1.求一篇关于 故都的秋 的翻译评论!!!






冒昧的成语有:冒失鬼,顶名冒姓,冒牌货。2:注音是、ㄇㄠ_ㄇㄟ_。3:结构是、冒(上下结构)昧(左右结构)。4:拼音是、mào mèi。5:词性是、动词。



























求一篇关于 故都的秋 的翻译评论!!!





摘要:对翻译标准的理解,往往是见仁见智的。早在18 世纪末,英国爱丁堡大学教授AlexanderTytler 提出了著名的“翻译三原则”: (1) 译文应完整地再现原文的思想内容。(2) 译文的风格、笔调应与原文的性质相同。(3) 译文应像原文一样流畅自然。严复在《天演论》里首次提出了“信、达、雅”。20 世纪30 年代,赵景深等主张以通顺流畅为第一,理由是“辞达而已矣”。70 年代末,刘重德提出了“信、达、切”的翻译原则。综上所述,不论其侧重点如何,共同之处在于都认为“信”和“达”为翻译之根本,也就是当今译界大多数人所赞同的“忠实、通顺”,即译文的语言既要准确地表达原文, “保存着原作的风姿”,又要通顺易懂, “力求其易解”,两者缺一不可。


简介:本文就郁达夫《故都的秋》的两种英译本进行比较。《故都的秋》是现代著名作家郁达夫(1895 —1945) 的名篇之一。它写于1934 年,当时正值中国社会发生深刻变化之际。尽管郁达夫是文学大家,但由于时代的发展,语言也在发展,郁文中的词、句等的表达方式与现在的表达方式难免有些差距,要确切理解并翻译好这篇文章确非易事。两位译者对中、英两种语言都有很深的造诣,倘若按上述的翻译标准来衡量,则各有千秋,瑕瑜互见。从整体上看,王椒升的译文(以下简称译文1) 除偶尔出现的失误外,语言流畅,给人以典雅、古色古香的感觉,是建立在对原文深刻理解基础上的佳译。张培基的译文(以下简称译文2) 对部分词语的理解好,有不少佳译,也出现一些由于缺少推敲而产生的误译。现就翻译中的理解和表达问题,将对这两种译本的译例进行分析与比较。

一、正确理解是翻译的前提。翻译时往往由于理解上的错误或不准确而影响了译文的忠实性,不能正确地传达原作的意义、思想感情和风格。汉译英中,所谓的理解主要是指对汉语的理解。这种理解包括对句意和句子结构的理解以及对背景知识(包括历史,地理,社会生活,风土人情等方面) 的了解与掌握。现通过实例着重谈谈对词意、句子结构以及背景知识的理解问题。

(一) 词意。对词意的理解牵涉到很多问题。在某些具体场合,有的普通词语会有特殊含义,词意不好掌握。


译文1 :The chirping of cicadas in autumn , feeble and lingering , is another specialty of North China.

译文2 : The sporadic feeble chirping of cicadas is especially characteristic of autumn in theNorth.

如何理解“特产”成了翻译本句的关键。所谓“特产”是指“某地或某国特有的或特别著名的产品”,用英语表达则是special local product ; speciality ; specialty。 但是,“特产”在这里是暗语,其内涵意义不是“产品”,理解作“特色”较为恰当。译文1把“特产”译成了specialty ,special product ,似因理解不当而出现的误译。译文2 较好地处理了这个问题。

(二) 句子结构。英语句子结构紧凑严密,常用各种形式手段连接词语、分句,注重显性连接,注重句子的形式和完整。汉语不像英语那样大量使用结构词(连词、介词等) ,造句时少用或不用形式连接手段,注重隐性连贯,注重逻辑顺序。有时,汉语句与句之间乃至一句内部各成分之间究竟是什么关系并不明显,翻译时颇费斟酌。如:


译文1 :There is autumn also south of the Yangtze , of course. But there the grass and trees takemore time to wither , the air is moist and the sky is pale. There is frequent rain and less wind. [3 ] (P18)

