asian legal business

       大家好,今天我要和大家探讨一下关于asian legal business的问题。为了让大家更容易理解,我将这个问题进行了归纳整理,现在就让我们一起来看看吧。




asian legal business



       Lavish gift giving was an important part of Chinese culture in the past. Today, official policy in Chinese business culture forbids giving gifts; this gesture is considered bribery, an illegal act in this country. Consequently, your gift may be declined.

       In many organizations, however, attitudes surrounding gifts are beginning to relax. In any case, you will have to approach giving gifts with discretion, as outlined in the following points.

       If you wish to give a gift to an individual, you must do it privately, in the context of friendship, not business.

       The Chinese will decline a gift three times before finally accepting, so as not to appear greedy. You will have to continue to insist. Once the gift is accepted, express gratitude. You will be expected to go through the same routine if you are offered a gift.

       In the presence of other people, never present a valuable gift to one person. This gesture will cause only embarrassment, and possibly even problems for the recipient, given the strict rules against bribery in Chinese business culture. Do not take any photograph of any gift giving unless it is a symbolic gift presented to the organization as a whole.

       Giving a gift to the entire company, rather than an individual, can be acceptable in Chinese business culture as long as you adhere to the following rules:

       All business negotiations should be concluded before gifts are exchanged. Specify that the gift is from the company you represent. If you can, explain the meaning of the gift to the receiver.

       Present the gift to the leader of the Chinese negotiating team.

       Do not get anything that is obviously expensive, so that the company will not feel obliged to reciprocate.

       Valuable gifts should be given to an individual only in private and strictly as a gesture of friendship.

       Make sure that the gifts given to people of the same level of importance are equitable or of similar grade. Somehow, they may find out later, and the difference may lead to strains in your relationship.

       If possible, have your gifts wrapped in red paper, which is considered a lucky color. Plain red paper is one of the few “safe” choices since a variety of meanings, many of which are negative, are attributed to colors in Chinese culture.

       Pink and gold and silver are also acceptable colors for gift wrap. Wrapping in yellow paper with black writing is a gift given only to the dead. Also, do check the variations from region to region about colors.

       Because colors have so many different meanings in this culture, your safest option is to entrust the task of gift-wrapping to a store or hotel that offers this service


       Australia: An introduction

       In land area, Australia is the sixth largest nation after Russia, Canada, China, the United States of America and Brazil. It has, however, a relatively small population.

       Australia is the only nation to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands. The mainland is the largest island and the smallest, flattest continent on Earth. It lies between 10° and 39° South latitude.

       The highest point on the mainland, Mount Kosciuszko, is only 2228 metres. Apart from Antarctica, Australia is the driest continent.

       Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth. Its interior has one of the lowest rainfalls in the world and about three-quarters of the land is arid or semi-arid. Its fertile areas are well-watered, however, and these are used very effectively to help feed the world. Sheep and cattle graze in dry country, but care must be taken with the soil. Some grazing land became desert when the long cycles that influence rainfall in Australia turned to drought.

       The Australian federation consists of six States and two Territories. Most inland borders follow lines of longitude and latitude. The largest State, Western Australia, is about the same size as Western Europe.

       Natural environment

       Australia has a remarkable diversity of life forms seen nowhere else in the world. Australian plants and animals evolved in isolation from other parts of the world. When the super-continent of Gondwanaland split up about 160 million years ago, Australia joined Antarctica and drifted towards the South Pole, where glaciers formed a barrier between it and other land masses.

       Over the past 45 million years, Australia has moved away from Antarctica towards the equator and become warmer and more arid. About 35 million years ago, eucalypts began to displace the dense forests of the cool, damp Tertiary era.

       Today Australian eucalypts account for more than half of all eucalypts found throughout the world.

       The marsupials native to Australia have a different chromosome structure than mammals in other parts of the world. Typically, they suckle their young in a pouch.

       Like the eucalypts, marsupials occupied a wide range of ecological niches in Australia. The first kangaroo marsupials seem to have appeared about 15 million years ago. They vary enormously in size and adaptation. A species of tropical kangaroo lives in trees, but most kangaroos are tough, efficient users of dry bush.

       As the world climate warmed and glaciers melted, oceans gradually rose to their current level and the land bridges to New Guinea and Tasmania were cut. Corals colonised a flooded coastal plain, forming the Great Barrier Reef of Queensland.

