

3.文明3中 怎么样载入你自己做好的地图







Napoleon I


Napoleon I (1769-1821), emperor of the French, who consolidated and institutionalized many reforms of the French Revolution. One of the greatest military commanders of all time, he conquered the larger part of Europe and did much to modernize the nations he ruled.

Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, Corsica, and was given the name Napoleone (in French his name became Napoleon Bonaparte). He was the second of eight children of Carlo (Charles) Buonaparte and Letizia Ramolino Buonaparte, both of the Corsican-Italian gentry. No Buonaparte had ever been a professional soldier. Carlo was a lawyer who had fought for Corsican independence, but after the French occupied the island in 1768, he served as a prosecutor and judge and entered the French aristocracy as a count. Through his father’s influence, Napoleon was educated at the expense of King Louis XVI, at Brienne and the ?cole Militaire, in Paris. Napoleon graduated in 1785, at the age of 16, and joined the artillery as a second lieutenant.

After the Revolution began, he became a lieutenant colonel (1791) in the Corsican National Guard. In 1793, however, Corsica declared independence, and Bonaparte, a French patriot and a Republican, fled to France with his family. He was assigned, as a captain, to an army besieging Toulon, a nal base that, aided by a British fleet, was in revolt against the republic. Replacing a wounded artillery general, he seized ground where his guns could drive the British fleet from the harbor, and Toulon fell. As a result Bonaparte was promoted to brigadier general at the age of 24. In 1795 he sed the revolutionary by dispersing an insurgent mob in Paris. In 1796 he married Joséphine de Beauharnais, the widow of an aristocrat guillotined in the Revolution and the mother of two children.


Also in 1796, Bonaparte was made commander of the French army in Italy. He defeated four Austrian generals in succession, each with superior numbers, and forced Austria and its allies to make peace. The Treaty of Campo Formio provided that France keep most of its conquests. In northern Italy he founded the Cisalpine (Italian) Republic (later known as the kingdom of Italy) and strengthened his position in France by sending millions of francs worth of treasure to the . In 1798, to strike at British trade with the East, he led an expedition to Ottoman-ruled Egypt, which he conquered. His fleet, however, was destroyed by the British admiral Horatio Nelson, leing him stranded. Undaunted, he reformed the Egyptian and law, abolishing serfdom and feudalism and guaranteeing basic rights. The French scholars he had brought with him began the scientific study of ancient Egyptian history. In 1799 he failed to capture Syria, but he won a smashing victory over the Ottomans at Abū Qīr (Abukir). France, meanwhile, faced a new coalition; Austria, Russia, and lesser powers had allied with Britain.


Bonaparte, no modest soul, decided to lee his army and return to se France. In Paris, he joined a conspiracy against the . In the coup d’etat of November 9-10, 1799 (18-19 Brumaire), he and his colleagues seized power and established a new regime—the Consulate. Under its constitution, Bonaparte, as first consul, had almost dictatorial powers. The constitution was revised in 1802 to make Bonaparte consul for life and in 1804 to create him emperor. Each change received the overwhelming assent of the electorate. In 1800, he assured his power by crossing the Alps and defeating the Austrians at Marengo. He then negotiated a general European peace that established the Rhine River as the eastern border of France. He also concluded an agreement with the pope (the Concordat of 1801), which contributed to French domestic tranquillity by ending the quarrel with the Roman Catholic church that had arisen during the Revolution. In France the administration was reorganized, the court system was simplified, and all schools were put under centralized control. French law was standardized in the Code Napoléon, or civil code, and six other codes. They guaranteed the rights and liberties won in the Revolution, including equality before the law and freedom of religion.


In April 1803 Britain, provoked by Napoleon’s aggressive behior, resumed war with France on the seas; two years later Russia and Austria joined the British in a new coalition. Napoleon then abandoned plans to invade England and turned his armies against the Austro-Russian forces, defeating them at the Battle of Austerlitz on December 2, 1805. In 1806 he seized the kingdom of Naples and made his elder brother Joseph king, converted the Dutch Republic into the kingdom of Holland for his brother Louis, and established the Confederation of the Rhine (most of the German states) of which he was protector. Prussia then allied itself with Russia and attacked the confederation. Napoleon destroyed the Prussian army at Jena and Auerst?dt (1806) and the Russian army at Friedland. At Tilsit (July 1807), Napoleon made an ally of Tsar Alexander I and greatly reduced the size of Prussia (see Tilsit, Treaty of). He also added new states to the empire: the kingdom of Westphalia, under his brother Jerome, the duchy of Warsaw, and others.

