is also robust and strives to maintain its rare linguistic tradition.

Many mountain areas he a strong highly energetic ski resort culture in winter, and a hiking (wandering) culture in summer. Some areas throughout the year he a recreational culture that caters to tourism, yet the quieter seasons are spring and autumn when there are fewer visitors and a higher ratio of Swiss. A traditional farmer and herder culture also predominates in many areas and small farms are omnipresent outside the cities. In film, American productions constitute most of the programme, although several Swiss movies he enjoyed commercial successes in recent years. Folk art is kept alive in organizations all over the country. In Switzerland it is mostly expressed in music,dance, poetry,wood carving and embroidery. The alphorn, a trumpet- like musical instrument made of wood, has become alongside yodeling and the accordion an epitome of traditional Swiss music.


Ski area over the glaciers of L?tschentalSkiing and mountaineering are much practiced by Swiss people and foreigners, the highest summits attract mountaineers from around the world. The Haute Route trekking or the Patrouille des Glaciers race he international reputation.

Like many other Europeans, many Swiss are fans of football (Soccer) and the national team or 'Nati' is widely supported. Switzerland's most well known football clubs include Grasshoppers Zurich, Servette FC and FC Basel. Switzerland was also the joint venue with Austria in the Euro 2008 football tournament, although the Swiss team dropped out before the Quarter Finals. The Swiss Beach Soccer Team on the other hand became runner-up in 2008 and in 2005 they won the Euro Beach Soccer Cup.

Spengler Cup in DosMany Swiss also follow ice hockey and support one of the 12 clubs in the league A. Switzerland will host the 2009 IIHF World Championships for the 10th time. The Swiss team's latest achievement in ice hockey is the 1953 bronze medal. Switzerland is also the home of the sailing team Alinghi which won the America's Cup in 2003 and defended the title in 2007. Curling has been a very popular winter sport for more than 30 years. The Swiss teams he won 3 World Men's Curling Championships and 2 Women's titles. The Swiss men's team skipped by Dominic Andres won a gold medal at 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics. Golf is a growing sport with more than 35 courses ailable.

Over the last few years several Swiss tennis players, like Roger Federer and Martina Hingis, he been multiple Grand Slam singles champions. One of the world's best current ice skaters is Swiss Stéphane Lambiel. André Bossert is successful Swiss professional golfer.

Traditional wrestling (Schwingen)Other sports where the Swiss he been successful include fencing (Marcel Fischer), cycling (Fabian Cancellara), whitewater slalom (Ronnie Dürrenmatt – canoe, Mathias R?thenmund – kayak), ice hockey (Swiss National League), beach volleyball (Sascha Heyer, Markus Egger, Paul and Martin Laciga), and skiing (Bernhard Russi, Pirmin Zurbriggen, Didier Cuche).

Motorsport racecourses and events were banned in Switzerland following the 1955 Le Mans disaster with exception to events such as Hillclimbing. However, this ban was overturned in June 2007. Even though racing has been banned in Switzerland, the country has produced successful racing drivers such as Clay Regazzoni, Jo Siffert and successful World Touring Car Championship driver Alain Menu. High profile drivers from Formula 1 and World Rally Championship such as Michael Schumacher, Nick Heidfeld, Kimi R?ikk?nen, Fernando Alonso, Lewis Hamilton and Sébastien Loeb all he a residence in Switzerland, albeit mainly for tax purposes.


A game of Hornussen.Swiss wrestling or "Schwingen" is an old tradition from the rural central cantons and considered the national sport by some.

Hornussen is another indigenous Swiss sport, which is like a cross between baseball and golf.

Steinstossen is the Swiss variant of stone put, a competition in throwing a hey stone. Practiced only among the alpine population since prehistoric times, it is recorded to he taken place in Basel in the 13th century. It is also central to the Unspunnenfest, first held in 1805, with its symbol the 83.5 kg Unspunnenstein.

