

1.All you base are belong to us 什么意思?

2.let me have pushed all of us/是什么意思

3.all this time是什么意思

4.美国人平常口中所说的all the way是什么意思啊?

5.one and all的中文意思是什么?

6.go all out in work是什么意思


All you base are belong to us 什么意思?

       “All your base are belong to us”这句英文是来自 1989年日本世嘉发售的电视游戏《零翼战机》(Zero Wing)的开首部分序幕的英文句子。1992年世嘉的欧洲部门将此游戏翻译发售。原句出在Mega Drive版本,在街机版和PC Engine版并没有此问题句子。


       自此,“All your base are belong to us”及各种的改字版本就成为西方网络文化中的一句著名恶搞。

       原句的日文是“君达の基地は、全てCATSがいただいた。”。表达的意思是“你们所有的基地都由CATS接收(攻占)”(CATS:游戏中的邪恶组织)。但欧洲的部门将此句子错翻成“All your base are belong to us”。因为 base 除了可解作基地以外(如果将 base 变成复数 bases 可避免一些错误),更多时候解作根本。“All your base are belong to us”除了文法上的根本错误(没有使用复数)外更会被理解成“你们所有的根源是我们”。

       如要表达“所有的基地都属于我们(CATS)的”这个意思的话该句英文应为“CATS has taken over your entire base”。至少,也应该改作 All your bases belong to us”以合乎文法的一致。


       [编辑] 游戏开场台词(英文版)

       Narrator: In A.D. 2101, war was beginning.

       Captain: What happen ?

       Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.

       Operator: We get signal.

       Captain: What !

       Operator: Main screen turn on.

       Captain: It's you !!

       CATS: How are you gentlemen !!

       CATS: All your base are belong to us.

       CATS: You are on the way to destruction.

       Captain: What you say !!

       CATS: You have no chance to survive make your time.

       CATS: Ha Ha Ha Ha ....

       Operator: Captain !! *

       Captain: Take off every 'ZIG'!!

       Captain: You know what you doing.

       Captain: Move 'ZIG'.

       Captain: For great justice.

       * 此句或之后的句子并没有接续出现在网上流传的再制版动画,而可能是在再制版动画中以歌词形式出现。

       [编辑] 游戏开场台词(日文版)





















       [编辑] 游戏开场台词(日文版)的大概意思


       指挥官: 告诉我,地球上发生了什么!

       技师: 好像是有人装了个炸弹。

       通讯员: 指挥官,我们收到一个讯号!

       指挥官: 什么?

       通讯员: 有视像讯息传入。

       指挥官: 是,是你!?

       CATS: 朋友们,看来你们很着急啊?

       CATS: 在联邦政府军的协助下, 你方的全部基地都已被CATS占领了。

       CATS: 过不了多久,贵舰也要迎来相同的命运了吧...

       指挥官: 不可能...!

       CATS: 谢谢你们的合作。

       CATS: 尽情享受你们剩下的最后一点时间吧...

       CATS: 哈哈哈哈...

       通讯员: 长官....

       指挥官: 全体ZIG部队,准备出击!!

       指挥官: 这是我们最后的力量...

       指挥官: 我们的未来和希望—

       指挥官: —现在就交到你们手中了,ZIG!

       [编辑] 流行文化中的 All your base are belong to us


       美国内华达州50号公路上的该句在美国50号公路旁有人在沙漠上划上“All your base are belong to us”句子。

       在魔兽争霸III游戏中输入作弊码“All your base are belong to us”,玩者将会自动胜出游戏。另外多个电脑游戏也会利用此句字作为作弊码。

       在2003年愚人节,美国密歇根州斯特吉斯市多名青年在市内多处竖立“All your base are belong to us. You have no chance to survive make your time.”牌匾,但因当时民众对此谚语不甚熟悉,又适逢美国对伊拉克发动战争,有警察对此大为紧张,甚至以为是恐怖份子示威。[1]

       2006年6月1日,Youtube影片网站维护中时曾显示句子“ALL YOUR VIDEO ARE BELONG TO US”。[2]

       在世纪争霸游戏中输入作弊码“All your base are belong to us”,玩者持有的所有资源将会加十万。

       《命令与征服:将军》的GLA预告片中,最后可以听到一声阿拉伯口音的“All your base are belong to us”。

       另外在多个以英语为主的国家, All your base are belong to us 亦出现在各种媒体、漫画、衣服、电视及电台节目等

let me have pushed all of us/是什么意思

       这句话是一句部分否定句,我们并不全是学生 。


        含有全体意义的代词和副词如 all , every (及派生词).both ,always 等统称总括词,它们用于否定结构时不是表示全部被否定,而只表示其中的一部分被否定.汉译不能作 “一切….都不”而应译作 “一切……不都是”或 “并非一切…都是”其结构为 :All every 等总括词…..not+谓语动词……。例如:

        Every man can not do it.不是每个人都能做这件事。

        All is not gold that glitters, 凡发光的并不都是金子。

        All the answers are not right.答案并非全对。

        I do not know all of them. 对于他们我并不是个个都认识。

        I don’t like both of the stories.这两本小说我并不都喜欢。

        Both children are not clever.两个孩子并不都聪明。

        Every one cannot make music不是所有的人都懂音乐。

        The good and the beautiful do not always go together.善和美不一定时常是相连的。

all this time是什么意思

       let me have pushed all of us.


       1.Well, at any rate, let me thank you for all you did.


       2.Changing times have pushed the question of labour back to the top of the agenda.


       3.I think all of us need to rethink our attitudes toward health and sickness.


美国人平常口中所说的all the way是什么意思啊?

       all this time



       1. The bottom of the bucket has worn through after all this time.


       2. After all this time he still had new ideas and was game to try them.


       3. We still can't quite believe he's here with us after all this time.


       4. All this time I've been half sick about you and why you wouldn't write.


       5. This technique is becoming more refined and more acceptable all the time.


one and all的中文意思是什么?

       all the way:



       1. He has come all the way from Leeds to look for a job.


       2. "Now, " said the compere, "this little girl has traveled all the way from Liverpool to sing to us tonight. So let's all give her a big hand."


       3. I had to cycle all the way to work against the wind.


       4. He rushed all the way to the station only to miss the train.


       5. A merry heart goes all the way.


       6. I'll back you up all the way.


       7. Don't tell me how it ends I haven't read all the way through yet.


       8. The two runners contested the race closely it was nip and tuck all the way.


go all out in work是什么意思

       they are a family,one and all的中文意思是:他们大家都是一家人。其中they的意思是:她们,他/她/它们,?人们,大家,政府,当局。a family的意思是:一窝,one and all的意思是:大家,?各位,每个人,?一概。

one and all

       1、Being in charge of the National Health Service reforms did not endear him to one and all.


       2、Let us sing together, One and all a joyous song.?


       3、One and all a joyous song.?


       4、Store all tools scissors, tape, ruler, etc. in one drawer and all personal items in another.


       5、So let that be a lesson to one and to all; a person is a person, no matter how small.?


       6、But I know the foundation is unjust. Caroline is incapable of wilfully deceiving any one; and all that I can hope in this case is, that she is deceived herself.?


       7、All for one and one for all.?


       8、I make one little mistake and all of a sudden I'm Judas?


       go all out in work




       go all out in work





       It's all going to work out like clockwork.