Napoleon had meanwhile established the Continental System, a French-imposed blockade of Europe against British goods, designed to bankrupt what he called the “nation of shopkeepers.” In 1807 Napoleon seized Portugal. In 1808, he made his brother Joseph king of Spain, awarding Naples to his brother-in-law, Joachim Murat. Joseph’s arrival in Spain touched off a rebellion there, which became known as the Peninsular War. Napoleon eared briefly and scored victories, but after his departure the fighting continued for five years, with the British backing Spanish armies and guerrillas. The Peninsular War cost France 300,000 casualties and untold sums of money and contributed to the eventual weakening of the Napoleonic empire.

In 1809 Napoleon beat the Austrians again at Wagram, annexed the Illyrian Provinces (now part of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslia), and abolished the Papal States. He also divorced Joséphine, and in 1810 he married the Habsburg archduchess Marie Louise, daughter of the Austrian emperor. By thus linking his dynasty with the oldest ruling house in Europe, he hoped that his son, who was born in 1811, would be more readily accepted by established monarchs. In 1810 also, the empire reached its widest extension with the annexation of Bremen, Lübeck, and other parts of north Germany, together with the entire kingdom of Holland, following the forced abdication of Louis Bonaparte.


In all the new kingdoms created by the emperor, the Code Napoléon was established as law. Feudalism and serfdom were abolished, and freedom of religion established (except in Spain). Each state was granted a constitution, providing for universal male suffrage and a parliament and containing a bill of rights. French-style administrative and judicial systems were required. Schools were put under centralized administration, and free public schools were envisioned. Higher education was opened to all who qualified, regardless of class or religion. Every state had an academy or institute for the promotion of the arts and sciences. Incomes were provided for eminent scholars, especially scientists. Constitutional remained only a promise, but progress and increased efficiency were widely realized. Not until after Napoleon’s fall did the common people of Europe, alienated from his s by war taxes and military conscription, fully reciate the benefits he had given them.


In 1812 Napoleon, whose alliance with Alexander I had disintegrated, launched an invasion of Russia that ended in a disastrous retreat from Moscow. Thereafter all Europe united against him, and although he fought on, and brilliantly, the odds were impossible. In April 1814, his marshals refused to continue the struggle. After the allies had rejected his stepping down in for of his son, Napoleon abdicated unconditionally and was exiled to the Mediterranean island of Elba. Marie Louise and his son were put in the custody of her father, the emperor of Austria. Napoleon never saw either of them again. Napoleon himself, however, soon made a dramatic comeback. In March 1815, he escaped from Elba, reached France, and marched on Paris, winning over the troops sent to capture him. In Paris, he promulgated a new and more democratic constitution, and veterans of his old campaigns flocked to his support. Napoleon asked peace of the allies, but they outlawed him, and he decided to strike first. The result was a campaign into Belgium, which ended in defeat at the Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815. In Paris, crowds begged him to fight on, but the politicians withdrew their support. Napoleon fled to Rochefort, where he surrendered to the captain of the British battleship Bellerophon. He was then exiled to Saint Helena, a remote island in the south Atlantic Ocean, where he remained until his death on May 5, 1821.


The cult of Napoleon as the “man of destiny” began during his lifetime. In fact, he had begun to cultivate it during his first Italian campaign by systematically publicizing his victories. As first consul and emperor, he had engaged the best writers and artists of France and Europe to glorify his deeds and had contributed to the cult himself by the elaborate ceremonies with which he celebrated his rule, picturing himself as the architect of France’s greatest glory. He maintained that he had preserved the achievements of the Revolution in France and offered their benefits to Europe. His goal, he said, was to found a European state—a “federation of free peoples.” Whatever the truth of this, he became the arch-hero of the French and a martyr to the world. In 1840 his remains were returned to Paris at the request of King Louis-Philippe and interred with great pomp and ceremony in the Invalides, where they still lie.


Napoleon’s influence is evident in France even today. Reminders of him dot Paris—the most obvious being the Arc de Triomphe, the centerpiece of the city, which was built to commemorate his victories. His spirit pervades the constitution of the Fifth Republic; the country’s basic law is still the Code Napoléon, and the administrative and judicial systems are essentially Napoleonic. A uniform state-regulated system of education persists. Napoleon’s radical reforms in all parts of Europe cultivated the ground for the revolutions of the 19th century. Today, the impact of the Code Napoléon is arent in the law of all European countries.

