it is high time that_it is high time that后面加什么

       大家好,今天我想和大家分享一下我对“it is high time that”的理解。为了让大家更深入地了解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们一起来探讨吧。

1.It is high time that.怎么用

2.It is high time that是什么意思呢? is high time that用法

4.It is high time that........怎么用

it is high time that_it is high time that后面加什么

It is high time that.怎么用

       It's high time + that 从句谓语动词有两种形式:

       动词的过去式(be用were);或者用shoud + 动词原形(should不能省略);



       1、Therefore, it is high time that parents and schools should be alert to the problem and restrict children's access to those computer games.?


       2、It is high time that we threw away the phone and raised our heads up. Do cherish the ones around us and appreciate the splendid scenery ahead of us.?


       3、It?is?high?time?that?we?should?tell?him?the truth.?




       It's about time that,从句谓语动词同样用过去式或shoud + 动词原形(should不能省略)。


       1、It's?about?time?that?it?did.?I don't?know?what?took?It'so?long a?time.


       2、It's?about?time?this?old?sewing?machine?was?put out to?pasture.


It is high time that是什么意思呢?

       It is (high) time that后面的从句用虚拟语气用过去式或者用should+动词原形,但should不可省略。

       例如:It is high time that the children went to school。

       =It is high time that the children should go to school。


       定语从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟语气,其虚拟语气的结构为:It is (high / about) time that + 主语+ 动词的过去式/ should + do(should不可省略)(优先使用动词过去式),即从句用虚拟过去式。

It is (high) time that扩展

       若该句型略微调整成It is或was the first time that +完整句子(first也可能是其他序数词),那这个句子谓语动词不再采用上述形式。

       而且若主句用的是is,则that后面的句子的谓语动词部分用现在完成时(have/has done);若主句用的是was,则that后面的句子的谓语动词部分用过去完成时(had done)。

lt is high time that用法

       It is high time that的意思是: 是时候了。

       造句:It is time that you become our chosen one.



       adj.高的; 高尚的,崇高的; 高音调的; 高级的,高等的;

       adv.(程度等)高地; 高价地; 奢侈地;

       n.高处,高位; [气象学]高气压; 高压地带; 高水平;

It is high time that........怎么用

        It is (high) time that表示“是该做......的时候了。后面的从句谓语动词要用过去式或用should加动词原形,但should不可省略。例句:It is high time that we should tell him the truth.是我们该告诉他真相的时候了。








       It's high time + that 从句谓语动词有两种形式:

       动词的过去式(be用were);或者用shoud + 动词原形(should不能省略);



       1、Therefore, it is high time that parents and schools should be alert to the problem and restrict children's access to those computer games.?


       2、It is high time that we threw away the phone and raised our heads up. Do cherish the ones around us and appreciate the splendid scenery ahead of us.?


       3、It?is?high?time?that?we?should?tell?him?the truth.?




       It's about time that,从句谓语动词同样用过去式或shoud + 动词原形(should不能省略)。


       1、It's?about?time?that?it?did.?I don't?know?what?took?It'so?long a?time.?


       2、It's?about?time?this?old?sewing?machine?was?put out to?pasture.?


       今天关于“it is high time that”的讨论就到这里了。希望通过今天的讲解,您能对这个主题有更深入的理解。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。我将竭诚为您服务。