Floorball is a relatively new sport in Switzerland that grows every year in popularity. A main factor is the professional league called Nationalliga A that draws many famous players from other countries

iOS 默认 Root 密码为什么是 “alpine”,有何意味


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第一步、打开MobileTerminal 程序 在英文输入法状态下输入su 后回车

第二步、在下一行出现的Password后输入密码:alpine (输入密码时没有字符显示)后回车 ,完成后屏幕显示如下格式: (XXX代表设备名称)

XXX:~ mobile$ su


XXX:/var/mobile root#


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美国薄荷糖eclipse mints英文是什么意思






5、冰球:Ice Hockey。





一个大项(Sport)对应一个国际联合会(IF) 。






eclipse mints是美国的一个薄荷糖的品牌,隶属于箭牌旗下,eclipse mints是这个品牌的英文名字。


1、eclipse 英?[?'kl?ps]?美?[?'kl?ps]?

vt. 使黯然失色;形成蚀

n. 日蚀,月蚀;黯然失色

2、mints? 英 [m?nts]? 美 [m?nts]?





1、Airwes: 劲浪/爽浪口香糖

英 [?e?we?vz] 美 [?erwe?vz]?



英 [?lpa?n] 美 [?lpa?n]?



英 [s?pɑ?s] 美 [s?r?p?s]?



英 [?ekstr?] 美 [?ekstr?]?




近日,雷诺正式发布了一组旗下新款跑车 Alpine A110的官图。新车为中期改款车型,设计风格变化不大,用升级后的信息系统,搭载来自雷诺梅甘娜RS的1.8升涡轮增压汽油发动机,最大输出功率可达300马力,百公里加速时间仅需4.2秒。

外观方面,Alpine A110延续了现款车型的设计风格,前脸用家族有代表性的特征,头灯组一旁的圆形灯具辨识度极高。前灯组中央有“ALPINE”字样的英文标识,在大多数车型喜欢在屁股上带字母的年代,新车选择了不多见的前脸带字母,给人一种新鲜的感觉。

车身侧面短小紧凑,此外,A110 S还配备18 英寸的“GT Race”造型轮圈,匹配Brembo的制动系统,其中包括320mm的刹车盘。轮胎为米其林Pilot Sport 4,具体型号为前轮215/40 R18,后轮245/40 R18,还可选装米其林Pilot Sport Cup 2 Connect轮胎。

尾部造型十分饱满,硕大的曲面后挡风玻璃看起来非常时尚,X型的灯带比较独特,底部配备了粗壮的中置单出排气,另外Alpine A110 S车型还提供一块大尺寸扰流板,进一步展现运动气息。