Napoleon was a driven man, never secure, never satisfied. “Power is my mistress,” he said. His life was work-centered; even his social activities had a purpose. He could bear amusements or vacations only briefly. His tastes were for coarse food, bad wine, cheap snuff. He could be charming—hypnotically so—for a purpose. He had intense loyalties—to his family and old associates. Nothing and no one, however, were allowed to interfere with his work.

Napoleon was sometimes a tyrant and always an authoritarian, but one who believed in ruling by mandate of the people, expressed in plebiscites. He was also a great enlightened monarch—a civil executive of enormous capacity who changed French institutions and tried to reform the institutions of Europe and give the Continent a common law. Few deny that he was a military genius. At Saint Helena, he said, “Waterloo will erase the memory of all my victories.” He was wrong; for better or worse, he is best remembered as a general, not for his enlightened , but the latter must be counted if he is justly to be called Napoleon the Great.

See French Revolution; Napoleonic Wars. See also separate articles on individual battles mentioned.

Contributed By:

Owen Connelly

Microsoft ? Encarta ? Encyclopedia 2003. ? 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.




2、海的汹涌澎湃和变幻莫测象征真爱道路上的艰难险阻:“it is a ever-fixed mark/that looks on tempests and is never shaken.”

它让意志薄弱的恋人迷失爱的方向,但海上的灯塔(ever-fixed mark)却是真爱的象征,只要有真爱在心中,任何困难都能克服。








R:sometimes I don't know what holds it together.


C:Our marriage.


R:Ah, so here we sit 17 years later, holding it all together.


Don't you get tired?


C:Every day.


R:How long can hate hold a thing together?


C:Well, 17 years is quite a long time.


R:Yes, it is.


C:Yes, it is.


What was she like?


R:You've never asked about her, not once.


Why not?


C:At first, just saying her name even in private felt like I was breathing life back into her.


I thought if I didn't talk about her, she'd just fade away for you.


When I realized that wasn't going to hen, I refused to ask out of spite.


I didn't want to give you the satisfaction of thinking I cared enough to ask.


And eventually it became clear that my spite didn't mean anything to you.


As far as I could tell, you actually enjoyed it.


R:So why now?


C:What harm could Lyanna Stark's ghost do to either of us that we hen't done to each other a hundred times over?


R:You want to know the horrible truth?


I can't even remember what she looked like.


I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted...


Someone took her away from me, and Seven Kingdoms couldn't fill the hole she left behind.


C:I felt something for you once, you know?


R:I know.


C:Even after we lost our first boy.


For quite a while, actually.


Was it ever possible for us? Was there ever a time,ever a moment?




Does that make you feel better or worse?


C:It doesn't make me feel anything.




T:Do you remember cousin Orson? Orson Lannister?


J:Of course. Wet-nurse dropped him on his head. Left him simple


T:Simple? Used to sit all day in the garden.


Crushing beetles with a rock.


Nothing made him hier.


J:Nothing made you hier.

You'd think being tormented from birth would he given you some affinity for the afflicted.


T:On the conttary. Laughing at another person's misery was the only thing that made me feel like everyone else.


J:The joke wore thin, though.


T:For you. You drifted away.


J:I had other interests.


T:Yes, other interests.


But I stayed with Orson.




T:I was curious.


Why was he smashing all those beetles?


What did he get out of it?


First thing I did was ask him,"Orson, why are you smashing all those beetles?"


He ge me an answer,"Smash the beetles. Smash'em."


I wasn't deterred. I was the smartest person I knew.


Certainly I had the wherewithal to unrel the mysteries that lay at the heart of a moron.


So I went to Maester Volarik's library.


J:Volarik. Tried to touch me once.


T:Turns out, far too much has been written about great men and not nearly enough about morons.


Doesn't seem right.


In any case, I found nothing that illuminated the nature of Orson's affliction or the reason behind his relentless beetle slaughter.


So I went back to the source.


I may not he been able to speak with Orson, but I could observe him, watch him the way men watch animals to come to a deeper understanding of their behior.


And as I watched, I became more and more sure of it.


There was something hening there.


His face was like the page of a book. But he wasn't mindless. He had his reasons.


And I became possessed with knowing what they were.


I began to spend inordinate amounts of time watching him.


