consumer market insight

       consumer market insight的今日更新是一个不断变化的过程,它涉及到许多方面。今天,我将与大家分享关于consumer market insight的最新动态,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些帮助。

1.consumer market insight

2.consumer market insight是什么部门啊?


consumer market insight

consumer market insight







































consumer market insight是什么部门啊?



       Fast development of equipment and technologies, the foreign-political interests of countries, economic globalization and many other external circumstances stimulate the changes in management and marketing.


       We expect many changes in marketing theory and practice.


       For example, Ph. Kotler describes forecasts what future of the marketing will be based on holistic approach.


       According to theorey written by Phillip Kotler “Holistic marketing grew from the basic marketing principles of business; each action by a company should contribute to the business goals.


       By approaching marketing, not as an isolated entity but as a synergic member of the company, marketing initiatives are more efficient and cost effective allowing for the highest return on investment.


       Holistic marketing - this new paradigm combines the best of traditional marketing with new digital capabilities to build long-term, mutually satisfying relationships and co-prosperity among all key stakeholders” [1].

       整体市场——这种新范式结合了最好的传统市场与新的数字能力,在所有利害相关方之间建立长期的、相互满意的共同发展的关系” [1]。

       To many authors point of view the holistic marketing is our future, but even now we can observe a lot of changes and most of them are consequential from consumer behavior.许多作者认为整体市场是我们的未来,但即使现在我们也可以观察到许多变化,其中许多是消费者行为导致的结果。

       In the article the authors is going to name factors what influence the consumer behavior, describe them and offer insight in theoretical and practical classification of these factors. 文章中,作者提出影响消费者行为的因素,阐述它们,并对这些因素从理论和实践上进行分类。

       The main goal of research is to analyze factors what influences consumer behavior under influence of turbulent external factors. 研究的主要目的是分析在复杂的外部因素影响下影响消费者行为的因素。

       Very special role in presented research is devoted to analysis of consumer behavior in small market with specific particularities(for example Latvia and other Baltic States). 目前阶段研究的非常特殊的任务是专注于分析小市场(如拉脱维亚和其他波罗的海国家)特殊细节上的消费者行为。

       This goal was achieved through the solution of following tasks:通过如下任务的解决方案实现这个目标:

       –To analyze different definitions of consumer behavior;分析消费者行为的不同定义;

       –To analyze factors that are described as influencing consumer behavior in researches and scientific findings of authors worldwide;分析世界各地在研究和科学发现中被描述为对消费者行为产生影响的因素;

       –To evaluate factors in local market and to prepare its analysis;评估本地市场中的因素并加以分析;

       –To offer the authors classification of factors(原单词actors) what influences consumer behavior in Latvia and the Baltic States.为作者提供在拉脱维亚和其他波罗的海国家影响消费者行为的因素的分类。

       Research object is particularities of consumer behavior under impact of various factors.研究目标根据各种因素对消费者行为的影响进行细化。

       In the course of the present research by synthesis of theoretical developments and practical experience, the analysis of impact of different external factors on consumer behavior is done. 通过综合理论演进和实践经验的研究,对消费者行为产生影响的各种外部因素的分析已经完成。

       The research helps understand the particularities of consumer behavior in local small market. 研究可以帮助对当地小市场消费者行为特性的理解。

       In presented research the authors offer new and original definition of consumer behavior as well as indicate and classify all external factors what influences the consumer behavior. 在该研究中作者分别提供了消费者行为的新定义和初始定义,同时指出影响消费者行为的所有外部因素,并加以分类。


       这个是消费者市场调研部门,主要是做市场调查来分析消费者对于产品的喜好和需求,customer development是消费者发展部门,主要用来实行迎合消费者需要从而扩大并巩固市场分额的活动和企划.






       n.洞察力,洞悉; 直觉,眼光; 领悟; 顿悟;



       Self-help books often give you helpful insight.



       Where else can you get such insight?


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