as time goes by_as time goes by和with time going by

       现在我来为大家分享一下关于as time goes by的问题,希望我的解答能够帮助到大家。有关于as time goes by的问题,我们开始谈谈吧。

1.为什么是As time goes by而不是when time goes by time goes by与哪些短语互换


4.有谁知道商天娥唱的As Time Goes By的中文意思?

5.求《As Time Goes By》的中文歌词

as time goes by_as time goes by和with time going by

为什么是As time goes by而不是when time goes by

       As time goes by中as意思是:随着,所以As time goes by中文译作:随着时间的流失;when time goes by中when意思是:当......时候,所以when time goes by中文译作:当时间流失的时候,不合逻辑,所以要用As time goes by。例如:

       1、 You will grow wiser as you grow older.


       2、It was snowing when he arrived at the station.


as time goes by与哪些短语互换


       As time goes by, I will learn how to be strong.

       As time went by, he goe used to the life there.


       as time goes by随着时间的流逝 as time goes by+一般现在时 As time goes by, my memory seems to get worse.随著时间的流逝,我的记忆力似乎越来越差。 as time goes by+现在进行时 As time goes by, his hair is turning gray. 随着时光飞逝,他的头发变白了。 as time goes by+一般将来时Things will get easier as time goes by. 随着时间的推移情况会有所改善。 as time went by+一般过去时 As time went by we saw less and less of each other. 随着时间的推移,我们见面越来越少。

有谁知道商天娥唱的As Time Goes By的中文意思?

       You must remember this

        A kiss is still a kiss

        A sigh is still just a sigh

        The fundamental things apply

        As time goes by

        And when two lovers woo

        They still say I love you

        On that you can rely

        No matter what the future brings

        As time goes by

        Moonlight and love songs never out of date

        Hearts full of passion jealousy and hate

        Woman needs man and man must have his mate

        That no one can deny

        Its still the same old story

        A fight for love and glory

        A case of do or die

        The world will always welcome lovers

        As time goes by



















求《As Time Goes By》的中文歌词

       As time goes by


       You must remember this.

       A kiss is still a kiss;

       A sigh is just a sigh.

       The fundamental things apply

       as time goes by.






       And when two lovers woo,

       they still say "i love you".

       On that you can rely

       no matter what the future brings

       as time goes by






       Moonlight and love songs never out of date.

       Hearts full of passion,

       jealousy, and hate.

       Woman needs man,

       and man must have his mate

       that no one can deny.







       It's still the same old story,

       a fight for love and glory,

       a case of do or die.




       The world will always welcome lovers

       as time goes by.



       As time goes by


       You must remember this.

       A kiss is still a kiss;

       A sigh is just a sigh.

       The fundamental things apply

       as time goes by.






       And when two lovers woo,

       they still say "i love you".

       On that you can rely

       no matter what the future brings

       as time goes by






       Moonlight and love songs never out of date.

       Hearts full of passion,

       jealousy, and hate.

       Woman needs man,

       and man must have his mate

       that no one can deny.







       It's still the same old story,

       a fight for love and glory,

       a case of do or die.




       The world will always welcome lovers

       as time goes by.



       今天关于“as time goes by”的讲解就到这里了。希望大家能够更深入地了解这个主题,并从我的回答中找到需要的信息。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。