译文2 :There is of course autumn in the South too , but over there plants wither slowly , the air ismoist , the sky pallid , and it is more often rainy than windy. [4 ] (P1209)

从上下文来看,作者是在拿“江南的秋”和“故都的秋”作比,翻译原文中的三个形容词“慢”、“润”和“淡”时要考虑用比较级。虽然从传递信息的角度看,译文1 是忠于原文的, “草木凋得慢(the grass and trees take more time to wither) ”也译得极好,但与原文结构有距离。可能是理解上的原因,把形容词moist 和pale 前表示比较的more 省略了,其实,more 是不应该省的,否则,原文那种节奏紧凑、一气呵成的韵味全无。译文2也存在这种情况,并出现一些瑕疵。

(三) 文化背景知识。翻译的过程不仅是语言转换过程,而且是反映不同社会特征的文化转换过程。西方的传统文化与中国的传统文化之间有着截然不同的差异。如何透过一种语言去准确地理解并再现另一种语言所反映的思想和文化成了译者需认真考虑的一个问题。


译文1 :To begin with , there is the date-tree , which flourishes anywhere in the corners of houses ,against the walls , beside thatched huts , outside kitchen doors. [3 ] (P110)

译文2 :Take jujube trees for example. They grow everywhere ———around the corner of a house , atthe foot of a wall , by the side of a latrine or outside a kitchen door. [4 ] (P1211)

Eugene Nida 把翻译中涉及到的文化因素分为五类: (1) 生态文化; (2) 语言文化; (3) 宗教文化; (4) 物质文化; (5) 社会文化。[ 8 ] (P191) 一种文化中最普通的东西,在另一种文化中不一定就有。例如,旧中国农村的“茅房”属于Nida 所说的物质文化,在欧美发达国家就不一定有。把具有中国特色的物质文化传播到译语读者那里是不太容易的事。两位译者似乎没有把“茅房”理解准确。所谓“茅房”,乃“厕所”也。译文1 将“茅房”译成thatched huts 和huts ,不确切。

Hut 的意义是small roughly-built house or shelter[9 ] (P1611) ,具有不确定性,其确切意义取决于上下文。译文2 也不确切,latrine 是communal latory , esp. in a camp , barracks , etc. [9 ] (P1704) 之意。在中国偏僻落后的农村地区,农民靠着“正屋”搭建一个简易棚子,用作堆放杂物或充当厕所之类的“角色”。这类棚子的顶部往往用茅草或瓦片盖住,四周用栅栏或泥(砖) 墙围起来,郁达夫所处时代的“茅房”应是这样的。“茅房”应译成a thatched outhouse ,因为outhouse 意为shedetc. , esp. adjoining main house 附属建筑,外屋[10 ] (P1720) 。那时的“茅房”本身就是“附属建筑,外屋”。在美语里,outhouse 有outside latory[9 ] (P1877) 之意。

二、“翻译有两关:一是理解关,二是表达关。合格的文学译品不仅要求译者对原文的内容有彻底的理解,而且要求译者善于表达,能够恰如其分地表达原作的思想,感情以至风格。”[11 ] 它体现在句与句之间的逻辑联系, “起伏照应,承接转换”。

(一) 表达原意。林同济指出,汉语中动词使用频率远比英语为高,其排列的基本规律是时间顺序。这种顺序包括: (1) 实际动作发生的次序; (2) 逻辑推论上动作应有的因果次序。如何突出重点,分清主次,即把动词按一定的顺序予以安排妥贴,把原文的意义最大限度地表达出来是汉语动词翻译的一个难点。



译文1 :Here in Beiping , suppose you are living amidst the cityps teeming millions in a ramshacklehouse that you he rented. On rising one early morning and seating yourself in the courtyard with a cupof strong tea before you , without even venturing out of doors you can see an azure sky high above , andhear homing pigeons whirring past under it . [3 ] (P. 8)

