






6.What is the plants?



       制造轮胎机器--Tyre Manufacturing Machine

       胶囊硫化机--Capsule Vulcanization Machine

       钢丝成型机--Wire Building Machine

       密炼机--Hermetic Mixer

       裁纱机--Bias Cutter

       胎面挤出机--Tread Extruding

       帘布上胶机--Spinning & Rubber Mixer





       硅橡胶用硫化剂 C-3A


       Vulcanizing agent for silicone rubber C-3A








       电话:86-760-85338613 / 85338614 传真:86-760-5338612








       86-532-3889090 3889191


       □纯品 □混合物

       产品名称: 硅橡胶用硫化剂



       CAS NO









       第5.2类 有机过氧化物







       皮肤接触:1. 立即用大量水冲洗

       2 .如果持续刺激,立即就医。

       3 .污染的衣鞋及皮制品须完全除污后才可再用或丢弃。

       眼睛接触:1 . 立即用大量的水冲洗眼睛;


       3 .小心勿让污染的水波及未受沾染的其它眼部或脸部。

       4. 如果持续剌激,立即就医。

       吸 入:搬到新鲜空气处,如果没有呼吸,立即进行人工呼吸

       食 入:1 . 立即咨询医生或毒物控制中心

       2. 在医护人员指导下,立即进行催吐







       小 火: 消防沙或喷泡沫,干粉均可.禁止使用酸碱类灭火剂灭火.

       大 火: 立即通知消防单位救火,并保持10-15米的安全距离.

       有害的燃烧产物:二氧化碳、 一氧化碳、甲烷、苯乙酮、 2-苯基异丙醇.



       应急处理:1 .使其隔离火源



       清理方法:1 .快速与火源隔离。

       2 . 使用惰性物质(例如蛭石或干净的沙)来吸附.

       3. 用胶铲(防止产生火花)清除后放入PE桶或玻璃瓶中。



       1. 过氧化物为可燃物,必须远离火源与发热源.

       2. 必须将其储存在原装桶内.如与铁锈,灰尘,泥土,促进剂和众多化学品中任何一种接触,均可能引起分解反应.

       3. 使用时必须配戴安全手套和护目镜.

       4. 在通风良好的区域进行操作,消除所有点火源。



       1. 储藏在阴凉的地方,远离热源,避免阳光直射。

       2. 不能和促进剂及任何可燃物质停放在一起.

       3. 应确实执行产品标签上所标示的储存温度.

       4. 绝对禁止在车间或仓库内吸烟或点火.


       工程控制:1 .确保工作区域通风良好,建议使用局部抽风

       2. 建议进行防爆通风






       卫生措施:1 .工作后尽速脱掉污染之衣物,洗净后才可再穿戴或丢弃,且须告知洗衣人员污染物之危害性。


       3 .处理此物后,须彻底洗手。

       4 .维持作业场所清洁。




       颜 色








       密 度

       1.1 (水=1 )









       溶 解 性











       1.照光或受热,特别是在25 ℃以上可能会引发分解反应。

       2 .金属盐、过氧化物、氧化剂、强酸或强碱皆可能引发其分解或爆炸。

       3 .热、火花、明火、引火源。

       应避免之物质:1 .氧化剂。2 .碱金属。3 .强酸。4 .强碱。5 . 过氧化物。

       危害分解物:二氧化碳、 一氧化碳、甲烷、苯乙酮、 2-苯基异丙醇.




       口服 半数致死量 LD50 大鼠: >2000 毫克/千克






       非畸形, 不致癌的, 非诱导有机体突变物质



       口服 半数致死量 LD50大鼠: 约 4000 毫克/千克 / 老鼠:> 4500 毫克/千克

       皮肤 半数致死量 LD50大鼠: >2000 毫克/千克

       吸入 半数致死浓度 LC50大鼠: >224 毫克/升 ( 最大 粉尘 浓度 过氧化二异丙苯 40%)




       致敏感性: 不致敏


       Ames试验: 非诱导有机体突变物质






       1. 依现行法规处理。

       2 . 依照仓储条件贮存待处理的废弃物。

       3. 处理前应参阅国家或地方法规.



