




6.格莱美的获奖曲目和歌手名 2009

7.翻译 short story writer alice munro此阅读

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(一) 在这些网站可以找到相关英语情诗的朗读:

● ://.eaglesweb/poets.htm

这个网站收录了Walter Rufus Eagles 念的下列英诗名作——

斯宾塞 “My love is like to ice, and I to fire”;

杜雷顿 “ Since there’s no help, come let us kiss and part”;

莎士比亚 十四行诗第18首:“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”;

十四行诗第129首:“The expense of spirit in a waste ”;

姜森 “To Celia: Drink to me only with thine eyes”;

荷立克 “Delight in Disorder”(= “The Poetry of Dress”);

马维尔 “To His Coy Mistress”;

布莱克 “The Sick Rose”;

杭特 “Jenny Kiss’d Me”;

雪莱 “Music, when soft voices die”, “Love’s Philosophy”;

济慈 “Bright Star”(= “The Last Sonnet”);

夫人 “If thou must love me”, “How do I love thee? ”;

丁尼生 “Now sleeps the crimson petal”;

阿诺德 “Dover Beach”;

狄瑾荪 “The Soul selects her own Society”,

“My life closed twice before its close”(= “Parting”);

克莉丝汀娜.罗塞蒂 “The First Day”, “Song: When I am dead, my dearest”, “Remember”;

浩斯曼 “When I was one-and-twenty”;

叶慈 “When You Are Old”;

New! 叶慈 “Down by the Salley Gardens”;

汤玛斯 “In My Craft or Sullen Art”。

● ://.wiredforbooks.org/poetry/richard_stevens.htm

这个网站收录了Richard Stevens 念的下列情诗名作——

莎士比亚 十四行诗第18首;

布莱克 “The Sick Rose”;

彭斯 “A Red, Red Rose”;

杭特 “Jenny Kiss’d Me”。

● ://writersalmanac.publicradio.org/docs/01_03_05.htm

莎士比亚 十四行诗第71首:“No longer mourn for me when I am dead”(Garrison Keillor 念,3'26" 处开始)。

● ://.luminarium.org/sevenlit/donne/donnebib.htm

无名氏 “Aubade”(= “Break of Day”);

唐恩 “Break of Day”, “Love’s Alchemy”。

● ://.wwnorton/nael/noa/mp3/audio_16c_04.mp3

斯宾塞 “One day I wrote her name upon the strand”(James Kn 念)。

● ://.unc.edu/courses/pre2000fall/engl25/readings/catalog.html

菲莉普丝 “To My Excellent Lucasia, on Our Friendship”。

● ://.aoxy91.dsl.pipex/spokenpoems1.htm

布莱克 “The Sick Rose”;


惠特曼 “The Beautiful Swimmer”;

丁尼生 “Now sleeps the crimson petal”。

● ://.mathcs.duq.edu/~tobin/PR_Critic/Audio.html

罗塞蒂 “Sudden Light”;

克莉丝汀娜.罗塞蒂 “Remember”。

● ://.elycia.net/spooktacular/#5a

爱伦坡 “Annabel Lee”(Alexander Scourby 念)。

● ://.nlu.edu/~eller/amlit/focus/gothic/poegoth.htm

爱伦坡 “Annabel Lee”(神秘志怪版)。

● ://1.didson.edu/academic/english/EmilyDickinson/audible.html

狄瑾荪 “Love-thou art high”。

● ://.spokenpoetry.co.uk/Bpokenpo/Bpokenpo/cloths.htm

叶慈 “He Wishes for the Cloths of Heen”(Bill Charlton 念)。

● ://writersalmanac.publicradio.org/docs/01_11_19.htm

米蕾 “What lips my lips he kissed”(Garrison Keillor 念,3'12" 处开始)。

● ://writersalmanac.publicradio.org/docs/02_10_21.htm

汤玛斯 “In My Craft or Sullen Art”(Garrison Keillor 念,3'05" 处开始)。

● ://.factoryschool.org/content/sounds/poetry/stevens/soliloquy.ram

史蒂文斯 “Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour”(史蒂文斯 念)。

(二) 在这些 CD 里可以找到相关英语情诗的朗读:

● Shakespeare Sonnets 1-77(Helios CDH88021)

Shakespeare Sonnets 78-154(Helios CDH88022)

这两张 CD 收录了Jack Edwards 念的莎士比亚全部十四行诗。

● Seven Ages: An Anthology of Poetry with Music

(Naxos Audiobooks.NA218912)

这两张 CD 收录了下列情诗名作的朗读——

莎士比亚 十四行诗第18首;

荷立克 “Upon the Nipples of Julia’s Breast”;

彭斯 “A Red, Red Rose”;

阿诺德 “Dover Beach”;

克莉丝汀娜.罗塞蒂 “The First Day”;

浩斯曼 “When I was one-and-twenty”;

劳伦斯 “Green”。

● 81 Famous Poems: An Audio Companion to The Norton Anthology of Poetry

(Audio Partners.0945353820)

这两张 CD 收录了下列情诗名作的朗读——

莎士比亚 十四行诗第18首,第129首;

姜森 “To Celia”;

荷立克 “Delight in Disorder”;

彭斯 “A Red, Red Rose”;

济慈 “Bright Star”;

夫人 “If thou must love me”;

爱伦坡 “Annabel Lee”;

丁尼生 “Now sleeps the crimson petal”;

阿诺德 “Dover Beach”;

狄瑾荪 “The Soul selects her own Society”。

● W. B. Yeats Read by T. P. McKenna

(Hodder Headline Audiobooks.HH184)

这张 CD 里有 T. P. McKenna 念的叶慈的 “When You Are Old”

以及 “He Wishes for the Cloths of Heen”。

(三) 在这些网站可以找到被谱成歌的相关英语情诗的演唱:

● ://韩国网站)

无名氏 “April is in my mistress’ face”(Morley 曲,四声部合唱)。

● ://.wimbledonchamber.ndo.co.uk/sound.htm

无名氏 “April is in my mistress’ face”(Morley 曲,温布顿室内合唱团)。

● ://music.download/coraldesodomingos/3615-8874_32-100289346.html?tag=MDL_more_songs

无名氏 “April is in my mistress’ face”(Morley 曲,葡萄牙 Coral de S. Domingos)。

● ://.pythagorean.org/k-c/music.htm

New! 莎士比亚 “O mistress mine”(Morley 曲,常用版本)。

● ://.wwnorton/nael/noa/audio_shakespeare.htm

莎士比亚 “O mistress mine”(Morley 曲,第二种版本)。

● ://.banchieri.hu/english/music.htm

莎士比亚 “O mistress mine”(Orbán Gy?rgy 曲,Banchieri Singers)。

● ://.peoplespub/dana/danasongs.htm

莎士比亚 “O mistress mine”(Orbán Gy?rgy 曲,UWMC Choir)。

● ://.musicanet.org/en/CdC/augu01en.htm

莎士比亚 十四行诗第18首:“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”(Nils Lindberg 曲,欧洲青年合唱团)。

● ://.bessbonnier/listen/

这个网页可以听到女乐手 Bonnier 爵士乐风的莎士比亚——

莎士比亚 十四行诗第18首: “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” (Bess Bonnier 曲.演唱);

莎士比亚 “O mistress mine”(Bess Bonnier 曲.演唱);

莎士比亚 “It was a lover and his lass”(Bess Bonnier 曲.演唱)。

● ://.cla.calpoly.edu/~smarx/courses/204/renaissance song

New! 莎士比亚 “It was a lover and his lass”(Morley 曲,女声独唱)。

● ://.h.at/lorinwey/dt/klang.htm

New! 莎士比亚 “It was a lover and his lass”(Morley 曲,童声女高音 Lorin Wey )。

● ://.sac.or.kr/gallery/music/sac_sound.jsp(韩国网站)

莎士比亚 “It was a lover and his lass”(Morley 曲,韩国合唱团)。

● ://.markuhlemann/sound.html

New! 莎士比亚 “It was a lover and his lass”(Finzi 曲,Mark Uhlemann 演唱)。

● ://.musicair.co.uk/forsale.htm

莎士比亚 “It was a lover and his lass”(Madeleine Dring 曲,Georgina Colwell);

雪莱 “Love’s Philosophy”(Quilter 曲,Georgina Colwell)。

● ://.pacificsoundcraft/recordings/2003-03-22-sally-porter-munro

莎士比亚 “It was a lover and his lass”(Madeleine Dring 曲,Sally Porter Munro);

