







       1.With?so?much?red ink?still?to be?spilled,?it?may?seem?premature?to?ask,?as?this?special?report?does, what?the?future?of?banking?looks?like.


       2.But?he?added?the?resolution?did?not?exclude?"every?possible"?kind?of?operation,?suggesting?that?special?forces?might?be?deployed?in future.


       3.It?would?be a?pity?to?miss out on?these?special?treats?simply?because?we?feel they?are?"foreign"?dishes.


       4.As?a?gift?or?special?indulgence,?Belgian?chocolate?is one product which lives up?to?its?reputation?for?quality.


       5.The?case?of?Poe?is?somewhat?special,?yet?he,?like the?others,?reveals?some of the?complexities?of being an?American.





       special[英]['spe?l] [美][?spl]





       复数:specials比较级:more special最高级:most special


       以下结果由 金山词霸 提供

       柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词

       1.ADJ-GRADED特别的;非同寻常的Someone or something that is special is better or more important than other people or things.

       You're very special to me, darling...


       There are strong arguments for holidays at Easter and Christmas because these are special occasions...




       英[?spe?l] 美[?spl]


       1.特殊的, 特别的

       2.专门的, 特设的

       3.特别亲密的; 格外的






















       1.(医务人员)不间断地特别护理 形容词 adj.

       1.特殊的, 特别的

       The best students are awarded special scholarships.


       His accent is quite special.


       2.专门的, 特设的

       He is making a special study of modern French literature.


       3.特别亲密的; 格外的

       He's a special friend of mine.










       名词 n.


       The train was a special for the football game.



       Ice cream is on special this week only!

       冰淇淋特价优惠, 只限本周!








       副词 adv.


       及物动词 vt.


       This patient should be specialed.



       英[?spe?i?liti] 美[?sp?i?l?ti] 复数:specialities


       1.专门研究, 专业, 特长

       2.特制品, 特产 名词 n.

       1.专门研究, 专业, 特长

       His speciality is English literature.


       My speciality is making jam.


       2.特制品, 特产

       Silk is the speciality of this village.


       special use

       英文发音:[?spe?l ju?z]



       Articles imported directly by organizations for the disabled for special use by the disabled.







       These special methods include allocation, deallocation, and initialization of objects.



       英文发音:[ju?z , ju?s]



       If you can use a word correctly and effectively, you comprehend it.






       3、in use表示“使用中”,而of use则表示“有用的,有益的”;

       4、use有时可解释为“需要”,常与介词for连用。表示“不需要”时,用have no use for。