all plastic optical fiber |全塑光纤

all purpose bit |万能钻头

all purpose tractor |万能拖拉机

all purpose utility cabinet |什物柜

all rag paper |全棉纤维纸

all ramie sheer |爽丽纱

all relay automatic telephone system |全继电器制自动电话系统

all rubber shoes |全胶鞋

all skin type rayon |全皮型人造丝

all solid state FM stereo transmitter |全固态立体声调频发射机

all solid state marine turbidimeter |全固态海洋浊度计

all solid state UHF TV transmitter |全固态特高频电视发射机

all solid state VHF and UHF TV transposer |全固态甚高频和特高频电视差转机

all solid state VHF TV transmitter |全固态甚高频电视发射机

all stainless steel variable area flowmeter |全不锈钢可变面积流量计

all steel covered wagon |全钢棚车

all steel needle |全钢针

all steel passenger car |全钢客车

all terrain carrier |全道路运输车

all tranisistor computer |全晶体管计算机

all wool machine knitting yarn |全毛针织绒线

all wool overcoating |全毛大衣呢

all year round coat |四季可穿大衣

all-around pleated skirt |百褶裙

all-automatic burette |全自动滴定管

all-automatic vacuum thermoforming machine |全自动真空热成型机

all-band frequency sweeping meter |全频段扫频仪

all-band intercept receiver |全波段截听接收机

all-basic open-hearth furnace |全碱性平炉

all-beef sausage |全牛肉香肠

all-channel decoder |全信道解码器

all-cover switch |全罩式开关

all-digital variable code-word correlator |全数字变量代码字母相关器

all-electric receiver |通用电源接收机

all-electric set |市电接收机

all-electrostatic tube |全静电射线管

all-fiber coupler |全光纤耦合器

all-flower assorted biscuit |百花什锦饼干

all-flower roll |百花奶糖

all-glass fiber |全玻璃光纤

all-glass kinescope |全玻璃式显像管

all-glass paper |玻璃纤维纸

all-glass solar vacuum tubular collector |全玻璃真空管太阳能集热器

all-glass syringe |全玻璃注射器

all-ground end mill |全磨制立铣刀

all-hydraulic core drill |液压岩心钻机

all-hydraulic driver drill |全液压钻机

all-hydraulic excator |全液压挖掘机

all-hydraulic press |全水压机

all-in-one camera |万能电视摄像机

all-in-one per |联合铺路机

all-in-one pliers |家用钳

all-in-one solution for all soft contact lenses |全能眼镜药水

all-jute ball |纯麻球

all-magnetic tube |全磁射线管

all-mains receiver |交直流两用接收机

all-manual player |全手控唱机

all-metal magnetron |全金属磁控管

all-metal tube |全金属电子管

all-optical computer |全光学计算机

all-organ magnetic resonance imager |全身器官核磁共振成像器

all-over banded lace |满地花纹狭花边

all-over lace |满地花纹花边

all-pass filter |全通滤波器

all-position oxygen cutting machine |全位置气割机

all-position welder |全位置焊机

all-purpose adhesive |万能胶

all-purpose automatic air switch |万能自动空气开关

all-purpose capillary viscosimeter |通用毛细管粘度计

all-purpose computer |通用计算机

all-purpose detergent |通用洗涤剂

all-purpose dredger |通用挖泥船