雪莱 “Love’s Philosophy”(Quilter 曲,Sally Porter Munro);

叶慈 “The Cloths of Heen” (先另存目标,再播放)(Dunhill 曲,Sally Porter Munro)。

● ://.klassikakzente.de/product.jsp?eanPrefix=00289&articleNo=4775336&mode=productDetails&name=Silent+Noon

莎士比亚 “O mistress mine”(Quilter 曲,Terfel 唱);

浩斯曼 “When I was one-and-twenty”(Somervell 曲,Terfel 唱);

叶慈 “The Cloths of Heen”(Elwyn-Edwards 曲,Terfel 唱);

叶慈 “The Cloths of Heen”(Dunhill 曲,Terfel 唱)。

● ://.lindamaguire/audio/audioclips.html

姜森 “To Celia: Drink to me only with thine eyes”(Linda Maguire)。

● ://.cs.knct.ac.jp/~kazunobu/kve/KVE.html

姜森 “To Celia: Drink to me only with thine eyes”(熊本合唱团)。

● ://sop1.kaist.ac.kr/~gari/music.html (韩国网站 My Forite Music)

New! 彭斯 “A Red, Red Rose”(女高音,管弦乐伴奏版)。

● ://.la-nef/html/6extras/mp3/red-red-rose/My Love Is Like A Red, Red.mp3

彭斯 “A Red, Red Rose”(女高音 Meredith Hall)。

● ://.sac.or.kr/gallery/music/sac_sound.jsp(韩国网站)

彭斯 “O whistle, and I’ll come to ye”(Mack Wilberg 编曲,韩国大邱市合唱团)。

● ://.perfectpop.no/audio.htm

杭特 “Jenny Kiss’d Me”(挪威歌手 Haakon 曲.演唱)。

● ://.classicalsinger/sites/index.php?pt=5&user_id=87602

雪莱 “Music, when soft voices die”(Quilter 曲,Darla Glover)。

● ://stage.vitaminic.co.uk/main/polifonica_10_ensemble_il_meliloto

雪莱 “Music, when soft voices die”(Hubert Parry 曲,米兰 Il Meliloto 合唱团)。

● ://.koober.org(唯一神教会合唱团 2004/2/15 录音)

雪莱 “Music, when soft voices die”(John Monchnick 曲,Unitarian Universalist Church)。

雪莱 “Love’s Philosophy”(John Mochnick 曲,Unitarian Universalist Church)

● ://music.lib.ru/f/fedya_tol_co/alb1.shtml(第15 首)

雪莱 “Music, when soft voices die”(俄国女歌手英、俄语演唱版)。

( 雪莱此曲先复制下面网址 ,贴於网址列中再按 Enter,即可聆听 )


● ://.alive365/media.html

New! 爱伦坡 “Annabel Lee”(摇滚歌曲版)。

● ://.grangergroupinc/music.html

爱伦坡 “Annabel Lee”(Glenn Gordon 曲,Donya Lane)。

● ://.litaker.de/deutsch/multimedia_daudio.html

丁尼生 “Now sleeps the crimson petal”(Benjamin Britten 曲,Donald Litaker)。

● ://.melulrich/audio.htm

阿诺德 “Dover Beach”(Samuel Baber 曲,Mel Ulrich)。

● ://.pacificsoundcraft/recordings/2004-03-07-rimsky-korsakov

阿诺德 “Dover Beach”(Samuel Baber 曲,Frank Daniels)。

● ://.classiccat.net/copland_a/1poed.htm

狄瑾荪 “ Heart! We will forget him!”(Copland 曲,Sharon Pucci)。

● ://.englishtenor.co.uk/mp3.htm

叶慈 “The Cloths of Heen”(Dunhill 曲,Gordon Pullin)。

● ://.sabinegarrone/music

New! 叶慈 “When You Are Old”(Bridge 曲,Sabine Garrone 唱)。

● ://.arthurlovesplastic/lisa/mp3/innocent/whenyouareold.mp3

叶慈 “When You Are Old”(Lisa Moscatiello 曲.唱)。

● ://.ugcofnyc.org/sounds.asp?action=folder&id=5&name=CD%20-%20Yeats%20Practice

叶慈 “A Drinking Song”(Francisco J. Nú?ez 曲,纽约市 University Glee Club)。

● ://sop1.kaist.ac.kr/~gari/music.html (韩国网站 My Forite Music)

New! 叶慈 “Down by the Salley Gardens”(Britten 曲)。

● ://.texclectic/framemp3.htm

道森 “Cynarae”(蓝调风格,Jeffrey Barnes)。

(四) 在这些 CD 里可以找到被谱成歌的相关英语情诗的演唱:

● The Norton Anthology of English Literature.Audio Companion

(W. W. Norton & Company)

莎士比亚 “O mistress mine”(Morley 曲,Alfred Deller);

莎士比亚 “It was a lover and his lass”(Morley 曲,Did Gordon);

唐恩 “Break of Day”(Vaughn Williams 曲,Susan Bender);

夫人 “How do I love thee? ”(Elizabeth Everest Freer 曲,Susan Bender);

克莉丝汀娜.罗塞蒂 “Song: When I am dead, my dearest”(Vaughn Williams 曲,Susan Bender)。

● Arleen Auger: Love Songs

(Delos Records.3029)

这张 CD 收录了Arleen Auger演唱的下列情诗名作——

雪莱 “Music, when soft voices die”(Quilter 曲);

雪莱 “Love’s Philosophy”(Quilter 曲);

夫人 “How do I love thee? ”(Edouard Lippe 曲);

狄瑾荪 “ Heart! We will forget him!”(Copland 曲)。

● Bryn Terfel: Silent Noon

(Deutsche Grammophon.4775336)

这张 CD 收录了Bryn Terfel 演唱的下列情诗名作——

莎士比亚 “O mistress mine”(Quilter 曲);

丁尼生 “Now sleeps the crimson petal”(Quilter 曲);

浩斯曼 “When I was one-and-twenty”(Somervell 曲);

叶慈 “The Cloths of Heen”(Dunhill 曲);

叶慈 “The Cloths of Heen”(Elwyn-Edwards 曲)。

● Bryn Terfel: The Vagabond

(Deutsche Grammophon.4459462)

这张 CD 收录了Bryn Terfel 演唱的下列情诗名作——

莎士比亚 “O mistress mine”(Finzi 曲);

莎士比亚 “It was a lover and his lass”(Finzi 曲);

浩斯曼 “When I was one-and-twenty”(Butterworth 曲)。

● The English Lute Song

(Dorian Recordings.90109)

莎士比亚 “April is in my mistress’ face”(Morley 曲,Julianne Bard)。

● O Mistress Mine: A Collection of English Lute Songs

(Dorian Recordings.90136)

莎士比亚 “O mistress mine”(Morley 曲,Frederick Urrey)。

● Greensleeves: A Collection of English Lute Songs

(Dorian Recordings.90126)

莎士比亚 “It was a lover and his lass”(Morley 曲,Julianne Bard)。

● The Very Best of English Song with Orchestra

(EMI Classics.5858962)

布莱克 “The Sick Rose”(Britten 曲,Robert Tear);

浩斯曼 “When I was one-and-twenty”(Vaughn Williams 曲,Ian Bostridge)。

● Ian Bostridge: The English Songbook

(EMI Classics.5568302)

丁尼生 “Now sleeps the crimson petal”(Quilter 曲,Ian Bostridge);

叶慈 “The Cloths of Heen”(Dunhill 曲,Ian Bostridge)。

● Dreams and Fancies : Fourite Songs in English

(CRD Records.3473)

丁尼生 “Now sleeps the crimson petal”(Quilter 曲,Sarah Walker);

叶慈 “The Cloths of Heen”(Dunhill 曲,Sarah Walker)。

● Rita Stretch: Folksongs & Lullabies

(Deutsche Grammophon.4577632)

姜森 “To Celia: Drink to me only with thine eyes”(Rita Stretch)。

● My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose: Love Songs by Robbie Burns

(ATMA Classique.ACD2 2336)

彭斯 “A Red, Red Rose”(Meredith Hall)。

● Rebecca Clarke: The Cloths of Heen


叶慈 “The Cloths of Heen”(Rebecca Clarke 曲,Patricia Wright)。

● Songs by Roger Qüilter


这张 CD 收录了John Mark Ainsley 演唱的 Quilter 歌曲——

莎士比亚 “O mistress mine”;