I would eat my lunch in the garden, chewing my mutton to the music of…"Kuuh"


And when I wasn't watching him, I was thinking about him.


Father droned on about the family legacy and I thought about Orson's beetles.


I read the histories of Targaryen conquests.


Did I hear dragon wings? No.


I heard…"Kuuh"


And I still could't figure out why he was doing it.


And I had to know, because it was horrible that all these beetles should be dying for no reason.


J:Every day around the world, men, women, and children are murdered by the score.


Who gives a dusty fuck about a bunch of beetles?


T:I know, I know. But still, it filled me with dread.


Piles and piles of them, years and years of them.


How many countless living crawling things smashed and dried out and returned to the dirt?


In my dreams I found myself standing on a beach made of beetle husks, stretching as far as the eye could see.


I woke up crying, weeping for their shattered little bodies.


I tried to stop Orson once.


J:He was twice your size.


T:He just pushed me aside with a "Kuuh" and kept on smashing.


Every day until that mule kicked him in the chest and killed him.


So what do you think? Why did he do it? What was it all about?


J:I don't know.


文明3中 怎么样载入你自己做好的地图

Zhou Yu (周瑜, 175-210) was a famous and one of the most capable military strategists for Sun Ce and his successor Sun Quan during the Three Kingdoms era; the turbulent years leading to the end of Han Dynasty in China.

Early life

Zhou Yu was born in Lujiang District. Zhou Yu was born into a cultured family that produced many officials, and when Sun Jian was attacking Dong Zhuo, he moved his family to live together with Zhou Yu's family. Sun Jian's son Sun Ce and Zhou Yu studied together and became lifelong friends. Soon, Zhou Yu's uncle became the governor of Danyang, and the whole family relocated to Danyang, where they served Yuan Shu.

Sun Ce, under a commission from Yuan Shu, entered Yangzhou in order to aid his relatives, Wu Jing and Sun Ben, who were attacked by Liu Yao. Zhou Yu and his uncle, Zhou Shang, were among the first to join Sun Ce's army, superseded only by a fellow officer of Yuan Shu, Lü Fan, and the former retainers of Sun Jian. After Sun Ce defeated Liu Yao and his allies, Zhou Yu and his uncle were summoned to return to Yuan Shu while Sun Ce continued his conquests.

In 1, confident that he had Sun Ce's support, Yuan Shu declared himself Emperor. Sun Ce, citing loyalty to Emperor Xian, declared independence and allied with Lü Bu, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei to oppose his former master. It was at this time that Zhou Yu returned to Sun Ce's army, this time bringing a wealthy merchant named Lu Su, who would go on to serve the Sun family as Zhou Yu's successor.

It was around this time that Zhou Yu and Sun Ce wed the Two Qiaos, daughters of Qiao Xuan, a famed scholar and critic. Very soon afterwards, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu pacified most of Yangzhou Province south of Yangtze and extended their power both south into the native Yue area and north into the Huai River region, defeating Liu Xun and the remnant forces of Yuan Shu in the north as well as Huang Zu and the forces of Liu Biao to the west.

[edit] Campaigns against Huang Zu and Cao Cao

In 200, Sun Ce was assassinated and he passed down his power to his brother, Sun Quan. Zhou Yu took over the military affairs while Zhang Zhao was given the domestic affairs. Around this time, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao and he demanded that Sun Quan send a family member hostage. Zhou Yu advised against sending a hostage. This raised Zhou Yu's respect within the Sun family, and he was treated as an elder brother by Sun Quan. In 206, Zhou Yu attacked the local bandits and captured over ten thousand people and resettled them. Then he repelled an attack by Liu Biao and captured enemy general Deng Long.

