1.Multi-elemental Neutron Activation Analysis of Chinese GeoChemical Reference Samples


elemental analysis_


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Multi-elemental Neutron Activation Analysis of Chinese GeoChemical Reference Samples

elemental material


Based on elemental material parameter c and φ and corresponding parameter α and κ of different yield curve, the analysis of underground cern adjacent stabilization was carried out by using the method of nonlinear finite element analysis.



Zhang Yun jun,Li Xing bin,Song Lin shan

Institute of Geophysical and Geochemlcal Prospecting, Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China

Yuan Ling, Chen Bao guan

Institute of Atomic Energy, Academia Sinica

Chen Bing ru,Wang Yu qi,Sun Jing xin

Institute of High Energy Physics,Academla Sinica

The concentrations of 36 elements in geochemical reference samples issued by the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China were determined by neutron activation analysis.Three main variants of the technigue, instrumental,epithermal,and preirradiation separation neutron activation analysis(INAA, ENAA, PRAA), were employed in a systematic study of the samples by three laboratories: the Institute of Atomic Energy of the Academia Sinica(INAA,ENAA),the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Academia Sinica(INAA),and the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources(INAA, PNAA).Both long and short irradiations and both Ge(Li)and HPGe detectors were used.A supplementary software package for data processinq was developed.About 81%of the data determined by neutron activation agreed with recommended values with in 15%.

The Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting of Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources bas prepared three series of geochemical reference samples: stream sediments(GSD), soils(GSS), and rocks(GSR).The eight stream sediment samples,GSD 1-8,were selected from areas believed to be representative of the types of sediments found in China.The provinces where the sampling sites are located and the lithology of the rocks in the basins sampled are given in a parer by Xie(1).



Primary solution standards were used for standardization.Sets of 3-5 elements with no mutual interferences of main energies were combined to form multielement standards.Reference samples USGS GXR 1-6, USGS-V-1,NES-SRM-1362a,and CCRMP SY-2 and SY-3 were also used.Predetermined volumes of solution standards were pipetted onto plastic films or onto circular pieces of filter paper and the films or the papers were packed into aluminium foils of high purity(2).

Sample preparation and irradiation

The homogeneous sample powders were dried in an oven at 90℃-110℃for over 3 hours and sample portions(20-100mg)were then precisely weighed onto aluminium foils.All samples and standards were placed in aluminium irradiation containers for INAA and PNAA, and in boron nitride(BN3)container for ENAA.The irradiation times were 2 to 5 min for Dy and Mn,72 to 150 hr for Ag and 3-23 hr for other elements.Both swimming pool and hey-water reactors were used for irradiation.The thermal neutron fluxes were(1-2.4)*1013n1cm-2s-1and(5-7)*1013n1cm-2s-1respectively.

Preirradiation separation techniques were used to improve the analytical sensitivities for gold and the rare earths.For gold the sample portion(10-20g)was dissolved in aqua regia and the Au then absorbed on activated carbon, whereas for the rare earths, sample portions(1g)werefused in sodium peroxide and the rare earths were extracted by PMBP(1-Pheny1—3-Methy1-4-Bnzoyl-5-Pyrazolone).

Equipment and measurement

Two types of CANBERRA data acquisition systems(SCORPIO-3000 and JUPITER)were used for measuring the gamma spectra.The coaxial Ge(Li)detector covers the energy range from 60 to 2000 keV and the planar high purity germanium(HPGe)detector from 30 to 300 keV.All three laboratories used Ge(Li)for measurements, but in addition, the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting also used HPGe for many of the rare earths, Hf,Ta, and W.

After a given decay period, the irradiated samples were transferred into counting vials in a glove-box.The distance between the irradiated sample and the detector is adjusted to oid dead times of ADC(Analog-to-Digltal Converter)beyond 10%.Different cooling times were selected to determine isotopes with different half lives.The data acquisition times were 500, 1000 or 2000s, depending upon the intensity of the sample activity.