姜森 “To Celia: Drink to me only with thine eyes”;

雪莱 “Music, when soft voices die”;

雪莱 “Love’s Philosophy”;

丁尼生 “Now sleeps the crimson petal”。

● Qüilter Songs


这张 CD 收录了Benjamin Luxon 演唱的 Quilter 歌曲——

莎士比亚 “O mistress mine”;

雪莱 “Music, when soft voices die”;

雪莱 “Love’s Philosophy”;

丁尼生 “Now sleeps the crimson petal”。

● The Songs of Frank Bridge


雪莱 “Music, when soft voices die”(Bridge 曲,Louise Winter);

阿诺德 “Longing: Come to me in my dreams”(Bridge 曲,Jamie MacDougall);

叶慈 “When You Are Old”(Bridge 曲,Gerald Finley)。

● A Century of English Song, Volume 2

(SOMM Recordings.214)

阿诺德 “Longing: Come to me in my dreams”(Somervell 曲,Sarah Leonard、Malcolm Martineau);

浩斯曼 “When I was one-and-twenty”(Somervell 曲,Malcolm Martineau)。

● When I was one-and-twenty: Butterworth & Gurney Songs


浩斯曼 “When I was one-and-twenty”(Butterworth 曲,Luxon)。


1. “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” Flannery O’Connor

Few short stories he stuck with us as much as this one, which is probably O'Connor's most famous work — and with good reason. The Misfit is one of the most alarming serial killers we've ever met, all the more so for his politeness, and the story’s moral is so striking and terrifying that — whether you subscribe to the religious undertones or not — a reader is likely to finish and begin to reexamine their entire existence. Or at least we did, the first time we read it.


2. “The School,” Donald Barthelme

This story is very short, but pretty much perfect in every way. Though Barthelme is known for his playful, post modern style, we admire him for his ability to shape a world so clearly from so few words, chosen expertly. Barthelme never over explains, never uses one syllable too many, but effortlessly leads the reader right where he wants her to be. It's funny, it's absurdist, it's sad, it's enormous even in its smallness. It may be this writer’s forite story of all time. You should read it.


3. “In The Penal Colony,” Franz Kafka

Kafka called this one his“dirty story,”and thought it imperfect, but it's one of our forites of his (though we also recommend “The Hunger Artist”and“A Country Doctor”). It's so obviously a story about writing, in some ultimate way — a machine punishes its victims by writing on them over and over until their bodies give out — but its as if, while the body is the source of every problem in the tale, every weakness, it is also the only place where true knowledge can be translated.


4. “Signs and Symbols,”Vladimir Nabokov

Another short one, we revere this story for its ability to turn every tiny detail into a portentous disaster, not to mention the fact that it's penned in Nabokov's effortlessly gorgeous, silvery prose. An old Jewish couple goes to visit their son in the mental hospital, only to be turned away because he has attempted to kill himself. And that's it, really. They go home and look though a photo album, eat some jam. The phonerings. But the whole thing is, perhaps, both a comment on the nature of insanity and the nature of the short story itself, with all its rules and strangeness and banality. And all its symbols, of course.


5. “Gooseberries,” Anton Chekhov

Chekhov's stories are indisputably among the greats, and this one, written rather late, is one of our forites. Chekhov probes at both the frailty and the worth of humanity, not to mention the natureof life, both for the fortunate and the unfortunate. But like most of Chekhov's stories, there's no clear moral, there's no obvious takeaway. Some men sit around and discuss their thoughts, and we listen, mulling over the suleties for ourselves.


6. “Sea Oak,” George Saunders

“Sea Oak” is Saunders's forite of his own stories, we've heard, so because we find it so hard to choose among them, we've included it here on his own recommendation. Absurdist and satirical, and including at least one zombie shouting at her housemates to get laid, it's a weird one. But it's also concerned with placelessness, with family, with poverty, and like all of Saunders's stories, has a good, thumping heart under all that darkness and fun-poking.


7. “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas,” Ursula K. LeGuin

LeGuin's parabolic tale, which won the Hugo Award for best short story in 14, is a weird, spacious story about a city that seems to be a utopia — except for its one flaw, the single child that must always be kept in darkness and wretched misery so that the others may all live hily. Most of the citizens eventually accept this, but some do not, and silently lee the city, vanishing into the world around. Strange but pointed, Le Guin is a master of her genre.


8. “The Veldt,” Ray Bradbury

This tale, from one of the greatest science fiction writers in history, is deliciously wicked. Though it was written in 1950, this kind of story — of children driven mad by want, of technology turning on its masters — will never get old. Until technology actually turns on us, that is. Then we probably won't want to hear about it.


9. “The Bear Came Over the Mountain,” Alice Munro

The undisputed queen of the short story, Alice Munro’s work is stark and often heartbreakingly raw, and this story of memory loss and the aching tenderness of human interaction is no different. Fun fact: this story was adapted into the film “Away from Her”, starring Julie Christie and Gordon Pinsent.


10. “The Nose,” Nikolai Gogol

Gogol might be the oldest writer on this list, but he’s also one of the weirdest — in a good way. Nabokov once wrote, “In Gogol…the absurd central character belongs to the absurd world around him but, pathetically and tragically, attempts to struggle out of it into the world of humans — and dies in despair.” What else can an absurd noseless man do, after all?



年度最佳唱片:《Please Read The Letter》Robert Plant &Alison Krauss

年度最佳专辑: 《Raising Sand》

Robert Plant & Alison Krauss

年度最佳歌曲:Coldplay《Viva La Vida》Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland, Will Champion &Chris Martin, songwriters


最佳流行男歌手:John Mayer


最佳流行乐队/组合:coldplay《Viva la vida》

最佳流行合唱:Robert Plant &Alicon《Rich Woman》

最佳流行器乐演奏:Eagles 《I Dreamed There Was No War》

最佳流行乐器演奏专辑: Bela Flack《Gingle all the way》


最佳传统流行演唱专辑:Natalie Cole《Still Unforgettable》

最佳舞曲唱片:Daft Punk 《Harder Better Faster Stronger》

最佳电子/舞曲专辑:Daft Punk《Alive 2007》

最佳摇滚歌手: Johne Mayer《Grity》

最佳摇滚乐队/组合:Kings of Lion 《Sex on fire》

最佳硬摇滚演奏:The Mars Volta《Wax Simulacra》

最佳金属演奏: Metallica《My Apocalyse》

最佳摇滚乐器演奏:Za Plays Za &Steve Vai &Napoleon Murphy Brock《Peaches En Regalia》

最佳摇滚歌曲:Bruce Springs《Summer Cloth》

最佳摇滚专辑: 《Viva La Vida》Coldplay

最佳另类音乐专辑:Radiohead《in rainbows》

最佳女R&B歌手:Alicia Keys《Superwoman》

最佳R&B男歌手:Ne-Yo《Miss Independent》

最佳R&B乐队/组合:Al Green &John Legend《Stay with me》

最佳传统R&B歌手:Al Green Featuring Anthony Hamilton《You‘ve Got The Love I Need》

最佳城市音乐/另类歌手:Chrisette Michele &will.i.am《Be ok》

最佳R&B歌曲:Mikkel S. Eriksen, T.E. Hermansen &S. Smith《Miss Independent》

最佳R&B专辑:《Jennifer Hudson》Jennifer Hudson

最佳当代R&B专辑:Mary J.Blige《Growing Pains》

最佳说唱歌手:Lill Wayne《a milli》

最佳说唱乐队/组合:Jay-Z &T.I《Swagga Like Us》

最佳说唱歌曲合作:Estelle &kanye west《美国男孩》

最佳说唱歌曲:Lil Wayne &Static Major《Lollipop》


最佳乡村女歌手: Carrie Underwood《Last Name》

最佳乡村男歌手: Brad Paisley《Letter To Me》

作者:格莱美吧发言人 2009-2-9 12:32 回复此发言


3 回复:Grammy2009年第51届格莱美奖各项完全名单


最佳乡村合唱: Robert Plant &Alison Krauss《Killing The Blues》

最佳乡村乐器演奏:《Cluster Pluck》Brad Paisley, James Burton, Vince Gill, John Jorgenson, Albert Lee, Brent Mason, Redd Volkaert &Steve Wariner

最佳乡村歌曲: Jennifer Nadles《Stay》

最佳乡村专辑: George Strait《Trabador》

最佳兰草专辑:《Honoring The Fathers Of Bluegrass: Tribute To 1946 And 1947》Ricky Skaggs &Kentucky Thunder