       危险等级 :5.2




       包装标志: 有机过氧化物

       包装方法: 塑料袋外塑料桶

       特殊运送方法及注意事项: 1.防止阳光直射。































       行为者, 动作者, 作用者, 媒介物, 介质,语 主动者

       原因; 动因; 力量


       代理人, 经纪人; 代理商, 经理人

       事务官, 总办, 总管; (=Indian agent)[美]印第安人事务官



       间谍, 密探, 特务

       工具, 方法

       advance agent


       a publicity agent

       宣传员; 广告员

       consular agent


       county agent


       enemy agents

       奸细, 敌特

       a general agent


       a road agent


       a secret agent

       特务, 侦探

       secret-service agent


       station agent

       [美](小火车站)站长; (较大火车站)某一部门的负责人

       turf commission agent


       universal agent


       ablative agent


       abrading agent

       磨料; 研磨剂

       absorbing agent


       accelerating agent

       促进剂; 促染剂

       acetylating agent


       acquisition agent


       activating agent

       放射化物质, 激活物质, 激活剂, 活化剂

       addition agent

       添加剂, 助剂; 合金元素

       adrenergic blocking agent


       advertising agent


       aerating agent

       (面团)酥松剂, 充气剂

       aetiological agent

       发病原因; 病因

       agglomerating agent

       烧结因素; 凝结剂, 胶凝剂

       aldehyde tanning agent


       alkylating agent


       Alsithermic reducing agent


       aminating agent


       anchoring agent

       结合剂; 增粘剂

       anionic surface-active agent


       anstatic agent


       anti-blocking agent


       anti-blushing agent

       防变色剂; 抗混浊剂

       anti-caking agent


       anticholinergic agent


       anti-corrosion agent


       anticracking agent


       anticreaming agent


       anti-flammability agent


       anti-floating agent

       防发花剂, 防浮剂; 抗浮剂

       antiflocculating agent


       antifreezing agent


       antifrosting agent


       antihypertensive agent


       anti-inflammatory agent


       antiknock blending agent


       anti-livering agent

       防肝化剂; 防胶化剂

       antimicrobial agent

       抗菌剂; 抗微生物剂

       anti-mildew agent


       antipersonnel agent


       antiplastering agent


       antirusting agent


       antiseptic agent


       antisettle agent


       antishock agent


       antislipping agent


       antisludging agent


       antistaling agent


       antisticking agent

       防粘剂, 脱模剂

       antistripping agent


       anti-sun cracking agent


       antitackiness agent


       antitarnish agent

       防锈剂, 防晦暗剂

       anti-termite agent


       antitubercular agent


       antiviral agent


       aromatizing agent

       加香剂, 调香料, 芳化剂

       authentication agent


       authorized agent


       average agent


       bacteriostatic agent


       baking agent

       发粉, 焙烤用面坯疏松剂

       bargainig agent


       benzoylating agent


       binding agent

       虫胶粘合剂(粗纹唱片的基本材料), 接合剂

       biogeochemical agent


       biological agent


       blasting agent


       bleaching agent


       blending agent

       调味剂, 掺合剂

       book agent


       break bulk agent


       brightening agent

       增白剂; 增艳剂; 增亮剂; 光亮剂(电镀)

       broker agent


       brominating agent


       buffering agent


       bulking agent

       膨胀剂, 填充剂, 疏松剂(添加于烟叶中使之松散的中性物质)

       business agent

       地区工会代表; 工会职员

       caking agent


       carbonaceous reducing agent


       carburizing agent

       渗碳剂, 碳化剂

       cargo agent


       carrier's agent


       cation surface active agent


       cementing agent

       粘合剂, 胶结料

       chartered agent


       chartering agent


       chemical sanitizing agent


       chief purchasing agent

       采购主任, 物资技术供应处主任

       claims surveying agent


       cleaning agent

       清洗剂, 澄清剂[器]

       clouding agent

       混浊剂, 悬浊剂

       coating agent

       涂层剂; 涂布剂; 涂饰剂

       collection agent

       托收代理人, 代收人

       collector agent


       coloring agent

       染料; 颜料; 着色剂

       commercial agent

       商务代办, 代理商

       commission agent


       commissioned agent


       consignment agent


       contrast agent

       造影剂, 对比剂

       control agent

       控制介质, 调节体

       conventional agent


       coordination agent


       corrosive agent


       covering agent


       crust forming agent

       表皮形成剂; 结皮剂

       curing agent

       固化剂, 硬化剂

       customs agent


       cytostatic agent


       data agent


       deactivating agent


       decoloring agent

       脱色剂, 去色剂

       decontaminating agent

       去污剂, 净化剂

       decoppering agent


       degasifing agent


       degumming agent


       dehydrating agent


       dehydrogenating agent


       deicing agent

       防冻剂; 防冰剂

       delivery and customs agent


       denaturing agent


       denuding agent


       deoxidizing agent


       dependent agent


       depilating agent


       depolymerizing agent


       depressing agent


       desiccating agent


       desulfurizing agent


       detonating agent


       developing agent

       显影剂, 展开剂

       dewaxing agent


       diagnostic agent

       诊断剂 牋

       diluting agent


       dipping agent


       discharging agent


       disinfecting agent

       消毒剂, 杀菌剂

       dispersing agent


       diverting agent


       domestic agent


       doping agent


       dressing agent


       dry blasting agent


       dry cleaning agent


       duly accredited agent


       dusting agent


       dust-laying agent


       dye-fixing agent


       economic agent

       经济代理人; 经济因素

       effervescing agent

       泡腾剂, 起泡剂

       electronating agent

       增电子剂; 还原剂

       emigrant agent


       employment agent


       emulsifying agent


       energizing agent

       (固体渗碳)催化剂, 强化剂(如碳酸钡、碳酸钙、碳酸钠)

