
_alpine term


a slowly moving mass of ice


A glacier is a large, long-lasting river of ice that is formed on land and moves in response to grity. A glacier is formed by multi-year ice accretion in mountainous or sloping terrain. The glacier fringe is the area where the glacier has recently melted. There are two main types of glaciers: alpine glaciers, which are found in mountain terrains, and continental glaciers, which are associated with ice ages and can cover large areas of continents. ...


Ray Lloyd is a professional wrestler better known as Glacier from his days in World Championship Wrestling.


A huge mass of ice, formed on land by the compaction and recrystallization of snow, that moves very slowly downslope or outward due to its own weight.


Bodies of land ice that consist of recrystallized snow accumulated on the surface of the ground, and that move slowly downslope.


a large mass of ice (at least .1km^2) set in motion by the Earth's grity, which is a result of accumulated snowfall with little snow melt.


A glacier is a slowly-moving river of snow and ice.


A very large body of ice moving slowly down a slope or valley or spreading outward on a land surface


A large mass of ice formed by compressed snow, which moves slowly under its own weight. Glaciers exist where, over a period of years, snow remains after summer's end and accumulates year after year.


[glay-sher]- glaciers are accumulations of snow, ice, air pockets, water and rock debris. They can fill valleys or entire continents (as in the case of Antarctica). They he enough mass to flow across a landscape, moving as little as a few feet per year, up to thousands of feet per year. Glaciers are found throughout the world in such places as Africa, New Zealand and Chile.


A large mass of ice and snow that forms in areas where the rate of snowfall constantly exceeds the rate at which the snow melts


Any field or stream of ice of land origin. It may be either active or stagnant.


a large mass of ice formed by the accumulation of falling snow that moves like a river


a large body of ice with definite lateral limits, which moves in a downslope direction due to its great mass, as in Alaska.


Accumulation of ice of atmospheric origin generally moving slowly on land over a long period.


A mass of land ice, formed by the further recrystallization of firn, flowing continuously from higher to lower elevations. This term covers all such ice accumulations from the extensive continental glacier to tiny snowdrift glaciers. Nearly all glaciers are classified according to the topographical features with which they are associated, for example, highland glacier, plateau glacier, piedmont glacier, valley glacier, cirque glacier. ...


A thick mass of ice resulting from compacted snow that forms when more snow accumulates than melts annually.


A large mass of snow and ice moving along Earth's surface.


a body of ice, consisting largely of recrystalized snow, that shows evidence of downslide movement due to its own weight.


a body of moving ice, usually at least 100 feet thick so that the ice crystals on the bottom deform to effect movement.


is a body of ice showing evidence of movement as reported by the presence of ice flowline, crevasses, and recent geologic evidence. Glaciers exist where, over a period of years, snow remains after summer's end.


Shown on the map by a white background (ice) and blue contour lines. One glacier is labeled in red, but six other glaciers or partial glaciers also ear on this map. These are all examples of cirque glaciers.


A mass of slow-moving ice formed from accumulated snowfalls.


A large mass of ice formed, at least in part, on land by the compaction and recrystallization of snow, moving slowly down slope or outward in all directions due to the stress of its own weight and surviving from year to year. The term "glacier" is usually, though not exclusively, confined to ice bodies that are constrained by valleys. Ice bodies that are continental in scale are usually called "ice sheets".


Bodies of ice and compacted snow. Glaciers are formed with the termperature is too cold to allow accumulating snow to melt. The snow compacts and eventually the snow crystals change into granular ice crystals called firn. As the firn becomes buried under more accumulating snow, it changes into solid ice. The changes takes years to accomplish. There are two categories of glaciers: Alpine (which form on mountainsides) or ice sheets (which form on flat land). ...


a huge mass of ice and snow which moves extremely slowly (inches per year); able to scrape off and move large amounts of earth.


A mass of ice with definite lateral limits, with motion in a definite direction, and originating from the compacting of snow by pressure.


