freedom day_freedom 大友克洋

       大家好,今天我想和大家讲解一下“freedom day”的工作原理。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了分类,现在就让我们一起来学习吧。


2.想看孑然2012年上映的由Agathe Bonitzer主演的百度云资源

3.求Independence Day原版英文

4.平克弗洛伊德 a great day for freedom的歌词中文翻译


6.freedom歌词 freedom歌曲歌词简述

freedom day_freedom 大友克洋




       - "Free"表示免费、自由的状态或情况。它可以指没有费用、约束、限制或束缚。

       - "Freedom"则是自由的状态、权利或能力。它强调个人或集体不受限制、独立思考和行动的能力。


       1. 这本书是免费的。- This book is free.

       2. 我们应该捍卫自由。- We should defend freedom.


       - "Free"通常用作形容词,修饰名词,表示没有费用或限制。它也可用作动词,表示释放或解放。

       - "Freedom"是一个名词,表示自由的状态或权利。


       1. 你可以在这里免费下载电子书。- You can download ebooks here for free.

       2. 奴隶们终于获得了解放。- The slaves finally gained their freedom.


       - "Free"可以用在各种环境中,如商业、媒体、旅行等,用于描述没有费用或限制的情况。

       - "Freedom"更常用于政治、人权、法律等领域,表示个人或集体的自由权利。


       1. 这个软件有免费和付费版本。- This software has a free and a paid version.

       2. 宗教信仰自由是每个人的基本权利。- Freedom of religion is a fundamental right for everyone.


       - "Free"形象上与"costless"、"unrestricted"等相关,表达没有支付费用或受到限制。

       - "Freedom"强调自主、独立和无拘束的形象,代表了人类尊严和权力。


       1. 这张门票是免费的,所有人都可以进入。- This ticket is free, everyone can enter.

       2. 自由的精神驱使着人类不断追求进步。- The spirit of freedom drives humanity to constantly strive for progress.


       - "Free"的影响范围更为具体,通常指涉及具体物品、服务或活动,描述免费获取或使用的范围。

       - "Freedom"则更广泛,涵盖了个人、社会、政治、思想等各个领域,代表了更深层次的权利和自由。


       1. 这个网站提供免费的音乐下载。- This website offers free music downloads.

       2. 人权包括言论自由、宗教自由和思想自由。- Human rights include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of thought.

想看孑然2012年上映的由Agathe Bonitzer主演的百度云资源



       every day i hear a different story

       people saying that youre no good for me

       saw your lover with another and shes making a fool of you


       if you love me baby you deny it

       but you laugh and tell me i should try it

       tell me im your baby

       and i dont understand

       but you know that ill forgive you

       just this once twice forever

       cause baby

       you can drag me to hell and back

       just as long as were together

       and you do

       i dont want your freedom

       i dont want to play around

       i dont want nobody baby

       part time love just brings me down

       i dont need your freedom

       i dont want your freedom

       girl all i want right now is you

       like a prisoner who has his own key

       but i cant escape until you love me

       i just go from day to day

       knowing all about the other boys

       you take my hand and tell me im a fool

       to give you all that i do

       bet that someday baby

       someone says the same to you

       i dont want your freedom

       i dont need to play around

       i dont want nobody baby

       part time love just brings me down

       i dont want your freedom

       i dont want to play around

       i dont want nobody baby

       part time love just brings me down

       i dont want your..

       i dont want your ...

       i dont want your...

       i dont want your....

       hurting me baby

       hurting me baby


求Independence Day原版英文


       链接: /s/1CJhvcrvDqQy93ZaPiXFgMg














平克弗洛伊德 a great day for freedom的歌词中文翻译

       Independence Day(《独立日》)中最激动人心的演讲

        Good morning.


        In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world.


        And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind.


        Mankind. That word should have new meaning for all of us today.


        We can't be consumed by our petty differences any more.