all-purpose engine oil |通用机油

all-purpose gasoline |通用汽油

all-purpose grease |通用润滑脂

all-purpose instrument |万能仪表

all-purpose machine |万能工具机

all-purpose nozzle |通用喷嘴

all-purpose raschel |通用拉舍尔经编机

all-purpose vegetable cutter |多能切菜机

all-purpose viscosimeter |通用粘度计

all-purpose wrench |多用板钳

all-radiant furnace |全辐射炉

all-radiant type heater |全辐射型加热炉

all-round conveyer |万能输送机

all-round fibre |全能纤维

all-round transporter |万能运输机

all-silica fiber |全石英光纤

all-skin rayon fibre |全皮层粘胶纤维

all-steel body |全钢车身

all-steel clothing |全金属针布

all-steel cord |钢丝帘线

all-steel open top wagon |全钢敞车

all-steel radial truck tyre |全钢子午线载重车轮胎

all-steel radial tyre |全钢子午线轮胎

all-steel refrigerating wagon |全钢冷藏车

all-we oscillator |全波振荡器

all-we precision wemeter |全波精密波长表

all-we radio |全波无线电收音机

all-we receiver |全波接收机

all-we signal generator |全波信号发生器

all-weather acrylic resin |全天候型丙烯酸树脂

all-weather aircraft |全天候飞机

all-weather fighter |全天候战斗机

all-weather interceptor |全天候截击机

all-weather terrestrial range finder |全天候陆地测距仪

all-weight television graphic and text production system |全分量电视图文创作系统

all-wheel drive vehicle |全轮驱动车

all-white bed sheet |全白床单

all-white enamel-finished cart |全白搪瓷手推餐车

all-white face cloth |全白方巾

all-white face towel |全白毛巾

all-white handkerchief |全白手帕

all-white jacquard thread blanket |全白提花线毯

all-wood paper |全木浆纸

all-wool cloth |全毛织物

all-wool crepe |全毛绉呢

all-wool fine fingering yarn |全毛细绒线

all-wool fingering yarn |全毛绒线

all-wool flannel |全毛法兰绒

all-wool gabardine |全毛华达呢

all-wool hose |全羊毛袜

all-wool printed lady's dress |全毛印花女衣呢

all-wool serge |全毛哔叽

all-wool valetin |全毛凡立丁

all-wool venetian |全毛直贡呢

all-wool worsted flannel |全毛精纺法兰绒

Allan metal |艾伦铜铅轴承合金

allanite |褐帘石

Allanseed cotton |阿伦种棉

allantoin |尿囊素

allaying asthma and relieving cough herbs cigarette |平喘镇咳草药烟

alleanthus fibre |阿利恩撒斯纤维

Allegheny electric metal |阿利格尼高导磁率镍铁合金

allemande |阿勒芒德灯芯绸

Allen cotton |阿伦棉

Allen key |L型内六角扳手

allen screw |六角固定螺丝

allen wrench |方孔螺钉头用扳手

Allen's metal |艾伦高铅青铜

allene |丙二烯

allenestrol |阿仑雌酸

allenic compound |丙二烯系化合物

Allenite |阿列奈特碳化钨系列

Alleron |一六0五

allethrin |丙烯除虫菊

allevardite |钠板石

allidochlor |草毒死除草剂

alligator alternanthera |空心莲子草

alligator clip |鳄鱼夹

alligator cloth |鳄鱼皮漆布

alligator hide |鳄鱼皮

alligator imitation paper |仿鳄鱼皮纸

alligator oil |鳄鱼油

alligator pear |鳄梨

alligator pliers |长钳

alligator rolling set |腭式压轧机

alligator shears |鳄口剪