       epoxidizing agent


       estate agent

       土地管理人; 房地产商, 房地产经纪人, 捐客

       esterifying agent


       etching agent

       浸蚀剂, 腐蚀剂

       etherifying agent


       ethylating agent


       evocating agent


       exchange broker agent


       exclusive agent

       总代理商, 独家代理人

       exclusive buying agent

       独家购买代理商, 独家代购

       exclusive selling agent

       独家代销; 独家经销代理商

       explosive agent


       export agent


       extinguishing agent


       fat liquoring agents


       fatigue protective agent


       fertility agent


       filling agent

       填充剂; 填料

       film-hardening agent


       fining agent


       firming agent


       firm's agent


       fiscal agent


       flame-proofing agent

       耐焰剂; 耐火剂

       flatting agent


       flavouring agent

       增香剂; 调味剂; 食用香料

       flocculating agent


       fluidifying agent

       流化剂, 稀释剂

       fluid-loss agent


       fluorescent bleaching agent


       fluorizating agent


       fluxing agent

       助熔剂; 焊药

       formylating agent


       forwarding agent

       运送经理人; 运输行[商], 转运公司

       freight agent


       frosting agent


       fusing agent


       gas-absorbing agent


       gaseous reducing agent


       gelling agent


       general claim agent


       general freight agent


       gloss agent


       graphite fiber coupling agents


       grinding agent


       ground handling agent


       halogenating agent


       harassing agent


       hardening agent

       硬化剂, 淬火剂; 强化剂; 淬火介质

       heat-generating agent


       heat-removing agent


       hemolytic agent


       high-octane blending agent


       house agent


       hydraulic binding agent


       hydrolytic agent


       hydroxylating agent


       hygroscopic agent


       import agent


       impregnating agent


       incendiary agent


       indizating agent


       initial detonating agent


       insurance agent


       intermediary agent


       iron-retention agent


       joint agent


       lacrimatory agent


       landing agent


       lapping agent

       研磨剂, 抛光剂

       leafing agent


       levelling agent

       均化剂; 匀染剂

       light-screening agent


       lipotropic agent


       liquid polishing agent


       Lloyd's agent


       loading agent


       lubricating agent

       润滑剂; 隔离剂; 脱模剂

       managing agent


       manufacturer's agent


       maturing agent

       陈化剂, 促熟剂

       merchant agent


       mercur(iz)ating agent


       metallic reducing agent


       methylating agent


       mildew-retarding agent


       mineral tanning agent


       mixed agent


       modifying agent

       改性[良]剂, 调节剂, 修改剂

       mold preventing agent


       mold preventing paint


       mothproofing agent


       mutagenic agent


       neutral synthetic washing agent


       neutralizing agent


       nitrating agent


       nitridizing agent


       nitrosating agent


       nodulizing agent


       nonmetallic reduction agent


       non-stock agent


       non-volatile swelling agent


       nucleating agent

       孕育剂, 成核剂

       oil-displacing agent


       oil resistance agent


       opacifying agent

       乳浊剂, 遮光剂

       organic addition agent


       organic binding agent


       organic reinforcing agent


       organic sequestering agent


       organophosphorus agent


       osmotic agent


       oxidizing agent


       packing agent


       passivating agent

       钝化剂, 抑制剂

       particle size control agent


       parting agent


       patent agent


       payable agent


       paying agent

       付款银行; 代理保险包括理赔工作的保险代理人

       pearlescing agent


       penetrating agent


       peptizing agent


       peroxide vulcanizing agent


       phenolic tanning agent


       phenylating agent

       苯基化剂; 加苯剂

       physical agent


       pickling agent

       浸渍剂; 酸浸剂

       plaining agent



       粘结剂, 胶结剂

       plasticizing agent


       plugging agent

       封堵剂; 堵水剂(油田)

       polishing agent

       磨光剂; 擦亮剂

       pollinating agent

       传粉者, 传粉媒介

       polymerizing agent


       polyploiding agent


       pore-forming agent


       potentiating agent


       powdering agent

       隔离剂; 打粉剂

       precipitating agent


       preserving agent (=conserving agent)