In 208, Sun Quan ordered an attack on Jiangxia, which was protected by the Sun family's nemesis, Huang Zu. Zhou Yu led the ny, and along with Gan Ning, Lü Meng, Dong Xi and Xu Sheng, defeated Huang Zu at Xiakou, killing him. It was not shortly thereafter that Cao Cao began a general campaign aimed at wiping out all opposition in southern China and reunify the empire. As his army conquered Jingzhou and was closing in on Sun Quan, Sun Quan's court was divided on the issue of whether to surrender or resist. Sun Quan consulted Zhou Yu, who replied: "Although Cao Cao pretends to be a minister of Han, he is actually a thief who is attempting to steal the empire from Han. Your majesty, with your brilliant talent and your father and brother's military prowess, he ruled and pacified Eastern Wu. The territory stretches thousand of li, the soldier are well trained, brilliant advisors of great talents are at your disposal. It is the time to get rid Cao Cao and help the Han dynasty to reunify China. Cao Cao came down south and presented himself as an opportunity for you, your majesty. Now I will analyse for you the dire situation Cao Cao has placed himself into: Even if the north has been completely unified, can Cao Cao's ground based army fight against our superior ny and marines? The truth is that the north has not been completely pacified. Ma Chao will remain a thorn in Cao Cao's flesh. Cao Cao's superior calry is useless against the mountainous and watery terrain of the south. Winter is upon us, and yet Cao Cao's large army has to depend on a long supply line halfway across China. Cao Cao's army are mainly composed of northerners, and they are not used to the environment of the south, thus they will easily become sick. With all of these problems, I promise you that with thirty thousand men, I can easily break him." Greatly relieved, Sun Quan decided to fight.

Zhou Yu accepting the position of Commander-in-chief of the Wu ny at Chi Bi in the 84-episode TV serial Romance of the Three KingdomsThe famous Battle of Red Cliffs ensued. Contrary to popular belief, Zhuge Liang did not contribute much and Zhou Yu was the supreme commander of the united forces against Cao Cao. In this battle, a series of stratagems were employed by Zhou Yu to destroy Cao Cao's giant fleet. Huang Gai proposed a plan in which he pretended to surrender to Cao Cao and infiltrated Cao Cao's camp. There, he set his own ships on fire and rammed them into Cao Cao's ships before jumping into the river. Much of Cao Cao's ships were destroyed and Cao Cao was forced to flee back to Xuchang.

Afterwards, Zhou Yu led his army in pursue and laid siege to the strategic town of Nanjun (Jiangling). While on the front lines, Zhou Yu was struck by a stray arrow and seriously wounded. He withdrew from the frontlines, leing Cheng Pu, who had shared command responsibilities with Zhou Yu, to command the siege. Cao Ren, the defending general, heard of Zhou Yu's wounds and attempted to launch a counterattack, but Zhou Yu personally inspected his troops and sent them into battle, nearly slaying Cao Ren's officer, Niu Jin. After a year of siege, Nanjun was taken and Zhou Yu was named Governor of Nanjun.

[edit] Death

Zhou Yu offered to ally against Cao Cao, but secretly he wanted to attack Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang, already knowing of his plan, ordered generals Zhou Yun, Ma Chao, Guan Yu, and several others to hold their positions and do not listen to Zhou Yu. When Zhou Yu roached Zhao Yun, he offered the allied attack. Zhao Yun only smiled and told him Zhuge Liang already saw through his plan and has ordered to ignore Zhou Yu. Angered by his response, he vomited blood and decided to retreat. When Zhou Yu found out that he had been surrounded by Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and several others, he vomited more blood. Somehow, he ran into Zhuge Liang, who calmly was sitting at the top of a mountain. Zhou Yu laughed and said he finally had him where he wanted him, but archers eared from the bushes and shot at Zhou Yu. When Zhou Yu retreated and returned to his home, he became sick and died.

He was buried in his ancestral home in Lujiang. He was succeeded in his military command by Lu Su and in his nobility rank by his eldest son, Zhou Xun.

[edit] Qualities

Zhou Yu was intelligent and young, and he was also considered a very handsome man by his contemporaries. He was very open and made friends with his humbleness. Cheng Pu was an elder general of Sun Jian and he made fun of Zhou Yu's youth. Yet Zhou Yu took all of the abuse stoically and they eventually became great friends. He was a man of many talents, who was also well versed in music and poems. There was a saying at that time: "Should the tune be in error, Zhou Yu takes note." ("曲有误, 周郎顾")

He was also famous for his loyalty. Even though Sun Quan saw Zhou Yu as an older brother, Zhou Yu never crossed the line, and he always served Sun Quan with humility and care.

On the Kunqu stage, Zhou Yu ears as a zhiweisheng, as in the scene "The Swaying Reeds", where he is captured and ultimately set free by Zhang Fei.

In Chinese opera, Zhou Yu is played by the xiaosheng (young man) or wusheng (military man), even when sharing the stage with Zhuge Liang, who was actually the younger of the two.

[edit] Modern references

A film currently showing in theatre titled Red Cliff, directed by John Woo featured Tony Leung Chiu Wai as Zhou Yu.