alligator shoes |鳄鱼皮鞋

alligator squeezer |颚式挤压机

alligator wrench |管扳手

alligator |鳄式破碎机

alligator-grained plastic satchel bag |鳄鱼皮纹理状书包式塑胶袋

alligator-skin glaze |鳄皮釉

alligator-type bonnet |鳄式发动机罩

allis-allis |芋角

Allisan |氯硝胺杀菌剂

allison tuna |黄鳍金枪鱼

allite red |铁红

Allium cepa |洋葱

Allium porrum |韭葱

Allium sativum |大蒜

Alloa wheeling |阿洛粗绒线

Alloa yarn |阿洛粗绒线

allobarbital |阿洛巴比妥

allochite |绿帘石

allochroic silicagel |变色硅胶

alloclamide |阿洛拉胺

allocupreide sodium |阿洛铜钠

allomethadione |阿洛双酮

allomorphite |贝状重晶石

allopalladium |硒钯矿

allophane |铝英石

alloprene |氯化橡胶

allopurinol |别嘌醇

allopyrine |阿洛比林

allotter relay |分配继电器

allotter |分配器

alloy bar |合金棒

alloy belt printer |合金带打印机

alloy bit |合金钻头

alloy cast iron coupling roller used in sugar cane pressing |合金铸铁甘蔗压榨耦辊

alloy cast iron |合金铸铁

alloy cast steel |合金铸钢

alloy casting |合金铸件

alloy chilled iron roll |冷硬合金铸铁轧辊

alloy chisel steel |凿具用合金钢

alloy constructional steel |合金结构钢

alloy ductile iron roll |合金球铁轧辊

alloy electrode |合金钢电焊条

alloy fibre |合金型熔合纤维

alloy for conductor |导线用合金

alloy for die casting |压铸用合金

alloy for elastic element |弹性元件用合金

alloy for shaft tip |轴尖用合金

alloy for thermoelement |热电偶用合金

alloy frame |合金镜架

alloy grade niobium |合金级铌

alloy grain roll |结晶粒合金轧辊

alloy iron roll |合金铸铁轧辊

alloy junction transistor |合金结晶体管

alloy latch |合金弹簧锁

alloy live center |合金活顶尖

alloy magnet-head |合金磁头

alloy pig |合金生铁

alloy pin porcelain tooth |合金钉瓷牙

alloy pipe |合金管

alloy shutter |合金百叶窗

alloy steel roll |合金钢轧辊

alloy tin |合金锡

alloy tool steel bit |合金工具钢车刀

alloy tool steel |合金工具钢

alloy type transistor |合金型晶体管

alloy watch band |合金表带

alloy wire |合金线

alloy |合金

alloy-diffused photo transistor |合金扩散型光电晶体管

alloy-steel blade |合金钢刀片

alloy-steel cutter |合金钢刀具

alloy-steel pipe clamp |合金钢制管卡

alloy-steel pipe |合金钢管

alloy-steel plate |合金钢板

alloy-steel sheet |合金钢片

alloy-steel strip |合金钢带

alloy-steel tube |合金钢管

alloy-steel wire |合金钢丝

alloy-steel |合金钢

alloy-wire drawer |合金丝拉制机

alloyed rectifier |合金整流器

alloyed steel strip |合金钢带

alloying agent |合金添加剂

allspice oil |甘椒油

allspice |香辣椒

alluvial filter |冲积式过滤器

alluvial gold |冲积砂金

allyl alcohol |烯丙醇

Allyl alcohol |烯丙醇除草剂

allyl bromide |溴丙烯

allyl cellulose |烯丙基纤维素

allyl chloride |氯丙烯

allyl glyceroether |烯丙基甘油醚

allyl iodide |碘苯烯

allyl plastics |烯丙塑料

allyl resin |烯丙树脂

allyl thiourea |烯丙基硫脲

allyl urea |烯丙脲

allyl |烯丙基

allylene |丙炔

allylestrenol |烯丙雌醇