最佳新世纪专辑:《Peace Time》Jack DeJohnette

最佳当代爵士乐专辑:《Randy In Brasil》Randy Brecker

最佳爵士演唱专辑: 《Loverly》Cassandra Wilson

最佳爵士乐器独奏:《Be-Bop》Terence Blanchard, soloist

最佳爵士演奏专辑: 《The New Crystal Silence》Chick Corea &Gary Burton

最佳大爵士乐团专辑:《Monday Night Live At The Village Vanguard》The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra

最佳拉丁爵士专辑:《Song For Chico》Arturo O‘Farrill &The Afro-Latin Jazz Orchestra

最佳灵乐表演:Mary Mary《Get Up》

最佳灵乐歌曲:《Help Me Believe》Kirk Franklin, songwriter (Kirk Franklin)

最佳摇滚/说唱灵乐专辑:《Alive And Transported》TobyMac

最佳流行/当代灵乐专辑:《Thy Kingdom Come》CeCe Winans

最佳南方、乡村或蓝草灵乐专辑:《Lovin‘ Life》Gaither Vocal Band

最佳传统灵乐专辑:《Down In New Orleans》The Blind Boys Of Alabama

最佳当代节奏蓝调灵乐专辑:《The Fight Of My Life》Kirk Franklin

最佳流行拉丁专辑:《La Vida...Es Un Ratico》Juanes

最佳拉丁摇滚/另类或城市音乐专辑: 《45》Jaguares

最佳拉丁城市专辑:《Los Extraterrestres》Wisin y Yandel

最佳热带拉丁专辑:《Seor Bachata》José Feliciano

最佳墨西哥/墨西哥-美洲专辑:《Amor, Dolor Y Lágrimas: Música Ranchera》《Canciones De Amor》Mariachi Divas

最佳特加诺专辑: 《Viva La Revolucion》Ruben Ramos &The Mexican Revolution

最佳诺特诺专辑: 《Raíces》Los Tigres Del Norte

最佳Banda专辑: 《No Es De Madera》Joan Sebástian

最佳传统蓝调专辑:《One Kind For》B.B.King

最佳当代蓝调专辑: 《City That Care Forgot》Dr. John And The Lower 911

作者:格莱美吧发言人 2009-2-9 12:32 回复此发言


4 回复:Grammy2009年第51届格莱美奖各项完全名单

最佳传统民谣专辑: 《BringMeHome》Peggy Seeger

最佳当代民谣/美国本土专辑:《Raising Sand》Robert Plant &Alison Krauss

最佳印第安音乐专辑:《Come To Me Great Mystery —Native American Healing Songs》Tom Wasinger, producer

最佳夏威夷音乐专辑:《‘Ikena》Tia Carrere &Daniel Ho

最佳柴迪科舞曲/Cajun音乐专辑:《Live at the 2008 New Orleans Jazz &Heritage Festival》BeauSoleil &Michael Doucet

最佳雷鬼专辑:《Jah Is Real》Burning Spear

最佳传统世界音乐专辑:《Ilembe: Honoring Shaka Zulu》Ladysmith Black Mambazo

最佳当代世界音乐专辑:《Global Drum Project》 Mickey Hart, Zakir Hussain, Sikiru Adepoju &Giovanni Hidalgo

最佳波尔卡专辑:《Let The Whole World Sing》Jimmy Sturr And His Orchestra

最佳儿童音乐剧专辑:《Here Come The 123s》They Might Be Giants

最佳儿童朗读专辑:《Yes To Running! Bill Harley Live》 Bill Harley

最佳诵读专辑:《An Inconvenient Truth (Al Gore)》Beau Bridges, Cynthia Nixon &Blair Underwood

最佳喜剧专辑: 《It‘s Bad For Ya》George Carlin

最佳音乐剧专辑:《In The Heights》


最佳原创音乐专辑:《The Dark Knight》James Newton Howard &Hans Zimmer, composers


最佳器乐作曲:《The Adventures Of Mutt (From Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull)》John Williams, composer (John Williams)

最佳器乐编曲:《Define Dancing (From Wall-E)》Peter Gabriel &Thomas Newman

最佳器乐编曲伴唱:《Here‘s That Rainy Day》Nan Schwartz, arranger (Natalie Cole)

最佳唱片包装:《Death Magnetic》(Metallica) Bruce Duckworth, Sarah Moffat &Did Turner, art directors

最佳盒装/限量发行版包装: 《In Rainbows》(Radiohead) Stanley Donwood, Mel Maxwell &Christiaan Munro, art directors

最佳专辑注解:《An inconvienient Truth》

最佳历史专辑:《Art Of Field Recording Volume I: Fifty Years Of Traditional》

最佳非古典类工程专辑:《Consolers Of The Lonely》(The Raconteurs)Joe Chiccarelli, Vance Powell &Jack White III, engineers

作者:格莱美吧发言人 2009-2-9 12:32 回复此发言


5 回复:Grammy2009年第51届格莱美奖各项完全名单

年度最佳非古典类制作人:Rick Rubin

Death Magnetic (Metallica)

Home Before Dark (Neil Diamond)

Mercy (Dancing For The Death Of An Imaginary Enemy)

Seeing Things (Jakob Dylan)

Weezer (Red Album) (Weezer)

最佳非古典类混音唱片:《Electric Feel (Justice Remix)》Justice, remixers (MGMT)

最佳环绕音响专辑:《Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition; Night On Bald Mountain; Prelude To Khovanshchina》

最佳古典类工程专辑:《Traditions And Transformations: Sounds Of Silk Road Chicago》

年度最佳古典类制作人:Did Frost

Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique (Gusto Dudamel &Los Angeles Philharmonic)

Right Through The Bone —Julius Rntgen Chamber Music (ARC Ensemble)

Schubert: Sonata In D Maj.; Liszt: Don Juan Fantasy (Min Kwon)

Traditions And Transformations: Sounds Of Silk Road Chicago (Miguel Harth-Bedoya, Alan Gilbert, Yo-Yo Ma, Silk Road Ensemble, Wu Man &Chicago Symphony Orchestra)

最佳古典专辑:《Weill: Rise And Fall Of The City Of Mahagonny》James Conlon

最佳管弦乐队:《Shostakovich: Symphony No. 4》Bernard Haitink

最佳歌剧唱片:《Weill: Rise And Fall Of The City Of Mahagonny》James Conlon

最佳合唱团:《Symphony Of Psalms》Sir Simon Rattle

最佳器乐独奏(与管弦乐队合作):《Schoenberg/Sibelius: Violin Concertos》Esa-Pekka Salonen

最佳器乐独奏(无管弦乐队) :《Piano Music Of Salonen, Stucky, And Lutoslawski》Gloria Cheng(陈克兰)

最佳室内音乐演奏: 《Carter, Elliott: String Quartets Nos. 1 And 5》Pacifica Quartet

最佳小乐队演奏奖:《Spotless Rose: Hymns To The Virgin Mary》Charles Bruffy, conductor; Phoenix Chorale

最佳古典演唱:《Corigliano: Mr. Tambourine Man: Seven Poems Of Bob Dylan》 Hila Plitmann

最佳当代古典音乐作曲奖:《Mr. Tambourine Man: Seven Poems Of Bob Dylan》John Corigliano (JoAnn Falletta)