译文2 :Suppose you put up in a humble rented house inside the bustling imperial city , you can , ongetting up at dawn , sit in your courtyard sipping a cup of strong tea , leisurely watch the high azure skiesand listen to pigeons circling overhead. [4 ] (P. 209)

原文中至少有13 个动词。如果不断句,直接译成一个句子,难度较大,难以分清主次。译文1 按照动作发生的时间顺序作了巧妙安排,先把众多的分句断开为两部分,即从开头到“ 来住着”为第一部分。从“早晨起来”到“ 的飞声”为第二部分。然后把“即使不出门去罢”放在第二部分,这样做较好地突出了重点,符合原意,也符合事物发展的逻辑。从语言角度讲,有两处表达很到位,即without even venturing out of doors (即使不出门) 、whirring past it (飞声) 。whirr 一词尤为形象,把驯鸽“呼呼呼”在头顶飞过的景象表达了出来,给人以动感和听觉感受。这样,既体现原意,又增强了可读性,这是译文2所不及的。

(二) 语言流畅。流畅主要是指译文既要确切又要地道,使译语读者读起来觉得就像是用英语写作的一样,这是不容易达到的高标准。


译文1 :But autumn in the North is especially clear , especially serene , especially pathetic in itscoolness. [3 ] (P. 7)

译文2 : In North China , however , it is particularly limpid , serene and melancholy. [4 ] (P. 209)

译文1 连续重复especially ,在句法结构上和原文中的三个“来”相一致,起到加强语气的作用,in its coolness 这个短语用得好。译文1 表达确切,语言流畅。译文2很直白,缺少妙笔,

不如译文1 好。

(三) 合乎逻辑。一般来说,语言应与逻辑一致,但也应看到不同民族的语言都有其自身的习惯说法,有时一种语言的习惯在另一种语言里不但不存在,还可能被认为逻辑性不强。这就要求译者细致地分析这种差别,从而在译文中体现出来。


译文1 :The scholar-trees in North China are also an attraction that calls to mind the advent of autumn. [3 ] (P. 9)

译文2 :Locust trees in the North , as a decorative embellishment of nature , also associate us withautumn. [4 ] (P. 209)

如果侧重点在“秋来”,那么可以把“点缀”作虚化处理,可如译文1 所译。如果侧重点在“点缀”,则译文2 是合适的,但decorative 一词似应删去。

Peter Newmark 指出:用外国语翻译最容易出毛病的地方就是搭配。忠实不等于逐词逐句的死译,因为任何语言中的任何一个词语都不可能总是一成不变地译成另一种语言中的同义词语。即便如此, “也不一定能保证译文对译文读者所起的作用能与原文对原文读者所起的作用一样或相似”。

(四) 连贯一致。英语利用三大连句手段———逻辑纽带(logical connection) 、照应关系(referential ties) 和词汇纽带(lexical connectors) ,把单句连成篇章。汉语的连贯手段一般与此相类似,但是使用的习惯、频率、方式等与英语不尽相同。因此,汉译英时,要根据英语语言特点,依靠粘着手段(cohesion) 的运用,以实现篇章的连贯性(coherence) ,有序地表达篇章的内容。


译文1 :At the end of the slanting bridge , silhouetted against its shadows after the rain , stand city idlers under the trees , pipe in mouth , in their thick unlined dress or lined coat of black cloth. And if theychance upon an acquaintance , something like the following dialogue might ensue , in a leisurely drawlpunctuated by a low sigh. [3 ] (P. 10)

译文2 :Some idle townsfolk , wearing lined or unlined clothing made of thick cloth , will come outpipe in mouth and , loitering under a tree by the end of a bridge , exchange leisurely conversation with acquaintances with a slight touch of regret at the passing of time. [4 ] (P. 210)