allylic resin |烯丙基树脂

allylidene |烯丙叉

allylprodine |烯丙罗定

allyxycarb |除害威杀虫剂

alma |阿尔玛绸

almadrate sulfate |铝硫酸镁

almandite |铁铝榴石

Almasil |奥尔马西尔铝基合金

almasilate |铝硅酸镁

Almasilium |阿尔马西林铝镁硅合金

Almaz |宝石牌手表

almecillin |阿美西林

Almelec |阿尔梅莱克铝基合金

Almen extreme pressure lubricant testing machine |阿尔门极压润滑剂试验机

Almen friction machine |阿尔门摩擦试验机

Almen tester |阿尔门试验机

almestrone |阿美雌酮

Almeter |阿尔纤维长度试验仪

Alminal |阿尔米纳尔铝硅系耐蚀合金

alminoprofen |阿明洛芬

almond ball |杏仁糖

almond blanching machine |杏仁烫漂机

almond butter cake |杏仁奶油酥

almond cake |杏仁饼

almond candy |杏仁糖

almond chocolate milk ball |杏仁奶宝巧克力

almond chocolate |杏仁巧克力

almond cleaning machine |杏仁清洗机

almond cookie |杏仁饼

almond cream biscuit |杏仁酪饼干

almond cream sandwich biscuit |杏仁夹心饼

almond cream |杏仁酪

almond crisp |杏仁酥

almond decorticator |杏仁脱壳机

almond drink |杏仁茶

almond egg biscuit |鸡蛋杏仁饼干

almond essence |杏仁香精

almond filled cake |杏仁夹心酥

almond hardbake |杏仁脆饼

almond jelly |杏仁冻

almond junket |杏仁糊

almond meal |杏仁粉

almond milk for cosmetic purpose |化妆用杏仁乳液

almond milk |杏仁乳

almond mill |杏仁磨碎机

almond oil |杏仁油

almond paste bonbon |杏仁酥夹心糖

almond paste machine |制杏仁酥机

almond paste |杏仁酥

almond peanut candy |杏仁花生糖

almond powder |杏仁粉

almond rock |杏仁味硬糖

almond soap |杏仁肥皂

almond syrup |杏仁糖浆

almond tablet |杏仁片

almond tea |杏仁茶

almond toffee |杏仁太妃糖

almond |杏仁

almucantar |高度方位仪

almuce |头巾

Almulit |阿尔穆莱特平炉用硅砖

almytol |阿米妥

Alneon |阿尔内昂铝锌铜合金

Alni magnet |阿尔尼镍铝磁铁

Alni |阿尔尼铁镍铝永磁合金

Alnic |阿尔尼克铝镍沉淀硬化型永磁合金

Alnico aluminium-nickel-cobalt alloy |阿尔尼科铝镍钴合金

Alnico permanent magnet alloy |阿尔尼科铁镍铝钴系永磁合金

Alnico sintered magnet |阿尔尼科烧结铝镍钴磁铁

Alnico V magnet |铝镍钴V形磁铁

Alnico |阿尔尼科铁镍铝钴永磁合金

Alnisi |阿尔尼西铁镍铝硅合金

alocasia |海芋

Alodan |冰片丹杀虫剂

aloe fibre |芦荟纤维

aloe lace |芦荟纤维花边

aloe stomachic pill |沉香化气丸

aloe wood oil |沉香木油

aloe |芦荟

aloewood |沉香木

aloha shirt |夏威夷衫

Alon |阿龙

Alon |异丙隆除草剂

alonimide |阿洛米酮

aloxide bearing |刚玉轴承

aloxiprin |阿洛泼林

aloxite |铝砂

aloxyin granule |驱虫丸

aloxyin syrup |驱虫糖浆

Aloyco |阿罗伊科铁镍铬系耐蚀合金

Alpa |阿尔帕牌照相机

alpaca fancy suiting |阿尔帕卡花呢

alpaca lining |阿尔帕卡里子呢

alpaca lustre |阿尔帕卡有光呢

alpaca mixture |阿尔帕卡交织呢

alpaca orleans |阿尔帕卡奥尔良呢

alpaca rayon |阿尔帕卡人丝绸

alpaca umbrella |羽绸伞

alpaca wool |阿尔帕卡毛

alpaca yarn |阿尔帕卡原色毛纱

alpaca |羊驼毛

Alpakka |阿尔帕卡锌白铜

alpargata |黄麻或做成的便鞋

alpenstock |铁头登山杖

Alperm |阿尔帕姆高导磁率铁铝合金

alpert-ionization gauge |阿尔珀特电离计

alpertine |阿尔哌丁

alpha tungstic oxide |α相三氧化钨