最佳古典跨界专辑:《Simple Gifts》The King‘s Singers

最佳短篇音乐录影带:《Pork And Beans》Weezer

最佳长篇音乐录影带:《Runnin‘ Down A Dream》Tom Petty &The Heartbreakers


五篇不少了,写十篇就累死了呵呵,先用着吧1. 化学秘密读后感 Chemical secret book review In this winner holidays, I read the "Chemical Secret" in “shuchong”,Although not quite like to watch the English novel, but I watched this addiction! For me this novel is a timid man "thriller". The novel is about Mr. Duncan's Paint career: from an impoverished unemployed people to find a wealthy and rich career, to return to live in a *** all apartment in a dirty unemployed people. Unconventional and downs throughout the story, it is a good thing can be instantly transformed into a negative factor, is "a blessing in disguise, bad thing.". Duncan is both sympathetic and people who hate people. He is a petent biologist, found that the toxicity of the paint factory, but the boss is under coercion self-deception to think no one will hurt, but to the munity to conceal the truth. Sadly, his pregnant daughter, to uncover the truth, unfortunately, in the survey fall into the river, was filling with venom of this river. At the end of his walk in the way to the hospital, mental uneasy thought: fetal malformation ... This makes the novel even more tragic and suspense.I do not like this inside the paint Did's boss, Did is a person who only seek their own interests, he ignored the safety of others, just know that money is really selfish shameful act! Be clearly seen in his pany and drink contaminated water to seal poisoning, but he said the paint quickly into the sea, we never drink, it was only 200 million dollars a purification equipment costs. We all know the importance of environmental protection, but in the interests of the face, which one would you choose?2.牙齿和爪子读后感 Teeth and claws book review In this winner holidays, I read the "Teeth and claws" in “shuchong”, Teeth and claws"Book" teeth and claws "This book is the story of a few short and pithy:" Lay Denis. Washi Ta "," storytelling "and" Gabriel Ernest. ""Tuobo Maury," "wolf," consisting of. The length of each story is not long, but it is Sylvia wonderful. Author hecla Hugh Munro was a correspondent, also a writer.Good with a clear and concise language to tell a wonderful story of one vivid. He wrote wonderful short stories known. He was born 1870, died in 1916. Each book is a kind of hero story aggressive animals. Bizarre fantasy story, but brilliant. May be surprising is that the authors and do not let these animals ear in the forest steppe, but these animals ear in the elegant room, the king's garden or a beautiful mansion. These animals will suddenly ear, people by surprise. These animals with their own animal, injury or swallowing. But they always tear up the human camouflage, exposing the depths of human nature to most. 3.在月亮下面读后感 The following book review in the Moon The sun is burning a huge fireball. Without light and heat from the sun, we can not survive on the pla Earth. The ozone layer around the pla to protect us from the fire of the sun damage. However, if the ozone layer break, be like? Read the story below in the moon, I he a more deep sentiment: to protect the earth, we must first protect the ozone layer is not destroyed, reducing CFC emissions. All life on Earth would be no life left the sunlight and the sun light is visible light, ultriolet, infrared, three parts. Sunlight into the atmosphere (including UV), 55% of light through the atmosphere to the earth and sea, of which 40% of visible light, which is the driving force for photosynthesis, green plants; 5% 100 ~ 400 nm welength ultriolet light, and ultriolet divided into long we, medium we, short we ultriolet light, UVA can sterilization. But the welength of 200 ~ 315 nm short-we ultriolet radiation on the human body and biological harmful. When it passes through the stratosphere, the most absorbed by the ozone layer. However, in the fast advancement of human technology, a large discharge of sewage and toxic gases, hey use of products containing CFCs, the ozone layer destruction. Imagine, if the "ozone layer" that destroyed the umbrella of the Earth, the Earth will hen? How should we do to protect the ozone layer? We can drive less, use less products containing CFCs, no radiation of liances to buy ...... To our pla, please protect the ozone layer. Hope that through our efforts, not to expand empty, and even to restore the original earance of the earth more beautiful, more human health and longevity!4.苏格兰玛丽女王读后感 Mary Queen of Scots book reviewHighlights of biographical literature, is that person's life can be condensed in the hundreds of book pages. Years in the past few decades, the proud, frustrated, wonderful, hardship, and all of life, the only change made a point of looking down to watch, it bees a few simple screen theater. A person's fate, on the stage of history, how *** all, and time is the best explanation of who, decades or centuries after the spectator, through the biographies of the fire, you can see all the ups and downs of fate minor context to say that this is a wonderful thing. About Scotland, in addition to bagpipes, plaid skirt, the really is not much known, that the island is located in the north of England, leing the impression is bleak and tragic, this impression and bagpipes, but also on the Ministry and that the "bre heart "of film-related. ? do not say that Mary Stuart and Elizabeth scores beeen, the book has been written very clearly. ? About Mary Stuart, book reading, there is a personal taste of the image. She seems to be a beautiful winged butterfly with Fenghua, in her youth before the age of 25 years, she was free, lush, elegant and lucky. She lightly flying around, hy, beautiful, popular everywhere, people adore. But her rash and impulsive, she such a temperament, if it is a normal woman, the only sacrifice of love or marriage, but she was crowned Queen of the head, being in the center of the vortex of politics, so not far from the tragedy in waiting her. ? After 25 years of age Mary Stuart is still lush, elegant, but she has lost the most precious freedom, hiness is no longer blessing to her, she is still beautiful but the trembling of the wings has been unable to fly day and night thinking she broke free, But the shackles of the body bee increasingly tight, until she brought no return. ? in Mary Stuart's fate, the protagonist Elizabeth can not be ignored, o women, a struggle of several decades of war, and then o pletely different fate. The work style of the novel is beeen statements and beeen historical facts, but has a longer length on women's psychological description, Zweig's language because they know and love, so read it is quite calm.5. 逆戟鲸 读后感 Killer whale book review I recently read a book, the name is "killer whale." Animals and people, with feelings and emotions, the feelings of people in almost all animals found; human animals can also be inspired. We should protect animals, not kill animals, or animals will also be retaliation, only people and animals live in harmony, the world was more beautiful and more exciting. Animals need to learn many things, and what help each other ah, ah, and so pay attention to instrumentation, and even in some respects we do not like animals do. Animals and people should live in harmony. "Orcas" to tell a man to kill the mother whale, when the male whale in a sea fell to his death at the tip of the man had done. The article tells us that the brutal cruelty to animals, nature will inevitably be punished. Animal protection is everyone's responsibility, we must not only protect animals, but also to protect their living environment is not destroyed, so that people and animals to mutual benefit. I read this book a great harvest, you read it, I believe you will understand the truth of many



·One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Talent: Brisbane Arts Theatre

Directed by Jan Paterson

Until 12 June

Date of Review: Thursday, 3 June 2004

I am not keen on the notion of critics comparing one production with another of the same play. I am really not keen on critics who compare film versions with stage versions and vice verse and so it is here that I run into my first and only major problem with this particular play. As such I will he to at least make mention of the film versus stage dilemma as it relates to this show.

Jack Nicholson defined the role of Randle P. McMurphy for all time in the movie of the same name and has since made it nearly impossible for actors who he tried to bring something new to the many subsequent stage versions. However, Michael Mudd may just be the exception to a rather generalist rule here. He has managed to capture just enough of Nicholson's menace to make the role identifiable to so-called film "purists", while at the same time bringing much of his own interpretation to the role as well. Mudd's McMurphy is just as menacing but perhaps a little more sule than Nicholson's - and rather cleaner looking too!

That, however, is as far as I really wish to go with the comparisons. As I said I don't think much is to be gained by continuing down that path.

In this particular production the Arts Theatre he really excelled themselves in regard to producing a good piece of well-directed, tight, well-designed theatre. I feel at least some of this is due to the casting of Michael Mudd in the central role but that should not detract from the pivotal (and in many cases quite exceptional) work done by actors in many of the other roles. Nor should it detract from the work done by director Jan Paterson, who steered the creative energies of the cast into a coherent production so very different from much of her previous work.

The cast is really rather too large to single any one member out for individual comment. However I feel an exception should be made in the case of Karen Peart in the role of Nurse Ratched. While being possibly about ten years too young for the role, I believe she brought considerable vision to the role. She captured beautifully the uneasy balance of a woman who ears like the ultimate bitch but who understands, probably better than McMurphy, that the structure her regime offers is possibly the only hope for some of her patients.

This is a good play, with strong characterization, written by a talented playwright and it has lost none of its eal in the forty years since it was written. Attention to detail on the part of Graham McKenzie as set designer, and Robin Edwards as costume designer he also gone a long way to ensuring that this community theatre production of a classic of twentieth century theatre will go a long way to being the success it deserves to be.

I he praised and criticized the Arts Theatre on a number of occasions in regard to their productions and therefore he no hesitation in encouraging you to support this particular production.

Four Stars

Nigel Munro-Wallis

·One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Theater Guild of Webster Groves

Reviewed by Sean Ruprecht-Belt


Back to the index


Audiences going to see the stage adaptation of Ken Kesey's brilliant novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest now playing at the Theater Guild of Webster Groves may be in for the theatrical equivalent of a pre-frontal lobotomy. The novel, a masterpiece of 1960's fiction, places it's anarchic, lost hero, Randle McMurphy in a mental institution as a sort of symbolic representation of Kesey's anarchic, generation lost in the madhouse of an American society. As a novel, full of passion and wildness, it works. McMurphy shows the other inmates of the men's mental ward the way to shake off their medicated lethargy and their servitude to the monstrous Big Nurse Ratched, though he is ultimately sacrificed for the cause. In a stage adaptation, we lose a great deal of the complexity and range of the novel and it is up to the actors and the director to provide for the audience the passion, intensity and seditious, nose-thumbing humor necessary for this piece to work.