Data processjng

The spectra of Various samples were transferred to discs and processed with software packages SPECT-RAN-F and SPCSUP to oain element concentrations in samples and to print out various reports.The SPECTRAN-F was developed by CANBERRA;the SPCSUP,a software package to supplement SPECT-RAN-F, is in BASIC language and was designed by the laboratory of the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting.The method of least squares was used to calculate the calibration curves when the number of element standards is equal to or more than 3.The U fission interferences were corrected automaicaly both for standards and for samples.

As many asfour gamma-lines were used to determine concentrations;the results oained for each line are stored independently.Only results of gamma lines with tolerable interferences are included in erages, depending on the cooling time and complexity of sample matrix.The main parameters used in NAA and listed in table 1 were oained from(3-5).


The three neutron activation labs determined 36 elements in GSD 1-8 and these elements amount to 66.7%of the total number of elements(54)certificated for recommended values(1).The results of the 36 elements for GSD 1-8 oained by NAA are presented in table 2 together with the recommended values(RV).Data for 31 elements were oained by two or three NAA laboratories.The remaining five elements were furnished by one single NAA laboratory: Ga by the Institute pf Atomic Energy(IAE), Br and Ni by the Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP),and Au and Ho by the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting(G&G).The standard deviations for most elements are less than or equal to 15%.

Most of our data are agree well, not only among the three laboratories, but also with the recommended values, These values were calculated from data by 41 laboratories which used various analytical meth-ods.The Institute of Geophysical and Geochemicsl Prospecting did a statistical analysis of the differences, in%, between its NAA data oained with a Ge(Li)detector and the recommended values.of the 214 differences,95,or 44.4%agree with the RV within 5%;173,or 80.8%agree within 15%;and 195, or 91.1%agree within 25%of the recommended values.This overall agreement of data by Ge(Li)detectors with the recommended values confirms the importance of lication of NAA to geochemistry.

The Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting has oained results for 9 elements(Ce, Gd,Hf,Nd,Sm,Ta,Tm,W and Yb)using HPGe with better resolution in the range of low energy than in the case of Ge(Li).For instance, the HPGe detector can better distinguish the following peaks:.4 keV of Gd-153,100.3 keV ofTa-182 and 103.2 keV of Sm-153.It is unnecessary to wait a long ti me for Sm-153 to decay, or to correct the interference from Ta-182 for the measurement of the Gd-153.4 keV peak.

The ENAA is helpful in the suppression of the Na-24 interference in the determination of Ga and W, and sometimes of Br as well.The interference of Na-24 in the INAA of some geological samples is a severe problem and corrections for such interference should always be made.

The Au preirradiation separation technique has the advantage of being able to oid interferences(Eu-152411 keV and Ho-166m 410.8keV for Au11.8 keV),and to reduce the detection limit of Au to 0.05 ppb.The use of large sample portions(10-20g)in the separation technique for gold,rather thanthe small sample portions <100mg)normally used in INAA procedures,helps to oid the large variances in gold data that may occur because of the possible presence of a few small particles of free gold in the stream sediments.

The REE preirradiation separation technique not only oids similar effects, but it helps in the more precise determination of other rare earths such as Ho, Tm and Gd.It is quite difficult to determine Ho using INAA.


We are indeed to Chang-Cuo Li, Mei-Zhuo Zhao, and Jian-Wen Shi of the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, Yuan-Ji Zhang of the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Academia Sinica for their participation in this work.We are also thankful to Cheng-Wei Yu of the Central Laboratory of the Bureau of Geology of Province Shanxi, who helped in the separation of the rare earth elements.Special thanks are extended to F.J.Flanagan of USGS for his careful correction and editing of this paper.