       保藏剂, 防腐剂

       press agent


       pretanning agent


       pretreating agent


       principal agent


       pro-knock agent


       promoting agent

       增进剂; 活性剂

       pro-oxygenic agent


       propelling agent


       proprietary agent


       protective agent

       防护剂; 保护剂; 防老(化)剂

       puffing agent


       purchasing agent

       代购人; 采购人

       purifying agent

       提纯器, 净化器[剂]

       quenching agent


       radiocontrast agent


       radiological contamination-decontamination agent


       radiomimetic agent


       raising agent


       reaction control agent


       reaggregation agent


       real estate agent


       realestate agent




       reclaiming agent

       再生剂, 脱硫剂

       reducing agent

       还原剂, 脱氧剂

       refining agent


       regional sales agent


       reimbursing agent


       reinforcing agent


       release agent

       隔离剂; 脱模制

       releasing agent

       防粘剂; 释放剂

       resinifying agent


       restraining agent

       抑制剂; 抑染剂

       retarding agent

       阻滞剂; 迟延剂; 抑制剂

       revenue agent


       rigidity agent


       roll release agent


       rubber plastizing agent


       rust-proofing agent (=anticorrosive agent)


       sale agent


       sanding agent


       sanforizing agent


       scanning agent


       scavenging agent

       清除剂; 净化剂

       scenting agent


       seeding agent

       人工造雾播撒剂, 促结晶剂

       selling agent


       sensitizing agent

       敏化剂; 增感剂

       separating agent


       settling agent

       理赔代理人, 沉降剂, 凝结剂

       shipping agent

       转运公司, 运输代理商

       ship's agent


       sighting agent


       siliceous reinforcing agent

       硅补强剂; 白炭黑

       sizing agent

       胶粘剂; 浆料; 施胶剂; 上浆剂

       skin-protecting agent


       slipping agent

       增滑剂; 润滑剂

       slipproofing agent


       slurry blasting agent


       smoking agent


       smoothing agent


       social insurance agent


       softening agent

       软化剂; 柔软剂; 软水剂; 软化器

       soiling agent


       sole agent

       包销人, 独家代[经]理, 独家经销商

       solubilizing agent


       special agent


       sponging agent

       海绵化剂, 发泡剂

       spotting agent


       stabilizing agent


       stain control agent


       staining agent

       染色剂; 着色剂

       statutory agent


       sterilizing agent


       sticking agent


       stiffening agent


       stock transfer agent


       stomach agent


       stopping agent


       strengthening agent


       stripping agent

       反萃(取)剂; 剥色剂

       subscription agent


       sulfonating agent


       sun-screening agent


       supply agent


       surface active agent


       survey agent


       sweetening agent


       swelling agent


       synergistic agent


       tackiness agent

       油、脂用粘着性添加剂; 胶粘剂

       tanning agent


       thermate agent


       thickening agent


       thinning agent


       ticket agent

       售票员; 售票代理人

       transforming agent


       transit agent


       transmission agent


       trapping agent


       ultrasonic cleaning agent


       ultraviolet screening agent


       validity signature agent


       virus-inactivating agent


       viscosity-controlling agent


       vitrified bonding agent


       vulcanizing agent


       warhead damage agent


       washing agent


       water-softening agent

       软水剂; 水软化剂

       wear prevention agent


       wedding agent

       乳化剂; 结合剂

       weighting agent

       增重剂; 加重剂; 填充剂

       welding agent


       wetting agent



       withholding agent


       world-wide agent


       agent of correspondent banking system


       agent of migration


       agent of production



       可靠性是一个最重要的属性的绝缘体,是否它是一种聚合物(复合) 绝缘体或陶瓷。 The reliability of an insulator depends upon its electrical and mechanical strengths.绝缘体的可靠性取决于其电气和机械强度。 With the advent of modern manufacturing, mechanical molding and fixture technique, the mechanical strength is quite reliable.随着现代制造业,机械成型和夹具技术的问世,机械强度是相当可靠的。 However the electrical strength over decades is not fully guaranteed.但经过几十年的电气强度不能得到充分保证。 The modern style polymeric insulators were introduced about 25 years ago with most recent version about 13 years ago.现代风格的聚合物绝缘体推出最新版本大约25年前,大约13年前。 The reason for this was not failure of ceramic insulators, but the other benefits such as 90% weight reduction, better pollution performance and low associated costs of polymeric insulators over ceramic ones.这样做的原因是没有失败的陶瓷绝缘体,但其他好处,如重量减少90%,更好的抗污染性能和低相关成本对陶瓷的聚合物绝缘体。

       Experience of outdoor insulation started from the introduction of telegraphic lines.户外绝缘的经验,开始从电报线的引进。 The pin and cap type insulators have been used since the last quarter of the 18th century.针和帽式绝缘子已用于自18世纪的最后一个季度。 These insulators are very reliable.这些绝缘体是非常可靠的。 Glass and porcelain insulators were the only type available before the introduction of newer polymeric insulators and thus had fully ruled over the market till late second half of the 20 th century.玻璃和瓷绝缘子的唯一类型前引进新的聚合物绝缘体 ,因此对市场的完全统治,直到20世纪后期下半年。 The polymeric insulator has a fiber rod structure covered with weather resistant rubbers and fillers and fitted with end fittings.聚合物绝缘体,覆盖耐候橡胶和填料的纤维杆结构,并配备了接头。 Such a type of insulator is also called composite insulator.这样的绝缘体类型也被称为复合绝缘子。