In this production, however, the Theater Guild of Webster Groves has missed the mark. The actors are all doing their best, and some of them, notably Stephanie Shaw, Thom Grunenfelder, and Tom Kanaugh he some very nice, very genuine moments. Everyone else on the stage seemed to at least know their lines and where they were supposed to be. Which is certainly a plus. But director Ginny Austerman has not helped her actors at all. She has not worked to move the story at a good pace, to turn her actor's weaknesses to advantages, or to present a cohesive attitude towards the material. All things which a successful director must do. This requires more than opening the building and rudimentary traffic direction on the stage.

This story has to be driven by the pitched battle between McMurphy and Nurse Ratched to determine who is going to be the 'Head Bull-Goose Loony' of the ward. Unfortunately, the feeling of high-stakes, of literal life and intellectual death, in this conflict, never materialized. This Nurse Ratched was never the evil insidious presence the situation calls for and Matt Holtmann's McMurphy was certainly obnoxious and annoying, sort of like any number of South City hoosiers with one too many beers in them. But he never roached either the hair-trigger unpredictability or the underlying promise of sage violence this character needs to achieve heroic status at the end of the play.

The uncredited set design was well done, lending a bleak, depressing, institutional look to the production. The washed out green of the walls and the wire mesh over the windows were particularly good touches. Costumes were adequate, although perhaps a bit too crisp and white for long-term patients to be wearing.

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest will continue through September 19 at the Theater Guild of Webster Groves 517 Theater Lane. Call 962-0876 for more information.


Barbican Theatre, London EC2

Opened 27 July, 2000

In the final minutes of the film Being John Malkovich, "Malkovich" reveals to friend Charlie Sheen how a group of them might live for ever: "You, me... Gary Sinise, maybe." If the reception given to his stage performance in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is anything to go by, Malkovich's sometime Steppenwolf associate Sinise has earned his place among those immortals. The Chicago company's production not only brought the opening-night audience at the Barbican to their feet, but more tellingly elicited loud gasps during the performance – not through any brura or pyrotechnics, but simply because we had become so immersed in the narrative that some of its twists drew genuine shock and dismay.

Dale Wasserman's 1965 stage adaptation of Ken Kesey's novel about a liberating new presence on a mental ward is different in many ways from Milos Forman's subsequent film version. Wasserman and director Terry Kinney retain some of the point-of-view narration of Chief Bromden, the huge schizophrenic Indian persuaded to speak after many years of silence by the simple, playful kindness of newcomer McMurphy; when Tim Sampson delivers these bridging passages, he is isolated in a spotlight as slide projections move across the darkened walls to suggest the vast, infernal machines of the Chief's imaginings. It also becomes arent that Randle P. McMurphy and Jack Nicholson are not one and the same: Sinise, in his leather jacket and lumberjack shirt, characterises McMurphy as an exceptionally shrewd redneck, naturally exuberant and only given to disruption or misrule when overly restrictive rules are forced upon him in the first place. In this case, the agent of oppression is Nurse Ratched, whose cold, "for your own good" belittlement of patients and other staff alike is played by Amy Morton with the kind of measured, dispassionate delivery at which Lindsay Crouse so excels; she suggests stronger feelings screwed tightly down, and eventually, under McMurphy's cheery provocation, these geyser to the surface.

Robert Brill's set, with its huge, curving white walls and lintels, suggests a kind of psychiatric Odeon. Kinney's sure directorial touch takes an arently straight naturalistic line in terms of performance, but does not neglect deeper symbolism; he uses passages of Hendrix between scenes, to suggest at once the seemingly chaotic uproar which McMurphy brings and the pioneering promise of freedom which he embodies. The other patients on the ward are efficiently and often winningly characterised. (I was particularly taken with Danton Stone as Martini, prone to hallucination and smilingly dealing cards and passing basketballs to people who aren't there.) The feelgood which Kinney's production brings is not of the vapid, sentimental kind; it is a story straightforwardly told but which conveys the deeper affirmation that "the machine" can still be overcome by a good, wild yawp.

Written for the Financial Times.

·Review: 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'

April 30, 2006

By Kathy Janich

Almost everyone knows One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest from either the 1962 novel or the 15 film starring a wild-eyed Jack Nicholson. So the main question surrounding a stage production today is why do it at all. What does a story that is clearly rooted in the rebellion of a different era he to say to a contemporary audience — and to the audience of Atlanta's Dad's Garage Theatre, which is largely 35 and under. The answer: more than you might think.

The story still speaks to the disenfranchised, the unpopular kid, anyone ever on the wrong side of a bullying boss, teacher, or parent. In today's terms, it speaks to those who see a lobotomized America in the hands of a trigger-hy president. (Ditto Britons castrated by the policies of Tony Blair: A London Cuckoo's Nest featuring Christian Slater as firebrand Randle P. McMurphy runs in the West End until June.)

Yet if Cuckoo's Nest needs a little TLC to maintain its antiestablishment message, director Kate Warner and her team provide it. They've worked hard to make their storytelling primal, unpredictable, and unsettling. The cast of 12 — the original Broadway run, starring Kirk Douglas, had 23; the 2001 revival had 20 — fills the 50-seat black box with its manic wanderings, therapy sessions, and card and mind games.

The audience is tucked just inside the mental hospital's day room, up close and personal as McMurphy and the other patients fight for a say in their daily lives. They — and we — are surrounded by stark white walls, faux dropped ceilings, and bright institutional lights (the "environment design" is by Jamie Warde). The floor is a scuffed black-and-white checkerboard, the furniture is plastic and utilitarian, and the only window is barred and locked. We sit single file, our backs to the walls. When Chief Bromden, the hallucinatory hero-narrator, shuffles by with his broom, its bristles almost tickle our toes. Can anyone say "claustrophobic"?

Thomas Piper plays McMurphy as a bigger-than-life bird, a balls-to-the-wall, pedal-to-the-metal kind of guy who bursts into the action with such vigor he shifts the atmospheric pressure. He's tall, well-built, handsome, reckless — sometimes too reckless for the small space — but you can't argue with the telling contrast between his boisterousness and his sensitivity as he champions the baby steps of Billy Bibbit (Tim Stoltenberg) toward manhood or coaxes Bromden (Mike Schatz) out of his deaf-mute shell.

The other actors also give specific performances, at once endearing and annoying: Steven L. Emanuelson uses a nasal voice, twitching fingertips, and squinting eyes to betray the rampant insecurities of Harding, the nervous-Nellie brainiac emasculated by his wife's buoyant bra size. Stoltenberg, as a stuttering mama's boy, combines childlike fears and naiveté with the poignant desire to be just one of the guys. As Martini, Chris Blair is a scared little rabbit and frenetic co-conspirator, guffawing oddly, his head swiveling as if to detect danger. Schatz, though hard to hear at first, has us near tears in the final scenes.

And then there's Tiffany Morgan's Nurse Ratched, played more as a brittle control freak than novelist Ken Kesey's truly evil manipulator. She's intimidating if you're a mental patient or hospital colleague, I guess, but she never really shows us why.

In her program notes, director Warner writes of her longtime attachment to Cuckoo's Nest and its "still resonant idea that outsiders can show us more truths about ourselves." Is that crazy? Not so much.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest runs April 14-May 6 at Dad's Garage Theatre Company, 280 Elizabeth St. N.E., Atlanta. Tickets: (404) 523-3141. Website: .dadsgarage.





 Chemical secret book review

 In this winner holidays, I read the "Chemical Secret" in “shuchong”,Although not quite like to watch the English novel, but I watched this addiction!

 For me this novel is a timid man "thriller". The novel is about Mr. Duncan's Paint career: from an impoverished unemployed people to find a wealthy and rich career, to return to live in a small apartment in a dirty unemployed people. Unconventional and downs throughout the story, it is a good thing can be instantly transformed into a negative factor, is "a blessing in disguise, bad thing.".

 Duncan is both sympathetic and people who hate people. He is a competent biologist, found that the toxicity of the paint factory, but the boss is under coercion self-deception to think no one will hurt, but to the community to conceal the truth. Sadly, his pregnant daughter, to uncover the truth, unfortunately, in the survey fall into the river, was filling with venom of this river. At the end of his walk in the way to the hospital, mental uneasy thought: fetal malformation ... This makes the novel even more tragic and suspense.