Table 1.Main parameters used in NAA(In column of GAMMA-RAYS the A,B and C are additional subscripts used by the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting in its data processing for identification of the same isotope with different primary gamma rays.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector)


Table 1(Cont'd.).Main parameters used in NAA(In column of GAMMA-RAYS the A,B and C are additional subscripts used by the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical prospecting in its data processing for identification of the same isotope with different primary gamma rays.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector)


Table 2.Neutron activation determinations of elements in GSD stream sediment reference samples by three laboratories(In parts per million,except Au in parts per billion,and Fe,K,and Na in percent.SD,standard deviation.S,preirradiation separation.G, Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector.RV,recommended value(1)


Table 2(Cont'd.).Neutron activation determinaions of elements in GSD stream sediment reference samples by three laborato-ries(In parts per million,except Au in parts per billion,and Fe,K and Na in percent.SD,standard deviation.S,preirradiation separation.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector.RV,recommended value(1)


Table 2(Cont'd.).Neutron activation determinations of elements in GSD stream sediment reference samples by three laboratories(In parts per million,except Au in parts per billion,and Fe,K and Na in percent.SD,standard deviation.S,preirradiation separation.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector.RV,recommended value(1)


Table 2.(Cont'd.).Neutron activation determinations of elements in GSD stream sediment reference samples by three laboratories(In parts per million,except Au in parts per billion,and Fe,K,and Na in percent.SD,standard deviation.S,preirradiation separation.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector.RV,recommended value(1)


Table 2(Cont'd.).Neutron activation determinations of elements in GSD stream sediment reference samp1es by three laboratories(In parts per million,except Au in parts per billion,and Fe,K,and Na in percent.SD,standard deviation.S,preirradiation separation.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPCe detector.RV,recommended value(1)


Table 2(Cont'd.).Neutron activation determinations of elements in GSD stream sediment reference samples by three laboratories(In parts per million,except Au in parts per billion,and Fe,K,and Na in percent.SD,standard deviation.S,preirradiation separation.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector.RV,recommended value(1)



Huit échantillons géochimioues de référence prépares par le“Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China”ont éte analyses pour 36 éléments par trois méthodes différentes de 1'activation neutronique, instrumentale,épithermale et radiochimique,Trois laboratoires(“Institute of Atomic Energy of the Academic Chinica, the Institute of High Energies and the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources”)оnt pacticiрé à cette étude d'une fason systématique, selon les méthodes en vigoeur dans chaque laboratoire.Dans l'ensemble, les résultats par l' activation neutronique se comparent parallèlement ec ceux recommandés.


(1)Xie,X.J.e tal.(1985)

Geochemical Reference samples,drainage sediment GSD 1-8,from China:Geostandards Newsletter,9:83-159.

(2)D.De Soete,R Gijbels and J.Hoste(12)Neutron Actlvation Analysis.


Applied Gamma-Ray Spectrometry,second edition.

(4)R.L Heath

Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalogue Ge(Li)and Si(Li)Spectrometry,Vo1.1 and 2.

(5)Tables of Common Data of Nuclei,Beijing,Atomic Energy Press(15).

原载《Geostandards Newsletter》,1986,Vol.X,No.1.

高中,初中,小学的英文:High school, junior high school, primary school

primary 读法 英?['pra?m(?)r?]?美?['pra?m?ri]?

1、adj. 主要的;初级的;基本的

2、n. 原色;最主要者


1、primary concern?主要关心的事

2、primary data?原始数据;原始资料

3、primary treatment?一次处理;初级处理

4、primary production?初级生产

5、primary key?主关键字,主键标



primary, elemental, elementary这组词都有“基本的”的意思,其区别是:





elemental? 读法 英?[,el?'ment(?)l]?美?[,?l?'m?ntl]?

1、adj. 基本的;主要的;自然力的;四大要素的(土、水、气、火)

2、n. (古希腊)四元素的精灵; 基本原理


1、elemental analysis?元素分析

2、elemental sulfur?元素硫

3、elemental composition?构成的化学元素