alpha alloy |α相合金

alpha amylase |阿法淀粉酶

alpha brass |α黄铜

alpha bronze |α青铜

alpha card reader |阿尔法射线卡片阅读器

alpha iron alloy |α铁基合金

alpha monitor |阿尔法射线监测仪

alpha naphthol |甲萘酚

alpha naphthylamine |甲萘胺

alpha particle ionization detector |α粒子电离检测器

alpha particle spectrometer |α粒子能谱仪

alpha particle thickness gauge |α粒子厚度计

alpha system |字母信号系统

alpha tile |字母瓦

alpha we detector |α波探测器

Alpha |爱尔手表

alpha-aluminium oxide |α氧化铝

alpha-amyl cinnamic aldehyde |甲位戊基桂醛

alpha-beta brass |α-β黄铜

alpha-beta titanium alloy |α-β钛合金

alpha-contamination meter |α放射性沾污测量仪

alpha-emitting particle monitor |α放射粒子监测仪

alpha-pinene resin |α蒎烯树脂

alpha-pulp |α浆粕

alpha-ray spectrometer |α射线能谱仪

alpha-ray track aratus |α射线示踪仪

alpha-titanium |α钛

alphabet jelly |字母软糖

alphabet jungle |字母丛林

alphabetical puncher |字母穿孔机

alphablock |字母块

alphacetylmethadol |阿醋美沙醇

alphameprodine |阿法美罗定

alphameric-graphic display |字母数字-图像显示器

alphamethadol |阿法美沙醇

alphanumeric printer |字母数字打印机

alphaprodine |阿法罗定

alphatron gauge |α粒子电离真空计

Alpina |阿尔皮纳牌手表

alpine cap |登山帽

alpine jacket |登山上衣

alpine sack |登山背囊

alpine strawberry |高山草莓

Alpine |阿尔卑斯牌汽车

Alpinia-cyperus pill |良附丸

alprazolam |

alprenolol |烯丙洛尔

Alprosa |阿尔普罗萨牌手表

alprostadil |前列地尔

Alray |阿尔雷铁铬镍耐热合金

alrestatin |阿司他丁

alrodeer pill |全鹿丸






也是那一天,有了更多地时间相处,涛哥才知道:原来托马斯自己也是一个家庭户外爱好者,几年前,他来到中国,更是爱上了这里。后来当得知总部想把业务扩展到中国时,他特别开心,就带上妻儿来到这里开拓事业。2013年初,他听到同事们都在议论涛哥的故事,由于他一直鼓励中国的朋友同事们建立家庭户外出行习惯,他非常赞赏涛哥对孩子的教育方式,有时候当听到同事们争论涛哥带着孩子停工、休学去环游是否好的时候,他更是完全站在涛哥那边,为素未谋面的涛哥辩解。而当他得知涛哥的困难,为了让涛哥的梦想能完成,他直接想到的就是如何帮助涛哥完成签证…那一天,涛哥和托马斯也聊了很多很多,涛哥还和托马斯请教欧洲行行程, 托马斯也和涛哥分享一些欧洲行的经验。聊着聊着,托马斯因为担心涛哥一家的装备是否准备足够,更是提出无偿提供涛哥此行的服装,让涛哥的行程更温暖。

就这样聊着聊着,彼此了解更多,越是彼此了解,对彼此就越是欣赏。涛哥说,他对阿尔派妮的品牌理念和口号:行愈远,心愈近尤其喜爱,尤其是刚完成中国行回来,感触特别特别深。而托马斯的行动则让他们一家都很感动,他想着自己常教育孩子们要学会感恩,人家帮了你总得回馈和感谢人家吧!于是,涛哥有了帮阿尔派妮宣传的心,也当是做一些力所能及的事情回报托马斯。 于是涛哥把阿尔派妮的logo贴在了自己的车身上。


阿尔派妮(英文名称: ALPINE PRO),源自阿尔卑斯山南部布拉格,是时尚家庭户外运动品牌的先锋,也是中国家庭户外文化推广者。产品线涵盖户外服装、滑雪服、鞋、背包、配件等,并有丰富的成人款和儿童款,为全家出行提供整套装备。他们相信,全家一起的户外出行能让家人间拥有更加温馨幸福、亲密无间的亲情体验,所以,他们的品牌语是“行愈远,心愈近(Near,Far,Together)”。他们把这种源自欧洲的家庭户外文化带到中国并希望逐步推广开来,让家庭将户外生活也成为中国人生活的一部分,可以说,梦想、户外、家庭等是阿尔派妮推崇观点的关键词!相信也是这些与涛哥一家不谋而合的理念让他们接受了阿尔派妮这个品牌。

阿尔派妮(Alpine Pro)的名字灵感据说来源于阿尔卑斯山脉。Alpine原译为阿尔卑斯山脉,在欧洲,户外运动被称为阿尔卑斯运动。阿尔卑斯户外运动拥有一百多年的历史,是欧洲普通老百姓热衷的休闲、舒适户外生活方式的代名词。



从2009年起,阿尔派妮开始成为捷克奥林匹克国家队的合作伙伴。2012年奥运产品系列的设计灵感来自抽象艺术运动创始人之一、捷克画家Frantisek Kupka的作品,设计师巧妙地将油画主题和产品设计结合起来,具有捷克民族色彩。而研发团队由捷克运动员、阿尔派妮设计师和捷克奥林匹克委员会组成。