        We will be united in our common interest.


        Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July.


        And you will once again be fighting for our freedom.


        Not from tyranny, oppression or persecution.


        But from annihilation.


        We're fighting for our right to live, to exist.


        And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice.


        "We will not go quietly into the night!"


        "We will not vanish without a fight!"


        "We're going to live on!"


        "We're going to survive!"


        Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!



       A GREAT DAY FOR FREEDOM 自由纪念日 Pink Floyd 贫客·福罗伊德 On the day the wall came down 那一天墙壁倒塌 They threw the locks onto the ground 人们把锁扔地上 And with glasses high we raised a cry for freedom had arrived 摘下眼镜,我们放声大哭,为这来之不易的自由。 On the day the wall came down 那一天墙壁倒塌 The ship of Fools had finally ran round 愚人船终于靠港 Promises lit up the night light doves in flight 承诺点燃夜空,和平鸽在飞翔 I dreamed you had left my side 梦中的你离开了我 No warmth, not even pride remained 热情不再,骄傲无存 And even though you needed me 即使你需要我 It was clear that I could not do a thing for you 我却无法为你做任何事 Not life devalues day by day 生命日益贬值 As friends and neighbors turn away 朋友邻居,弃我不顾 And there's a change that, even with regrets, cannot be undone 即使改变和后悔,都无法让一切重来 Now frontiers shift like desert sands 如今边疆变幻多,如同狂风吹沙漠 While nations wash their bloodied hands 国家把这血腥手染上了 Of loyalty, of history, in shades of grey 忠诚与历史的灰色, I woke to the sound of drums 我被战鼓声惊醒 The music played, the morning sun streamed in 音乐声响起,早晨的太阳涌上来 I turned and I looked at you 我转过身来看着你 And all but the bitter residues slipped away...slipped away 所有痛苦记忆都逝去。。。都逝去

freedom歌词 freedom歌曲歌词简述


       freedom 的意思是:自由、自主; 直率; 特权、特许; 自由权;

       音标英[?fri:d?m] 美[?frid?m] ?


       1.He is keen to freedom。他十分渴望自由

       2.Everyone in the pursuit of freedom。每个人都在追求自由

       3.Until one day you lose precious freedom will realize it. 等到有一天你失去自由才会明白它的珍贵

       4.The bird in the cage fly yearning for freedom.笼子里的小鸟向往着自由的飞翔

       5.The fish were swimming freely under the water.鱼儿在水底自由自在地游曳着


       1、《 freedom》(自由)歌手:Beyoncé.

        2、歌词:Felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders.Pressure to break or retreat at every turn.

        Facing the fear that the truth I discovered.

        No telling how all this will work out.

        But I've come too far to go back now.

        I am looking for freedom.Looking for freedom.

        And to find it cost me everything I have.

        Well I am looking for freedom.Looking for freedom.

        And to find it may take everything I have.

        I know all too well it don't come easy.

        The chains of the world they seem to move in tight.

        I try to walk around it.But stumbling's so familiar.

        Try to get up but the doubt is so strong.

        There's gotta be a wind in my bones.

        I'm looking for freedom.Looking for freedom.

        And to find it, cost me everything I have.

        Well I'm looking for freedom.I'm looking for freedom.And to find it may take everything I have.

        Oh not giving up has always been hard.So hard.

        But if I do the things the easy way I won't get far.

        Hmm, life hasn't been very kind to me lately.Well.

        But I suppose it's a push for moving on.Oh yeah.

        In time the sun's gonna shine on me nicely.

        One day yeah.

        Something tells me good things are coming and I ain't gonna not believe.I'm looking for freedom.Looking for freedom.And to find it, cost me everything I have.

        Well I'm looking for freedom.I'm looking for freedom.And to find it may take everything I have.













































































































       好了,今天关于“freedom day”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“freedom day”有更深入的认识,并且从我的回答中得到一些帮助。