A large mass of ice which persists throughout the year, and moves slowly downslope in a liquid manor by it's own weight. Glaciers are formed in areas where the winter snow doesn't he a chance to melt, and consecutive snowfalls accumulate and compress into ice.



acclaim: praise vociferously; "The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein"

be a native of; "She hails from Kalamazoo"

call for; "hail a cab"

greet enthusiastically or joyfully

precipitation of ice pellets when there are strong rising air currents

enthusiastic greeting

precipitate as small ice particles; "It hailed for an hour"


Hail is a type of graupel (a form of precipitation) composed of balls or irregular lumps of ice. It occurs when supercooled water droplets (remaining in a liquid state despite being below the freezing point, 0 °C/32 °F) in a storm cloud aggregates around some solid object, such as a dust particle or an already-forming hailstone. The water then freezes around the object. ...


showery precipitation in the form of irregular pellets or balls of ice more than 5 mm in diameter, falling from a cumulonimbus cloud.


precipitation composed of chunks of ice that form atop cumulonimbus clouds and fall as soon as they become too hey for the cloud updrafts to hold.


Precipitation in the form of transparent or partially opaque balls or irregular lumps of concentric ice. Hail is normally defined as hing a diameter of 5 millimeters or more and is produced by thunderstorms.


A call to another vessel. Harbor - A safe, protected anchorage for docking and loading. Hatch - An opening in the deck, providing access to the space below. Head - This word is used in many ways in boating, the most important to those on board being "toilet." Heading - The compass direction in which a vessel is pointed at any given moment. Head sea - Wes coming from the direction in which a vessel is heading. Helm - Where the steering wheel is located. ...


Precipitation in the form of hard pellets of ice which fall from cumulo-nimbus clouds and are often associated with thunderstorms.


Precipitation composed of balls or irregular lumps of ice with diameters between 5 and 50 mm.


Pieces of hard, solid ice falling from clouds.


Precipitation in the form of balls or irregular lumps of ice, always produced by convective clouds, nearly always cumulonimbus. An individual unit of hail is called a hailstone. By convention, hail has a diameter of 5 mm or more, while smaller particles of similar origin, formerly called small hail, may be classed as either ice pellets or snow pellets. ...


Precipitation in the form of balls or clumps of ice, produced by thunderstorms. Severe storms with intense updrafts are the most likely large hail producers.


Precipitation in the forms of lumps of ice that occur with some thunderstorms.


a frozen form of precipitation in which droplets reach the ground still frozen as ice. Individual droplets, or hailstones, can range in size from a grain of sand to a large cobble.


A type of frozen precipitation formed when rain droplets are lofted high into the atmosphere by strong updrafts repeatedly, adding new layers of ice with each up-and-down trip, until it is finally hey enough to fall to the ground. Hail accompanies strong thunderstorms and is usually a summertime phenomenon.


Balls of ice ranging in size from tiny peas to larger than orange size


millimetric or larger precipitation particle of ice, formed by the accretion of ice crystals and rapidly freezing supercooled water droplets.


to call to another ship.


Pieces of ice that sometimes form in high clouds


Precipitation in the form of nearly spherical or jagged chunks of ice; often characterized by internal concentric layering. Hail is associated with thunderstorm cells that he strong updrafts and relatively great moisture content.


precipitation in the form of hard pellets of ice or hard snow.


Precipitation in the form of circular or irregular-shaped lumps of ice.


ice balls that are formed by rain that is thrown by air currents back up into a thundercloud, were a layer of ice forms around it. Hail can make several trips back up into a cloud, were it is covered with another level of ice each time.


opaque balls of ice, almost always spherical. Hail occurs in all provinces, but most frequently in Saskatchewan and Alberta, where some areas can get as many as 10 storms a year.


Rain that has been frozen many times on its way to the ground, creating a lumpy ball of ice.