       The most critical thing to be considered in outdoor insulators is the interface between the solid insulting body and the surrounding air.在户外绝缘子认为最关键的是坚实的侮辱性的身体和周围的空气之间的界面。 The problem appears at the interface because it is the interfering point of air and the solid insulator.在界面上出现问题,因为它是空气和固体绝缘体的干扰点。 This problem arises due to the effects of pollution, rain, dust, salt, corona, arcing over surfaces, nitric acid in air, etc.出现这种问题,由于污染,雨水,灰尘,盐,电晕,电弧超过表面,在空气中硝酸等的影响

       These things increase the leakage current and deteriorate its performance.这些东西增加漏电流,并恶化其性能。 Surfaces of insulating bodies were therefore coated with glazed material for glass and porcelain insulators, and organic or semi-organic polymer rubbers for composite insulators.因此,表面涂有绝缘机构釉面玻璃和瓷绝缘子,复合绝缘子的有机或半有机高分子橡胶材料。

       A typical composite insulator is composed of a glass fiber reinforced (GFR) epoxy or polyester core (rod), attached with metal end-fittings. (GFR)玻璃纤维增?强环氧或聚酯的核心(杆)与金属件连接,组成一个典型的复合绝缘子。 This is the load bearing structure.这是承重结构。 GFR plastics are mechanically very strong but are not able to bear the outdoor environmental effects. GFR塑料机械非常强劲,但无法承受户外的环境影响。 The presence of dirt and moisture in combination with electrical stress causes the material to degrade by tracking and erosion.污垢和水分结合电应力的存在导致材料降解,通过跟踪和侵蚀。 So the rod is covered by a coating that protects it from outside stresses such as rain, salt, fog, pollution, etc. This coating is referred to as housing.因此,棒,从外部讲,诸如雨,盐,雾,污染等,这种涂层被称为住房保护涂层覆盖。

       A housing material should be able to protect the load-bearing core and provide sufficient pollution withstand.一个外壳材料应能保护承重的核心,并提供足够的污染承受。 The reason of use of rubbers instead of ordinary plastics is simply the fact that the housing must be flexible enough to follow the changes in dimension caused by temperature or mechanical load. ,而不是使用普通塑料橡胶的原因很简单,事实上,房屋必须足够灵活,尺寸变化引起的温度或机械负荷。

       The early developments of modern polymeric insulators started in 1964, and prototypes for field installations started in 1967, and a report from 1996 stated that insulators installed in 1969 were performing well.现代聚合物绝缘子的早期发展开始于1964年,和1967年开始现场安装的原型,并从1996年的报告指出,在1969年安装的绝缘体,表现良好。 The early types had an epoxy bonded E-glass fiber core covered with a thin room temperature vulcanized (RTV) silicon rubber housing.早期类型环氧保税无碱玻璃纤维薄室硫化温度(RTV)硅橡胶外壳覆盖的核心。

       A major change in production technology occurred in 1978, when the housing material was replaced with ATH-filled high temperature vulcanized (HTV) silicon rubber.生产技术的一个重大的变化发生在1978年,当房屋的材料和ATH填充硫化温度高(HTV)硅橡胶所取代。

       Composite insulators can be manufactured by different techniques.复合绝缘子可以制造不同的技术。 One way is to first manufacture the sheds separately and push them onto the core.一种方法是先制造鸡舍分开,并推到他们的核心。

       This technique was abandoned because these insulators experienced a lot of problems.这种技术被放弃了,因为这些绝缘子经历了很多问题。 The weak spots were the interfaces between the sheds where moisture could penetrate into the insulator causing internal tracking.薄弱点水分可以渗透到绝缘体造成内部跟踪鸡舍之间的接口。 A better way is to first cover the core with housing, add the sheds onto it and then vulcanize the parts together.一个更好的方法是先盖住房的核心,它添加到鸡舍,然后一起硫化的部分。 This reduces the number of interfaces where moisture can penetrate to the GFR rod.这将减少数量的接口,其中的水分可以穿透GFR杆。