In the Koei video game series Dynasty Warriors (based on Romance of the Three Kingdoms), Zhou Yu is portrayed as a powerful, highly intelligent and handsome man. He wears a red gown with gold decorations and wields a very long, lishly decorated dao. In Dynasty Warriors 6 he wears a ponytail and wields a bo staff.

[edit] Family

Great grandfather

Zhou Rong - the Imperial Secretary (尚书令) in charge of reading and interpreting reports to the emperor.


Zhou Jing - first the governor of Yuzhou (豫州刺史), and then became Imperial Secretary and finally Imperial Minister of Defence (太尉).


Zhou Yi - Mayor of the capital city Luoyang.


Zhou Shang - the Grand Administrator of Danyang (丹杨太守)


Xiao Qiao


Zhou Xun - succeeded Zhou Yu's rank of nobility and was said to possess his father's talents, and he was married to Sun Quan's eldest daughter Sun Dahu (Princess Quan). He died suddenly and was succeeded by his younger brother.

Zhou Yin - succeeded Zhou Xun

A daughter, Zhou Ying, was married to Sun Deng, Sun Quan's eldest son.


Zhou Jun - served Wu as a notable military officer and participated in numerous battles under the command of Lu Xun (Three Kingdoms).

Sworn Brother and brother in law



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Sid Meier's Civilization Ⅰ


文明:权力之争(Civilization:Call to Power)(其实在文明二之后)

文明:权力之争二(Civilization:Call to Power Ⅱ)



开场白:In the beginning, the world was without form, and void...(即最始之时,世界无形,虚空到处...)

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Sid Meier's Civilization Ⅱ

出版: Hasbro Interactive

开发: Microprose发售日期:1996年


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文明二:多人游戏金版(Civilization Ⅱ:Multiplayer Gold Edition)

文明二:时间的考验(Civilization Ⅱ:Test of Time)

文明二:幻想世界(Civilization Ⅱ:Fantasy World)

文明二:文明冲突(Civilization Ⅱ:Conflict of Civilization) 发行信息






文明三:玩转世界Civilization III: Play the World

文明三:征服Civilization III: Conquests



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这些改变中的许多都来自于Firaxis公司的“半人马阿尔法星”(Alpha Centauri),这个游戏引入了独特派系、国家边界、和生动地图等概念。所有这些都出现在“文明Ⅲ”中,但是它并不是简单地用了历史设定的“半人马阿尔法星”。尽管游戏所有文明的差异并不像“半人马阿尔法星”中的派系那么明显,但是每一个都拥有一种独特单位和两种能够带来特殊优势的力量。














“文明Ⅲ”具有令人敬畏的计算机人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,简称“AI”),但是还不清楚其中多少成分来自于--这种做法是为了弥补计算机AI没有像人一样深远的眼光。在计算机行动的回合中总会出现一些可疑的事情,例如单位好像巡逻一样来回无目的地移动,20个工人会一起去灌溉单独一个方格。

到20世纪到来之后AI帝国中还会有大量过时的军队四处游荡。但是大体上看,计算机令人惊异地提供了强大和有力的挑战,似乎它意识到了地图上战略的重要性。它会掠夺重要的地形改进措施、集合起来攻击、以及利用多兵种的组合。在外交方面,AI文明不会再像前面两部作品中那样突然或不可预言地做出反应。实际上, “文明Ⅲ”中的外交是一个缓慢、沉闷和薄弱的环节。对抗的双方都可以把各自的盟友卷进战争之中,而世界和平就像纸牌堆砌成的房屋一样不堪一击,“文明Ⅲ”描绘了类似第一次世界大战一样突然的浩劫。



一方面来看,“文明Ⅲ”要比其前辈更加完善。游戏的进展速度仍然很慢,随着玩家穿过时代和技术的阶梯,新的游戏机制也将渐渐被引入。实际上,技术树得到了相当程度的修剪,研究不会再蜿蜒不尽,而是取了一系列决定玩家文明处于哪个时代(总共4个)的关键点。随着时间的推移,各个文明技术间的差异不像以往那么显著。科技研发中进退两难的局面不再着重于选择哪一条道路-- 因为并不是很多--而是是否在一个时代中探索出所有可选的分支或者是否直线进入下一个时代。