 I do not like this inside the paint Did's boss, Did is a person who only seek their own interests, he ignored the safety of others, just know that money is really selfish shameful act! Be clearly seen in his company and drink contaminated water to seal poisoning, but he said the paint quickly into the sea, we never drink, it was only 200 million dollars a purification equipment costs.

 We all know the importance of environmental protection, but in the interests of the face, which one would you choose?


 Teeth and claws book review

 In this winner holidays, I read the "Teeth and claws" in “shuchong”, Teeth and claws"Book" teeth and claws "This book is the story of a few short and pithy:" Lay Denis. Washi Ta "," storytelling "and" Gabriel Ernest. ""Tuobo Maury," "wolf," consisting of. The length of each story is not long, but it is Sylvia wonderful. Author hecla Hugh Munro was a correspondent, also a writer.Good with a clear and concise language to tell a wonderful story of one vivid. He wrote wonderful short stories known. He was born 1870, died in 1916.

 Each book is a kind of hero story aggressive animals. Bizarre fantasy story, but brilliant. May be surprising is that the authors and do not let these animals ear in the forest steppe, but these animals ear in the elegant room, the king's garden or a beautiful mansion. These animals will suddenly ear, people by surprise. These animals with their own animal, injury or swallowing. But they always tear up the human camouflage, exposing the depths of human nature to most.


 The following book review in the Moon

 The sun is burning a huge fireball. Without light and heat from the sun, we can not survive on the planet Earth. The ozone layer around the planet to protect us from the fire of the sun damage. However, if the ozone layer break, be like?

 Read the story below in the moon, I he a more deep sentiment: to protect the earth, we must first protect the ozone layer is not destroyed, reducing CFC emissions.

 All life on Earth would be no life left the sunlight and the sun light is visible light, ultriolet, infrared, three parts. Sunlight into the atmosphere (including UV), 55% of light through the atmosphere to the earth and sea, of which 40% of visible light, which is the driving force for photosynthesis, green plants; 5% 100 ~ 400 nm welength ultriolet light, and ultriolet divided into long we, medium we, short we ultriolet light, UVA can sterilization. But the welength of 200 ~ 315 nm short-we ultriolet radiation on the human body and biological harmful. When it passes through the stratosphere, the most absorbed by the ozone layer.

 However, in the fast advancement of human technology, a large discharge of sewage and toxic gases, hey use of products containing CFCs, the ozone layer destruction. Imagine, if the "ozone layer" that destroyed the umbrella of the Earth, the Earth will hen?

 How should we do to protect the ozone layer? We can drive less, use less products containing CFCs, no radiation of liances to buy .

 To our planet, please protect the ozone layer. Hope that through our efforts, not to expand empty, and even to restore the original earance of the earth more beautiful, more human health and longevity!

格莱美的获奖曲目和歌手名 2009


"Escape" is the 2013 Nobel prize winner of Canadian short stories of Queen Alice Monroe (also translated Alice Munro) representative, and was awarded the Man Booker International Award in 2009, the writer introduced from abroad the first Chinese simplified works, a total of eight articles included works, embodies a concentrated reflection of Alice Monroe's literary attainments.

《逃离》是由几部短篇而组成的, 主人公都是平凡的女人,她们都来自城郊小镇, 在里同命运: 她们为自己的感情而烦恼, 被爱情所困惑, 为而一时冲动。她们同样渴望爱情, 寻觅真爱, 但同时又不知所措……其中短篇《匆匆》讲的是曾经是书呆子的未婚妈妈朱丽叶,与在小镇上居住的做教师的父母以及带着两个孩子的22岁丧偶的保姆艾琳的故事。

"Escape" is composed of several short stories and composition, the protagonist is ordinary woman, they are from suburban town, in the novel the same destiny: their own feelings and troubles, was puzzled by the love, passion and impulse to. They are longing for love, the search for true love, but at the same time and at a loss...... The short story "hastily" is about once a nerd unmarried mother Juliet, and as a teacher and parents live in a small town with two children 22 years old widowed nanny Aileen story.

翻译 short story writer alice munro此阅读


年度最佳唱片:《Please Read The Letter》Robert Plant &Alison Krauss

年度最佳专辑:《Raising Sand》Robert Plant &Alison Krauss

年度最佳歌曲:Coldplay《Viva La Vida》Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland, Will Champion &Chris Martin, songwriters


最佳流行男歌手:John Mayer


最佳流行乐队/组合:coldplay《Viva la vida》

最佳流行合唱:Robert Plant &Alicon《Rich Woman》

最佳流行器乐演奏:Eagles 《I Dreamed There Was No War》

最佳流行乐器演奏专辑: Bela Flack《Gingle all the way》


最佳传统流行演唱专辑:Natalie Cole《Still Unforgettable》

最佳舞曲唱片:Daft Punk 《Harder Better Faster Stronger》

最佳电子/舞曲专辑:Daft Punk《Alive 2007》

最佳摇滚歌手: Johne Mayer《Grity》

最佳摇滚乐队/组合:Kings of Lion 《Sex on fire》

最佳硬摇滚演奏:The Mars Volta《Wax Simulacra》

最佳金属演奏: Metallica《My Apocalyse》

最佳摇滚乐器演奏:Za Plays Za &Steve Vai &Napoleon Murphy Brock《Peaches En Regalia》

最佳摇滚歌曲:Bruce Springs《Summer Cloth》

最佳摇滚专辑: 《Viva La Vida》Coldplay

最佳另类音乐专辑:Radiohead《in rainbows》

最佳女R&B歌手:Alicia Keys《Superwoman》

最佳R&B男歌手:Ne-Yo《Miss Independent》

最佳R&B乐队/组合:Al Green &John Legend《Stay with me》

最佳传统R&B歌手:Al Green Featuring Anthony Hamilton《You‘ve Got The Love I Need》

最佳城市音乐/另类歌手:Chrisette Michele &will.i.am《Be ok》

最佳R&B歌曲:Mikkel S. Eriksen, T.E. Hermansen &S. Smith《Miss Independent》

最佳R&B专辑:《Jennifer Hudson》Jennifer Hudson

最佳当代R&B专辑:Mary J.Blige《Growing Pains》

最佳说唱歌手:Lill Wayne《a milli》

最佳说唱乐队/组合:Jay-Z &T.I《Swagga Like Us》

最佳说唱歌曲合作:Estelle &kanye west《美国男孩》

最佳说唱歌曲:Lil Wayne &Static Major《Lollipop》

最佳说唱专辑: Lil Wayne《Tha Carter III》

最佳乡村女歌手: Carrie Underwood《Last Name》

最佳乡村男歌手: Brad Paisley《Letter To Me》


作者:职业恶魔 2009-2-9 14:23 回复此发言


2 第51届格莱美奖完全获奖名单

最佳乡村合唱: Robert Plant &Alison Krauss《Killing The Blues》

最佳乡村乐器演奏:《Cluster Pluck》Brad Paisley, James Burton, Vince Gill, John Jorgenson, Albert Lee, Brent Mason, Redd Volkaert &Steve Wariner

最佳乡村歌曲: Jennifer Nadles《Stay》

最佳乡村专辑: George Strait《Trabador》

最佳兰草专辑:《Honoring The Fathers Of Bluegrass: Tribute To 1946 And 1947》Ricky Skaggs &Kentucky Thunder

最佳新世纪专辑:《Peace Time》Jack DeJohnette

最佳当代爵士乐专辑:《Randy In Brasil》Randy Brecker

最佳爵士演唱专辑: 《Loverly》Cassandra Wilson

最佳爵士乐器独奏:《Be-Bop》Terence Blanchard, soloist

最佳爵士演奏专辑: 《The New Crystal Silence》Chick Corea &Gary Burton

最佳大爵士乐团专辑:《Monday Night Live At The Village Vanguard》The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra

最佳拉丁爵士专辑:《Song For Chico》Arturo O‘Farrill &The Afro-Latin Jazz Orchestra

最佳灵乐表演:Mary Mary《Get Up》

最佳灵乐歌曲:《Help Me Believe》Kirk Franklin, songwriter (Kirk Franklin)