       Today the most commonly used technique is one-shot molding.今天最常用的方法是一次性成型。 The whole insulator housing is then injection molded directly around the core in one piece.全绝缘外壳,然后注射成型围绕核心直接在一块。 In this way, the housing can be chemically bonded to the core, and the number of interfaces where moisture can penetrate is minimized.这样,房屋可以化学键的核心,是最小化的接口,其中水分可以穿透。 This technique is the most attractive to manufacturers because of the lower number of steps involved and short time of processing.这种技术是最有吸引力的厂家由于涉及的步骤和短的时间内处理数量较少。 There are three main types of silicone rubbers used in high voltage insulation applications: high temperature vulcanizing (HTV) silicon rubber, room temperature vulcanizing (RTV) silicone rubber and liquid silicone rubber (LSR).主要有三种类型的高电压绝缘应用中使用的硅橡胶高温硫化硅橡胶(HTV),室温硫化(RTV)硅橡胶和液态硅橡胶(LSR)。 HTV is cured at high temperature and pressure, catalyzed by peroxide induced free radicals or by hydrosilylation catalyzed by a noble metal, ie platinum. HTV是在高温高压催化过氧化氢诱导的自由基,或由贵金属,即铂催化硅氢化,治愈。 RTV is cured at lower temperature, ie around room temperature, by condensation reaction as one component system.室温固化在较低的温度,即作为一个组件系统通过缩合反应,室温各地。 The one component system is一个组件系统

       cured by moisture diffusion from the surrounding air into the material and is rarely used for the production of insulators.从周围空气中的水分扩散到材料和治愈,很少用于生产绝缘子。























What is the plants?


       毛边 Flash or burr 黑粒溢料 Pill overflow

       污点 Spots or dirty dots 破裂 Torn

       污迹 Dirty mark or contaminant 黑粒不良 Pill badness

       粘异物 Adhere to impurities 缺料 Short mold

       混练 Compounding 原料片数 No. Of pieces

       裁料 Material cutting 硅胶 Silicone rubber

       比色系统(色卡) PMS (pantone) 针孔 Pin hole

       溢料 Color overflow 弹性不良 Force defect

       气迹 Gas bubble problem 麻木 Insensibility

       KT不良 Defect of the KT 黑点 Black spot

       黑粒破 Pill torn 模痕 Mould mark

       变形 Deform or Distort KT 插反 Insert KT in reverse

       凹痕 Dented or recess KT插错 Insert wrong KT

       凸痕 Protruding mark 尺寸偏大 Dimension oversize

       漏插KT Missing KT when insert 黑粒 Conductive pill

       二次加硫 Post curing 弹性 Actuating force

       油压 Pressuring 黑粒置具 Conductive pill jig

       漏挖定位孔 Absence of locating hole 双粒 Double pill

       缺陷模产品相掺 Commixture of different mould 不明数 Not clear number

       偏心 Mould eccentricity 粘油印 Adhere to printing ink

       印刷不良 Printing defect 表面不良 Appearance defect

       导电不良 Electrical defect 移印不良 Shift printing defect

       积油 Oil amass 印刷字体斜 Printing slanting

       气泡 Bubble 字体偏位 Printing offset

       产品相混 Mixing different parts 颗粒 Particle

       硫化剂 vulcanizing agent

       产品送错工序 Delivered wrong working procedure 键帽刮伤 Keycap scratch

       不同型号的合格证相掺 Mixing different product’s labels 资料单与产品型号不符 Production data do not agree with the part number

       银粉粒 Sliver pill 整批合格证错 Wrong label of the whole batch

       漏印导电 Missing coating 键帽粘偏 Exhibiting keycap deflection

       切割图形不正 Laser etched graphics misaligned 多挖KT Dig extra KT

       雾面PU Matt PU coating 漏挖KT KT miss digging

       粘面 Semi-glassy coating 挖错KT Digging with mistaken KT

       漏印导电 Missing coating 多切KT Cutting much KT

       漏印字体 Missing printing style 印错字体 Misprinting style

       切割方向错 Wrong direction of laser etched 漏喷消光 Missing coating

       漏切割 Missing laser etched 漏喷PU Missing PU coating

       漏注滴 Missing soft encapsulation 漏塞料 Missing material when insert

       环绕 Around 丝网 Printing stencil

       键 Buttons 寿命 Life cycle

       直径 Diameter 电镀 Plating

       剖面图 Section 不良 Badness

       参考 Reference 额外冲程 Over travel

       参考面 Reference pain 印刷置具 Printing jig

       PU不良 PU coating defective 喷 Spray

       粘胶 Adhere to impurities 冲程 Travel

       类型 Type 修改 REV.

       圆的 Spherical 感觉 Snap feeling

       片 Cave 尺寸 Dimension

       公差 Tolerance 键高 Key height

       回弹 Return force 键盘 Key pad

       固化 Solidify 电压 Pressure

       生产部 Production dept. 电流 Current

       品管部 Quality control dept. 能量 Energy

       业务部 Sales dept. 速度 Speed

       财务部 Finance dept. 加硫 Post curing

       行政部 Administration dept. 客户 Customer

       ESH Environment safety healthy 供应商 Supplier

       VBSS Value based six sigma 型号 Part No.