你是否会停留在工业时代以便研究出两栖攻击、伞兵、直升机、间谍、和共产主义?或者你是否会直接进入现代以便开始研发核潜水艇、空间飞行、 和轰炸机呢?经过修剪的新技术树为新玩家保持了科技研究的焦点,同时为经验丰富的策略玩家提供了足以保持趣味性的大量选择。


从整体上看,这个游戏很容易管理而且充满了席德·梅尔招牌式的交叉窗口和清晰的关联,同时在游戏表面之下隐藏着极少数不可见的软性因素。这种自信、令人满意、和易于理解的设计几乎没有给新玩家设置任何障碍, “文明Ⅲ”的创作方式就是将你吸引进来并指引你如何进行游戏。在这个方面, “文明Ⅲ”对于不经意的玩家和新手都是一部完美的作品,它绝对不会令正在首次体验策略史诗的人们退避三舍。

至少最初5个小时左右是这样。 “文明Ⅲ”对于随着游戏深入复杂程度渐增的问题几乎没有做出任何改善措施。后期都会和以往一样陷入微观管理的沼泽,各方文明会遍布各种各样的单位, 管理工人和地形改进也变得复杂和乏味,解决污染仍然是工人来来回回奔跑的联系。城市管理和地形改进可以移交给计算机处理,但是玩家会发现公元1600年训练弓箭手和城市中布满过多矿井等奇怪的情况。大多数模拟史诗般历史的游戏都存在这个问题,因此并不是 “文明Ⅲ”中独有的现象。



然而,值得赞扬的是 “文明Ⅲ”新的胜利条件意味着玩家不需要从头到尾地到处移动单位。 迷人和多样化的图形及美工设定肯定会令玩家流连忘返。地图看上去非常出色同时在缩放方面取得了完美的平衡,玩家既可以缩进观察迷人的景色也可以拉远摄像机获得有用的视角。动态的单位在战斗胜利时会昂首欢呼,城市、市民、和顾问进入不同的时代后都会更新自己的面孔,玩家会有趣地看到一个工业时代的克利奥帕特拉(埃及)带着草帽或者穿着当代西装的沙卡(祖鲁),另外看到自己的城市从砖块建筑发展成摩天高楼也会带来强烈的成就感。

说明手册相当不错,不过还有大量的信息只能上网从在线Civilopedia中获得。在城市清单中,排序的选项是无效的。另外,Civ III没有提供找到特殊、城市、或单位的任何方法。想找石油吗?想知道自己的精英来复跑到哪里去了?不记得最近的兵营在哪里了?那么就四处寻找吧。此外,在游戏接近完成的时候,Firaxis决定在发行版本中不包含多人支持。这暗示了多人功能或许会在以后加入,但是如果你正在寻找一个伟大的多人策略游戏,那么Civilization III暂时并不是正确的目标。

重要的是对于Civilization III最大的抱怨只不过是次要的界面问题。Civ III表现了超一流的设计和最佳的制作。在改进的游戏性和无双的血统帮助下,Civilization III能够为策略游戏带来更广泛的拥趸并超越Baldur's Gate发行之后造成的角色扮演复兴。我们现在能做的只有希望,即便它达不到这个目标……但拥有Civilization III就已经足够了。


















还有更多、更多,一切等待你去征服! 发行信息:

出版: 2K Games

开发: Firaxis ESRB发售日期: 2005年10月

类型: 回合策略 建设



Gamespot: 9.4/10

PC Gamer:

All Game Guide: 5/5


文明4:战神 Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords (2006年7月)

文明4:超越刀锋 Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword (2007年7月) 中文名称:文明5

英文名称: Sid Meiers Civilization V


发行时间: 2010年9月24日

游戏制作:Firaxis Games

游戏发行:2K Games

游戏语言: 英文

著名游戏设计师席德·梅尔知名策略游戏系列新作《席德梅尔之文明5》于2010年秋季与玩家见面。本作是由Firaxis Games负责开发,由2K Games出品。《文明5》在2010年9月释出Demo试玩,并在9月21号在北美地区发布,其它地区则要等到24号,游戏为Steam平占。


2K Games表示,游戏新加入远距轰炸能力,玩家可于战线后方发射武器,发展战场致胜的新策略。除了首次在《文明5》登场新游戏特色外。游戏也将强调多样化的社群、模组和多人游戏元素。