最佳摇滚/说唱灵乐专辑:《Alive And Transported》TobyMac

最佳流行/当代灵乐专辑:《Thy Kingdom Come》CeCe Winans

最佳南方、乡村或蓝草灵乐专辑:《Lovin‘ Life》Gaither Vocal Band

最佳传统灵乐专辑:《Down In New Orleans》The Blind Boys Of Alabama

最佳当代节奏蓝调灵乐专辑:《The Fight Of My Life》Kirk Franklin

最佳流行拉丁专辑:《La Vida...Es Un Ratico》Juanes

最佳拉丁摇滚/另类或城市音乐专辑: 《45》Jaguares

最佳拉丁城市专辑:《Los Extraterrestres》Wisin y Yandel

最佳热带拉丁专辑:《Seor Bachata》José Feliciano

最佳墨西哥/墨西哥-美洲专辑:《Amor, Dolor Y Lágrimas: Música Ranchera》《Canciones De Amor》Mariachi Divas

最佳特加诺专辑: 《Viva La Revolucion》Ruben Ramos &The Mexican Revolution

最佳诺特诺专辑: 《Raíces》Los Tigres Del Norte

最佳Banda专辑: 《No Es De Madera》Joan Sebástian

最佳传统蓝调专辑:《One Kind For》B.B.King

最佳当代蓝调专辑: 《City That Care Forgot》Dr. John And The Lower 911

最佳传统民谣专辑: 《BringMeHome》Peggy Seeger

最佳当代民谣/美国本土专辑:《Raising Sand》Robert Plant &Alison Krauss

作者:职业恶魔 2009-2-9 14:23 回复此发言


3 第51届格莱美奖完全获奖名单

最佳印第安音乐专辑:《Come To Me Great Mystery —Native American Healing Songs》Tom Wasinger, producer

最佳夏威夷音乐专辑:《‘Ikena》Tia Carrere &Daniel Ho

最佳柴迪科舞曲/Cajun音乐专辑:《Live at the 2008 New Orleans Jazz &Heritage Festival》BeauSoleil &Michael Doucet

最佳雷鬼专辑:《Jah Is Real》Burning Spear

最佳传统世界音乐专辑:《Ilembe: Honoring Shaka Zulu》Ladysmith Black Mambazo

最佳当代世界音乐专辑:《Global Drum Project》 Mickey Hart, Zakir Hussain, Sikiru Adepoju &Giovanni Hidalgo

最佳波尔卡专辑:《Let The Whole World Sing》Jimmy Sturr And His Orchestra

最佳儿童音乐剧专辑:《Here Come The 123s》They Might Be Giants

最佳儿童朗读专辑:《Yes To Running! Bill Harley Live》 Bill Harley

最佳诵读专辑:《An Inconvenient Truth (Al Gore)》Beau Bridges, Cynthia Nixon &Blair Underwood

最佳喜剧专辑: 《It‘s Bad For Ya》George Carlin

最佳音乐剧专辑:《In The Heights》


最佳原创音乐专辑:《The Dark Knight》James Newton Howard &Hans Zimmer, composers


最佳器乐作曲:《The Adventures Of Mutt (From Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull)》John Williams, composer (John Williams)

最佳器乐编曲:《Define Dancing (From Wall-E)》Peter Gabriel &Thomas Newman

最佳器乐编曲伴唱:《Here‘s That Rainy Day》Nan Schwartz, arranger (Natalie Cole)

最佳唱片包装:《Death Magnetic》(Metallica) Bruce Duckworth, Sarah Moffat &Did Turner, art directors

最佳盒装/限量发行版包装: 《In Rainbows》(Radiohead) Stanley Donwood, Mel Maxwell &Christiaan Munro, art directors

最佳专辑注解:《An inconvienient Truth》

最佳历史专辑:《Art Of Field Recording Volume I: Fifty Years Of Traditional》

最佳非古典类工程专辑:《Consolers Of The Lonely》(The Raconteurs)Joe Chiccarelli, Vance Powell &Jack White III, engineers

年度最佳非古典类制作人:Rick Rubin

Death Magnetic (Metallica)

Home Before Dark (Neil Diamond)

Mercy (Dancing For The Death Of An Imaginary Enemy)

作者:职业恶魔 2009-2-9 14:23 回复此发言


4 第51届格莱美奖完全获奖名单

Seeing Things (Jakob Dylan)

Weezer (Red Album) (Weezer)

最佳非古典类混音唱片:《Electric Feel (Justice Remix)》Justice, remixers (MGMT)

最佳环绕音响专辑:《Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition; Night On Bald Mountain; Prelude To Khovanshchina》

最佳古典类工程专辑:《Traditions And Transformations: Sounds Of Silk Road Chicago》

年度最佳古典类制作人:Did Frost

Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique (Gusto Dudamel &Los Angeles Philharmonic)

Right Through The Bone —Julius Rntgen Chamber Music (ARC Ensemble)

Schubert: Sonata In D Maj.; Liszt: Don Juan Fantasy (Min Kwon)

Traditions And Transformations: Sounds Of Silk Road Chicago (Miguel Harth-Bedoya, Alan Gilbert, Yo-Yo Ma, Silk Road Ensemble, Wu Man &Chicago Symphony Orchestra)

最佳古典专辑:《Weill: Rise And Fall Of The City Of Mahagonny》James Conlon

最佳管弦乐队:《Shostakovich: Symphony No. 4》Bernard Haitink

最佳歌剧唱片:《Weill: Rise And Fall Of The City Of Mahagonny》James Conlon

最佳合唱团:《Symphony Of Psalms》Sir Simon Rattle

最佳器乐独奏(与管弦乐队合作):《Schoenberg/Sibelius: Violin Concertos》Esa-Pekka Salonen

最佳器乐独奏(无管弦乐队) :《Piano Music Of Salonen, Stucky, And Lutoslawski》Gloria Cheng(陈克兰)

最佳室内音乐演奏: 《Carter, Elliott: String Quartets Nos. 1 And 5》Pacifica Quartet

最佳小乐队演奏奖:《Spotless Rose: Hymns To The Virgin Mary》Charles Bruffy, conductor; Phoenix Chorale

最佳古典演唱:《Corigliano: Mr. Tambourine Man: Seven Poems Of Bob Dylan》 Hila Plitmann

最佳当代古典音乐作曲奖:《Mr. Tambourine Man: Seven Poems Of Bob Dylan》John Corigliano (JoAnn Falletta)

最佳古典跨界专辑:《Simple Gifts》The King‘s Singers

最佳短篇音乐录影带:《Pork And Beans》Weezer

最佳长篇音乐录影带:《Runnin‘ Down A Dream》Tom Petty &The Heartbreakers


Canada's Alice Munro, called the “master of the contemporary short story”, won the 2013 Nobel Prizein literature, the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences announced Thursday. After that, the Nobel committee said on Twitter that it hadn't been able to contact Munro and left a phone message to tell her the good news. But The Canadian Press contacted her, and she was quoted as saying the award was “quite wonderful” and she was “terribly surprised.”

Doug Gibson, Munro's publisher read a statement on the author's behalf. “I am amazed and very grateful. I am particularly glad that winning this award will please so many Canadians. I'm hy that this will bring more attention to Canadian writing,” she said, according to Gibson.

“Munro is acclaimed for her finely tuned storytelling, which is characterized by clarity and psychological realism,” the Nobel committee said.

The author has won many honors over the years, including the 2009 Man Booker International Prize. “Alice Munro is mostly known as a short story writer and yet she brings as much depth, wisdom and precision to every story as most novelists bring to a lifetime of novels.” the Man Booker judging committee said at the time.

Munro, who lives in the southwestern Ontario town of Clinton, was born near there in Wingham. She started writing stories in her years and studied journalism and English at the University of WesternOntario. She published in various magazines starting in the 1950s.In 1968, she published Dance o f the Hy Shades, a collection of short stories. In 11 she published a collection of stories entitled Liveso f Girls and Women, which critics he described as a coming-of-age work.

Munro gained world fame for writing about everyday people. “Here we he a world prize being won by someone who writes about housewives in Vancouver, booksellers in Victoria, bean farmers in Huron County and accountants and teachers and librarians—ordinary Canadian people, and she turns it into magic,” Gibson said.





Munro,住在安大略省西南部的克林顿镇出生在温厄姆附近。她在青少年时期开始写故事和研究新闻和英语WesternOntario大学。她发表在各种杂志从1950年着1968年,她出版了舞蹈o f快乐的阴影,短篇故事的集合。在11年,她发表了一组故事题为Liveso f女童和妇女,而批评者形容为一个关于成长的工作。