       IT International technical 编号 Serials No.

       ISO International standard organization 样品 Samples

       IPQC In process quality control 产品 Product

       QC Quality control 班 Shift

       QA Quality assurance 过程 Process

       加工 Deflash 流程图 Flow chat

       冲加工 Punching 标准卡 Standard card

       胶印 Tempo-printing 说明书 Instruction

       注塑 Plastic injection 控制计划 Control plan

       塑喷 Plastic spraying 报告 Report

       进料 incoming 制作 Prepared

       出货 Delivery 确认 Approved

       标记 Symbol 审核 Checked

       合格 Accept 备注 Remark

       不合格 Reject 原因 Reason

       判断 Decision 结果 Result

       正常检验 Normal test 方法 Method

       加严检验 Tighten 纠正 Correction

       返修 Rework 描述 Description

       摩擦 Abrasion 投诉 Complain

       划格 Cross cut 追踪 Tracking

       温度 Temperature 改善 Improvement

       湿度 Humidity 频率 Frequency

       外观 Appearance 反馈 Feedback

       颜色 Color 更改 Rejecter

       长度 Length 油墨 Ink

       宽度 Width 色膏 Pigment

       厚度 Thickness 胶水 Glue

       高度 Height 丝网 Sick screen

       亮雾 Dim 发票 Invoice





        ?, ?, ?, ?, ?



        ?, ?, ?, ?






        [plB:nt; (?@) 5plAnt]




        Trees and vegetables are plants.






        a power plant











        Have you planted any vegetables yet?



        in, on










       plant out







        ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?


        ?, ?


        ?, ?; ?


        (?, )


        ?, ?, ?, ?


        [?]?, ?




        ?, ?, ; ?; ?; ?

        a tomato plant


        cabbage plants


        plant food


        the humble (sensitive) plant


        plant hormone


        plant louse


        power plant







        ?, ?, ?; ?, ?


        ?, ?(?), ?(?)


        ?(?, ), ?(?)?


        ?, ?


        ?, ?(?)


        ?, ?


        [?]?, ?; ?


        ?, ?, [?], (?)


        ?, ?, ?(?)




        (?)?(?, ?, ?)?

        plant a garden


        plant guards at the entrance


        plant ideas in mind


        a planted story


        plant one's fists in sb.'s face


        plant stolen goods on sb.





















        , ?






       in plant

        , ?

        lose plant


        miss plant


        fall in plant


        plant oneself





        plant out





        plant sth. on sb.






       acid plant


        adsorption plant


        aerial plant


        aggregate plant


        air plant


        air conditioning plant


        all-metal plant


        altitude plant


        alumina calcination plant


        amalgamating plant


        amphibious plant


        annealing plant


        aquatic plant


        arms plant


        aromatic plant


        asphalt plant


        assembly plant

        , ; ?

        atomic energy plant

        ?; ?

        attacked plant


        automatic flour handling plant


        automatic generating plant


        automatically controlled plant


        autotrophic plant


        auxiliary plant


        auxiliary power plant


        bilge-pumping plant


        blowing plant

        ; ?

        breeder plant

        ?, ?

        candle plant


        canning plant


        captive processing plant

        ?; ?

        carnivorous plant


        casing head plant

        ?, ?

        causticizing plant


        cement plant


        cementing plant


        central heating plant


        central refrigerating plant


        chalk plant


        chamber plant


        charcoal revivifying plant


        charging plant


        chemical plant


        chemical purification plant


        cleaning plant

        , ,

        close relative plant


        coal handling plant


        coal separating plant


        coal-fired powerplant


        coal washing plant


        coffee plant

        , ?(?)?

        coke-oven plant


        coking plant


        cold storage plant


        combined steam and gas turbine power plant


        commercial plant


        common plant


        compact plant

        ?; ?

        complete plant


        complex plant

        ; (?)

        compressed air plant


        concentration plant


        condensing plant


        conservation plant

        ; ?

        construction plant


        continuous service hydraulic power plant


        control plant


        controlled plant


        conventional thermal power plant


        converter plant

        ; ; ?

        cooling plant

        , ;

        cracked-distillate rerun plant


        cracking plant


        data logging plant


        demineralizing plant


        demonstration plant

        ; ;

        dioecious plant


        discontinuous rectifying plant


        disinfection plant


        distilling plant


        dominant plant




        double-duty plant


        drawing plant


        drying plant


        dust removing plant


        educational plant

        , ?