Firaxis Games创意研发总监席德·梅尔表示,他们非常期待玩家能快些看到Firaxis团队为此系列注入的全新风貌。同时,2K总裁克里斯多夫·哈特曼(Christoph Hartmann)表示,《文明5》将开创彻底改变此系列的新纪元,为玩家带来更迷人的游戏体验和更深度的策略、紧张刺激的战术战斗、可供探索及通过战争手段据为己有的广大逼真地景,以及可让《文明》玩家无须离开游戏即可分享内容与互相讨论的内建论坛机制。




In china,people believe that,at the beginning,the tiger and the cat were friends,and the cat was much smarter than the tiger .The cat learned the physical skills quickly,and the tiger was always behind.Gradually,the tiger had to learn from the cat,and the cat was patient to teach the tiger.Day after day,month after month,finally,the tiger could also run,jump,roll,grasp,tear,and strike as well as the cat.


One summer afternoon,the cat was taking a nap as the tiger sitting nearby.Looking at the cat,the tiger suddenly thought,why should he keep befriending with such a small animal since he had already learnt all the skills from the cat?The evil tiger decided to kill the sleeping cat as a before dinner snack.The tiger stood up and roached the cat viciously.Just as this moment,the cat woke up.Opening up her eyes,the smart cat immediately realized what the tiger was trying to do and swiftly jumped onto a nearby tall tree and climbed to the top branch.


The tiger thought he had already learned every skill from the cat .But he never knew that the cat had hidden the tree climbing from him.


I kept the last technique of the tree climbing from you just because I suspected you might be can ungrateful friend.? The cat loudly told the tiger who watched under the tree helplessly.



In ancient times, a man surnamed Dong in the State of Wei was interested in nothing but keeping cats.


He kept over 100 cats in his home, which caught and ate all the rats in the house.


Later, as there were no more rats, the cats were so hungry that they meowed all the time. Dong had to buy meat from the market every day to feed them.


Day after day, year after year, the cats multiplied. As they ate meat every day, they even didn't know there were rats in the world which could be caught and eaten. They meowed whenever they were hungry, and whenever they meowed, they were fed with meat. After they ate their fill, they were hy and carefree, lazy and sluggish, and had nothing to do all day.


In the south of the city, one house was plagued with rats. The rats ran amuck in swarms. Once it so hened that a rat fell into a jar. The master of the house hastened to Dong's home to borrow a cat to catch the rat.


The cat from the Dong family saw the rat in the jar stick up its pointed ears, stare with a pair of pitch-black eyes, shake its red whiskers and squeak. The cat didn't know what a freak the rat was. It only followed the rat moving around on the mouth of the jar, and dared not get into it.


The master was furious at this and pushed the cat down into the jar. At this moment, the cat was panic-stricken and howled loudly at the rat. After a while, the rat eventually found that this cat had no other tricks, so it bit the cat's foot. The Dong's cat was so frightened that it exerted all its strength and made one jump out of the jar and ran away.



Alexander the Great was the son of Philip Ⅱ of Macedon, himself a great warrior who defeated the Greeks in 338 BC, bringing all of Greece under Macedonian control with the exception of Sparta. Alexander's mother was Olympias, princess of Epirus, who according to Plutarch was descended from Achilles' grandfather. Alexander was taught by his mother that Achilles was his ancestor, and that his father was descended from Hercules. Achilles became Alexander's role model in all things, and he kept a copy of Homer's Illiad under his pillow.

Even more ambitious than his father, Alexander wept bitterly as a child when he heard of Philip's conquests. "My father," he said, "will get ahead of me in everything and will lee nothing great for me to do."















August 15, 1769 birth, after learning the French military academy.

1794 due to military service was ointed Major General, artillery brigade commander.

In 1796 only 26-year-old Napoleon was ointed military commander of France and Italy, and in a dominant position奥军and Sardinia continuous military operations, he won a brilliant victory.

1799 launched Brumaire coup

1804 coronation as emperor

Ostritz and Jena's victory over the bonaparte become almost the entire European surnames

In 1812 the Russian war, ended in failure. His political life was a turning point.

1814 abdication.

On March 20, 1815, Napoleon return to Paris, the establishment of a "hundred days."

In June, the French military in the battle of Waterloo swamped, Napoleon second abdication.

At 17:49 on May 5, 1821, Napoleon died on the island of St. Helena, the age of 52-year-old


这句台词是“Tonight,we hunt。”意思就是今晚,猎个痛快。其他的英文还有:Strike when ready。Whose head shall I take?Comfort breeds weakness。There is the hunter and the hunted。