原文是个长句,包含若干分句,不太容易翻译。如果按照汉语的“意合”(parataxis) 结构,把每个分句都译成独立的英语句子,那么译出语必定松散,缺乏连贯性,重点不突出。译文1的做法好,用“断句法”,即翻译时先在“ 树底下一立,”和“遇见熟人”之间断开,使之成为两部分,然后通过词汇纽带的作用使前后两个句子形成合乎逻辑的有机联系。前者增添了“And if they”,后者使用“When + 分词”结构,这样通过“形合”(hypotaxis) 的手段使前后两个句子取得连贯一致。译文2 没有用“断句法”,只用了一个句子,造成结构松散,连贯性不够,并且有误译的情况。

三、通过对《故都的秋》的三种译本译例的分析与比较,不难看出,三位译者在翻译过程中对原作进行过深入研究,是下了工夫的。在吃透原文的基础上,有的译出了具有较高水准的译文。西谚云:Sometimes even the good Homer falls asleep,两种译本也出现一些误译。其实,出现误译是正常的,正如英国诗人Alexander Pope 所说:To err is human ; to forgive ,divine. 况且翻译是耗时、耗精力的活动。本文选出一些可能有瑕疵的实例来进行比较,只是通过此种方法来达到交流和学习的目的。



(1)王振平. 翻译标准和“信达雅”[J]. 外语教学, 2000,(01)

(2)章媛. 从“信达雅”看翻译的真谛[J]. 红河学院学报, 2004,(02)

(3)陈红娟. “目的论”与“信达雅”——中西两种译论的比较[J]. 新课程(教育学术), 2010,(01)

(4)杨晓荣. 翻译标准的依据:条件[J]. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报), 2001,(04) .

(5)连淑能. 论中西思维方式[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2002,(02) .

(6)葛校琴. 译者主体的枷锁——从原语文本到译语文化[J]. 外语研究, 2002,(01) .

(7)李琳琳. 翻译目的论与翻译策略[A]. 语言与文化研究(第二辑)[C], 2008 .

(8)贾洪伟. 英汉翻译中文化因素的多维思考[A]. 国际译联第四届亚洲翻译家论坛论文集[C], 2005

(9)苏惠敏. 功能翻译理论和文学翻译[J]. 长春师范学院学报, 2006,(07) .

(10)马丹. 浅谈翻译之基本标准——忠实通顺[J]. 科技信息, 2009,(30)

(11)张宏超. 文学翻译标准诌议[J]. 语言与翻译, 1985,(01)


此答复请楼主审阅。文中要因用了“main factor"的译法,在总的讲要因时是对的,实际在个别描述时,比如”品质要因”,似乎“main”可以不要,请酌定。

韩国discount store的Private Brand选好度相关研究

Research on the Private Brand Preference in Discount Stores of South Korea

Private Brand的扩大是全世界发展的必然趋势。 韩国的大型discount store Private Brand占总卖出额中的比重也在逐渐增大,而且以后占的比重会越来越大。

The expansion of Private Brand is an inevitable development trend in the world. The sales of Private Brand in South Korea’s large scale discount stores he accounted for an increasing share of the total sales, and will account for more and more share.

本研究是以地方大型discount store的顾客为对象,对影响Private Brand选好度所涉及到的要因进行把握。所以,首先对相关Private Brand的先行研究进行检讨,然后设定有关影响Private Brand选好度所涉及到要因的说,最后通过实证分析来验证。

This article takes the customers of local large scale discount stores as the research object, grasps the main factors that impact the Private Brand preference, therefore firstly examines and discusses the previous research related to Private Brand, then verifies the assumption about the main factors that impact the Private Brand preference through analysis of practical cases.

本实证研究结果是影响Private Brand选好度所涉及到的要因分别是“discount store选好要因”,“品质要因”,“价格意识要因”,“价格情报要因”,“产品情报要因”。然后,以要因分析出来的结果中,5个要因点数作为独立变数,使用discount store顾客的Private Brand选好度作为从属变数进行回归分析得出的结果是这5个要因按影响效果大小依次是:“discount store选好要因”,“品质要因”,“价格意识要因”,“价格情报要因”,“产品情报要因”,其中“discount store选好要因”,“品质要因”,“价格意识要因”,“价格情报要因” 在 5%的风险性上显示出了有意义的一面。

The research results of this article indicate that the main factors that impact Private Brand preference are “discount store preference main factor”, “quality main factor”, “price sense main factor”, ”price information main factor”, “product information main factor”, of which “discount store preference main factor”, “quality main factor”, “price sense main factor”, ”price information main factor” exhibit significant role in 5% of risk.