        electric power plant


        electrosmelting plant


        elevator plant


        embryonic plant


        engine plant


        engine test plant


        ephemeral plant


        eurychoric plant


        evaporation plant


        exchange plant


        experimental plant


        external plant


        extraction plant


        fabrication plant


        farm-tool manufacturing and repair plant


        feed plant


        female plant


        fermentation plant


        fibre plant


        filleting plant


        filter plant


        fish meal plant

        ?; ,

        fixed plant


        floating pile-driving plant


        floating power plant


        fodder plant


        food plant


        forage plant


        forcing plant


        forest plants


        fractional ton refrigerating plant


        freezing plant


        fuel electric plant


        garbage disposal plant


        gas-making plant


        gas-power plant

        ?, ?

        gas-turbine power plant


        generating plant

        ?, ;

        gin plant


        going plant

        , ,

        grading plant


        grain drying plant


        grease-making plant


        ground-testing plant


        haulage plant


        heat-engine plant


        heating plant


        heavy electrical plant


        heliophilous plant


        heliophobous plant


        herbaceous plant


        hiemal plants


        high-pressure steam power plant


        high-voltage plant


        hot-dip tinning plant


        hothouse plant


        house plant


        humus plant


        hydraulic plant


        hydrogen fluoride recovery plant


        hydrophilous plant

        , ;

        ice-making plant


        idle plant


        impregnating plant

        ?, ,

        indication plants


        indigenous plant

        , ?

        indoor thermal power plant


        insectivorous plant


        insect-pollinated plant


        inside plant


        instrument plant


        interlocking plant


        internal plant


        introduced plant


        irrigation plant


        irritable plant


        isolated plant

        ?(?)?, ?

        land plant


        loading plant


        long-day plant


        machine tool plant


        marine plant


        marsh plant


        maternal plant

        , ?

        meat packing plant

        ?(?), ?

        meat producing plant


        medicinal plant


        metallurgical plant


        milk plant


        milk powder plant


        milling plant


        millwork plant


        mining-machinery plant


        mixing plant


        mogul plant


        monitoring plant


        monoecious plant


        multipurpose plant


        municipal sewage plant


        nightsoil treatment plant


        nitrate plant


        nitric plant


        nuclear power plant


        nuclear separation plant


        nuclear-energy plant

        , ?

        obligatory plant


        oil plant


        oil refining plant

        ?, ?

        oil splitting plant


        oil-dehydrating plant


        oil-extraction plant


        open-air plant

        , ,

        open-hearth plant


        ornamental plant


        out-door plant


        oxygen generating plant


        parasite vascular plant


        paternal plant


        perennial plants


        perfume plant


        pilot plant


        pneumatic plant


        poisonous plant


        polishing plant


        pollen plant

        ; ()

        potted plant


        power plant

        , ;

        processing plant


        producer gas plant


        production plant


        propelling plant

        , ,

        proportioning plant


        pumping plant


        push-button bulk plant


        radio plant

        , ?

        rail loading plant


        rail welding plant


        range plant


        reactor plant


        rear plants


        reclamation plant


        recooling plant


        recycle fuels plant


        reduction plant

        , , , ?

        refining plant


        reforming plant


        refrigeration plant

        , ,

        refuse destructor plant


        refuse pyrolysis plant


        remote signalling plant


        remotely-controlled plant


        reprocessing plant


        rerunning plant


        resurrection plant


        roasting plant





        rosette plants

        ?, ?, ?

        rubber yielding plant


        saccharophylous plant


        sack filling plant


        sand plant


        sauce dipping plant


        scandent plant


        school plant


        secondary plant


        seed plant


        select plant


        self-conditioned power plant


        self-root plant


        semi-industrial gas turbine plant


        sensitive plant


        sewage plant


        shade plant


        shallow rooted plant


        short-day plant


        skip winding plant


        slag-grinding plant


        slaughtering plant


        small hydro-electric plant


        smelting plant


        solar air power plant


        solar-power plant


        spare plant


        spray plant


        spray-painting plant


        stand-by plant

        ; ;

        steam-power plant

        ?, ?, ; ?

        sterilization plant


        stock plant


        stump plant

        ?, ?

        subaquatic plant


        sugar plant


        sugar dissolving plant


        sulfur recovery plant


        sun plant


        supercritical steam power plant


        switching plant

        , ?

        tar boiling plant (=tar distillery)


        tea plant


        technical plant

        ; ?

        terminal treatment plant


        test plant


        tidal power plant


        tin-refining plant


        toluene plant


        transforming plant


        treating plant

        , (?)

        tropical plant


        turbine plant

        , ?

        underground nuclear power plant


        unit plant

        ; ?;

        vacuum plant


        vacuum cleaning plant


        vacuum distillation plant


        ventilation plant


        vulcanizing plant


        waste plant


        waste disposal plant


        waste gas cleaning plant


        waste recovery power plant


        water purification plant


        water-softening plant


        welding plant


        wet-type fettling plant


        whole plant


        wind tunnel plant


        wine plant

        ; ?,

        winter plant


        wood preserving plant


        wrist watch plant


        zoidogamic plant




        establish fix root settle sow