To attempt to contact another boat or shore, either by voice or radio.


is precipitation of small balls or pieces of ice (hailstones) with a diameter ranging from 5 to 50 mm (1/2 to 2 inches) or sometimes more, falling either separately or fused into irregular lumps. Hailstones are composed, almost exclusively of transparent ice, or a series of transparent ice at least 1 mm (1/25 in.) in thickness, alternating with translucent layers. Hail is generally observed during hey thunderstorms.


Balls of ice that grow in thunderstorm updrafts.










Austria is a country of startling contrasts, from the Austrian Alps in the west to the Danube Basin in the east. It is not only famous as one of the world’s premier skiing regions, but also for its historical buildings, world-class museums and galleries, breathtaking scenery, magnificent mountains and established hiking trails. Visitors in search of culture and visitors in search of scenery are spoilt alike. In addition to natural wealth, the country contains numerous and glorious architectural riches, including frequent reminders of the once-powerful Hapsburgs, who dominated central Europe for seven centuries. It must be said that Austria bears the hallmarks of past Emperorship beautifully: the capital, Vienna, is magnificent with its ornate Opera House and the former imperial residence of the Hofburg; Austria’s other cities are similarly infused with a historical magic, notably Salzburg, the birthplace of Mozart, with stunning Baroque churches set before a backdrop of snow-covered peaks; and Innsbruck, in the center of the Austrian Alps.

Many places in Austria are themselves worthy of artistic acclaim, so it is little wonder that Austria has produced and inspired a catalog of cultural figures. During the 17th and 18th centuries, Austria – and, in particular, Vienna – became one of the major centers of the cultural renaissance associated with the terms Baroque and The Enlightenment; the musical achievements of this period are particularly notable and their note in cultural history still resounds. Remnants of Mozart’s legacy are everywhere. However, Austria has also yielded people such as artists Klimt and Schiele, composers Mahler and Schubert, writers Rilke and Schnitzler, psychologists Freud and Rank, and philosophers such as Husserl and Wittgenstein.

Nevertheless, Austria strives to cultivate its legacy of the future. The country is a hothouse of striking contemporary architecture, at the forefront of engineering, invention and design, and with a modern, efficient social system. Austria still has a justifiable reputation for music, literature and the arts, with Elfriede Jelinek recently winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2004. You are just as likely to find Alpine New We punk-rock as you are to find yodelling. In terms of gourmet culture, the legendary Gemütlichkeit – a relaxed enjoyment of life – is evident in the cafes where the art of coffee-drinking has been raised to a high art, and the many Heurigen, where the latest vintages are accompanied by vast quantities of food. Nightlife is versatile, offering laid-back terns, beer gardens and excellent après-ski, as well as trendy clubs and dance venues packed to the small hours.



At the Vienna New Year Concert "Golden Hall" has caused the number of music lovers around the world admired, It is also "Golden Hall" ge birth to the Voice of the Vienna Philharmonic. Completed in 1870, the formal name should be called Music Association Hall by the Architectural Design Master Music Hansen.Hall, there were 1,654 seats and about 300 stations. Since the completion of the hall that day onwards, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in here, "pitched a tent." Golden Hall" with the Vienna Philharmonic Voice of the other, "the world's first Orchestra" and the "World Principal Hall" television.

After listening to the concert, you may feel an upsurge of emotion, then walk around it along the Danube. On both sides of the river the shade and dense jungles, moonlight through irradiation down trees, kicking deciduous, quiet leisurely, the most ropriate way, How do most ropriate. John Strauss's "The Blue Danube Waltz" and "Vienna Woods story," "Vienna temperament" Perhaps this is created out of. If it is in the daytime, a deep interest in it, then we can paddle boat, slowly ripple on the river to see both sides of the River vineyard, reciate it a rich purple.At this point, you may vaguely heard "South Rose," "soft liquor, women and song" music, the works of Strauss, Vienna itself is a love for the annals.