因此,通过管理discount store 影响Private Brand选好度所涉及到的5个要因,可以树立提高Private Brand选好度的战略。

Consequently, through managing the 5 main factors that impact Private Brand preference in discount stores the strategy to enhance Private Brand preference can be set up.


The results of this research he a general boundary due to the investigation places, investigated commodities, and specimens sampling.


I said goodbye to my middle school and entered the university, starting a new journey in my life.


1. The Definition of Logistics


After completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the transfer of goods from the supplier( seller) to the customer( buyer) in the most cost-effective manner. This is the definition of logistics. During the transfer process, hardware such as logistics facilities and equipment( logistics carriers) are needed, as well as information control and standardization. In addition, supports from the and logistics association should be in place.


Three major functions of logistics


(1) Creating time value: same goods can be valued different at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time value for goods.


(2) Creating location value: same goods can be valued differently at different locations. The value added during the transfer process is the location value of logistics.

(2)创造场所价值: 同种商品因所处位置的不同而有着不同的价值。这种因商品流转过程中而产生的附加增值称之为物流的场所价值。

(3) Distribution processing value: sometimes logistics create distribution processing value, which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods. Like popular saying, “ cutting into smaller parts” is the most commonly seen distribution processing within logistics create added value for goods.

(3) 同配送加工价值:有时,物流活动也能创造配送加工价值,这种物流加工主要改变商品的长度、厚度和包装形态。物流中经常提到的“分割成更小的部分”就是配送加工中最为常见的形式。大多数物流加工都能创造商品的附加价值。

2. Logistics is a new commercial area, developing from the traditional stage to a modern one. The main differences between these two stage include:


(1) Modern logistics adopts containerization techniques. The goods transfer process starts with packaging, followed by transportation, storage and distribution. The whole process is operated under logistics standards. Based on the logistics base module of 600×400mm, from the logistics module of 1,200×1,000mm, and enlarge to the size of 2,591×2,438mm-the size of high×wide of the container. It can be adjusted to the standard sizes of containers for trains, trucks and ships.


(2) Information technologies are most important for modern logistics. Bar Code, POS, EDI and GPS systems dramatically improve the efficiency and accuracy of the logistics activities. Internet further assists the market development, operation and management of the logistics industry.


3.International Logistics


An increasing number of companies are involving in international markets through exporting, licensing, joins ventures, and ownership. This trend should continue. With such expansion there is a need to develop worldwide logistics networks. Integrated logistics management and cost analysis will be more complex and difficult to manage.


There are some future trends in internationalization:


(1) More logistics executives with international responsibilities


(2) Expansion of the number and size of foreign trade zones.


(3) Reduction in the amount of international paperwork and documentation


(4) More foreign warehousing is owned and controlled by the exporting firm


(5) Increasing number of smaller firm


(6) Foreign ownership of logistics service firms, e. g., public warehousing and transportation carriers.


(7) Increasing multiple distribution channels


The international transport and the international logistics are same things in some way. So, when the international trading involved, the firm must establish international logistics systems to provide the products and service demanded. The most significant development in international logistics will be the increasing sophistication information system adopted and independent departments to operate.


4.Packaging. Packaging performs two basic functions–marketing and logistics. In marketing the packaging acts promotion and advertising. Its size, weight, color, and printed information attract customers and convey knowledge of the product. When firms are involved in international marketing, packaging becomes even more important. Products sold to foreign countries trel greater distances and undergo more handling operations. The logistics package is to protect the products during the process of logistics.


Scrap disposal. The logistics process must effectively and quickly handle, transport, and store waste products. If they can be reused or recycled, logistics company should arrange and move them to the re–production and re–processing locations.


Return goods handling. The handling of return goods is often called reverse distribution. Buyers may return items to the seller for a number of reasons. Most logistics systems are not good enough to handle such cases. In many industries, consumers return products for warranty repair, replacement, or recycling, reverse distribution costs may be very high. Reverse distribution will become more important as customers demand more flexible and forable return policies.


5.Third Part Logistics ( TPL)


Third Part Logistics provides all the logistics services. They act as a bridge or facilitator between the first part( supplier or producer) and the second part( buyer or customer). The primary objectives of third part logistics providers are to lower the total cost of logistics for the supplier and improve the service level to the customer.


Third Part Logistics he been growing rapidly. Cost reduction and demands for batter and cheaper services are the main drives behind the growth. A third part logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick–ups and deliveries, whereas in–house transportation cannot. Other reasons are as follows:


* The company does not specialize in logistics;

* 企业并不专长于物流

* The company does not he sufficient resources;

* 企业自身没有足够的物流

* Eager to implement better logistics operation or does not he time to develop the required capabilities in–house;

* 对实施更好的物流运作的期盼,或没有时间开发内部物流所需要的能力

* The company is venturing into a new business with totally different logistics requirements;

* 企业正投资一项新领域,该领域有着不同的物流需求

* Merger or acquisition may make outsourcing logistics operations more attractive than to integrate logistics operations.

* 外包物流运营可能比整合物流运营更加有吸引力

6.Global Logistics


Developed countries often deal with globalization in two ways: to be more cost competitive with third world countries, and to look for new partners in other countries to manufacture components, subassemblies and even the final products. The second roach forces most developed countries to get into a new area called “ global logistics”.


Benefits of global operations include cheap raw materials and end products, lower labor cost, better quality, increased internal competition and better customer service. Some of the disadvantages are unreliable delivery, poor communication and longer time from design to finish production. Challenges are often cultural and linguistic differences, legal requirements, logistics suppliers or manufacturers, exchange rates.


There are three major flows involved in global logistics: material flow, document flow and cash flow.


7.Logistics into the Future


Logistics is changing at a rapid and acceleration rate. There are two reasons are its rapid growth:


Firstly, pressure to change by the development of the system itself


(1) High–speed computing and data transmission can instantly transmit and react to user demand


(2) More flexible and accurate logistic planning and control through computers and data processing


(3) Flexible computer facilities help problem solving and increase decisions accuracy


(4) Awareness of total cost measurement and management accounting


Secondly, pressures for changes from the wider economy.


(1) Be flexible in handling markets of different sizes for better competition


(2) There is increasing specialization in markets and growth in retailing.


(3) Life cycles for products are shortening. Logistics systems need to be more efficient, faster and more flexible

(3) 产品的生产周期缩短。物流系统就要更高效、更快、更灵活

(4) Move from mass production towards flexible manufacturing system( FMS). These systems enable a company to switch production quickly from one product to another

(4) 从规模生产转向柔性生产系统(FMS) 。这些系统能使企业从一种产品的生产迅速转向另一种产品的生产

(5) Competitive pressures lead to more efforts to improve customer service.


8.The process of logistical integration can be divided into four stages:


Stage 1. Began in the early 1960s in the USA and involved the integration of all activities associated with distribution. Separate distribution departments were to coordinate the management of all processes within physical distribution management( PDM).


Stage 2. PDM was lied to the inbound movement of materials, components, and subassemblies, generally known as “ materials management”. By the late 10s, many firms had established “ logistics department” with overall responsibility for the movement, storage, and handling of products upstream and downstream of the production operation.


Stage 3. Logistics plays an important coordinating role, as it interfaces with most other functions. With the emergence of business process re–engineering( BPR) in the early 1990s, the relationship between logistics and related functions was redefined. “ System integration” occurred. Cross–functional integration should achieve greater results.