       Ancient plants still grow in the wild. Large 'Antarctic' tree ferns are common in damp, shaded gullies on the south sides of ridges. Cycad palms form an understorey to tall, silvery spotted gums (eucalypts) along the south-east coast. Rare relics from earlier geological eras are found in small, special habitats, such as desert canyons.

       Pressure on native habitats from agriculture and introduced pests like the fox and rabbit have resulted in extinctions of some native species in the past 200 years. Australia now has a strong scientific and legal framework to deal with these issues. Australians care about their unique environment.


       More than 60 000 years before the arrival of European settlers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples inhabited most areas of the Australian European settlement in 1788. However, there were an estimated 300 000 Indigenous Australians living on the continent.

       Until recently, Western historians focused on early European contact with the Australian continent during the 16th and 17th centuries.

       In recent years this approach has been balanced by the recognition that Asian and Oceanic explorers and traders had contact with Indigenous Australian people long before the European expansion into the eastern hemisphere.

       After the American War of Independence, Britain looked to establish new penal settlements to replace the north Atlantic colonies. The First Fleet of 11 ships with 1500 aboard, half of them convicts, arrived at Botany Bay in January 1788. Sydney grew from that first British penal settlement.

       Transportation of British convicts to New South Wales ceased in 1840, but continued to Western Australia until 1868. About 160 000 convicts arrived over 80 years. That compares with free settler arrivals as high as 50 000 a year.

       During the 1850s, settlement was boosted by gold rushes. Scarcity of labour, the vastness of the bush, and new wealth based on farming, mining and trade all contributed to the development of uniquely Australian social institutions and sensibilities.

       In 1901 the Australian colonies federated to become the Commonwealth of Australia. As in Canada, the British monarch remains the monarch of Australia, which is now an independent, democratic nation with a tradition of religious tolerance and free speech.


       Australia's culturally diverse society includes its Indigenous peoples and settlers from countries all around the world.

       Immigration is an important feature of Australian society. Since 1945, over six million people from 200 countries have come to Australia as new settlers. Migrants have made a major contribution to shaping modern Australia. People born overseas make up almost one quarter of the total population.

       The federal government sets immigration intake numbers on a yearly basis. Australia's immigration policies are non-discriminatory and all applicants to migrate must meet the same selection criteria.

       Area and population of Australian States and Territories


       Area in square kilometres

       (mainland only)

       Population *




       1 723 936


       Brisbane (1.65m)

       New South Wales

       800 628


       Sydney (4.15m)

       Australian Capital Territory (Jervis Bay Territory)

       2 358



       Canberra (0.32m)


       227 010


       Melbourne (3.49m)


       64 519


       Hobart (0.20m)

       South Australia

       978 810


       Adelaide (1.11m)

       Western Australia

       2 526 786




       Northern Territory

       1 335 742


       Darwin (0.11m)


       7 659 861



       Sources: area—Auslig; population—Australian Bureau of Statistics

       * Estimated resident population as at 30 June 2001.


       Australia has had one of the most outstanding economies of the world in recent years. As a high-growth, low-inflation, low interest rate economy, it is more vibrant than ever before. There is an efficient government sector, a flexible labour market and a very competitive business sector.

       With its abundant physical resources, Australia has enjoyed a high standard of living since the nineteenth century. It has made a comparatively large investment in social infrastructure, including education, training, health and transport.

       The Australian workforce has seen many improvements over the last decade, leading to the surge in productivity in the 1990s. The complex and centralised award based industrial relations system has given way to a more decentralised one with many employees working under workplace agreements tailored to meet enterprise needs.

       Further information

       Australian Biodiversity

       National Library of Australia

       Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs

       The Australian Government Treasury

       Further information about other aspects of contemporary Australia






        7. Dropbox


        CEO Drew Houston


        2016年,这家公司开始削减其在员工额外津贴上的过度开支。虽然Dropbox并没有披露它的财务数据,但据报道称,它去年的收入超过了50亿美元。CEO Drew Houston六月份称,公司已经实现了正向现金流,这对一家快速发展的科技企业是一个里程碑。


        6. Pinterest


        CEO Ben Silbermann

        2015年5月,Pinterest获得了53.3亿美元的G轮融资,投资方包括Andreessen Horowitz,First Mark和高盛。此轮融资后,这家总部位于旧金山的公司估值迅速攀升到了110亿美元。




        5. SpaceX


        CEO Elon Musk

        Elon Musk的 Space X 公司于2015年1月获得了来自富达和谷歌的10亿美元投资,其估值上升到120亿美元。

        不到一年之后,Space X 发射的猎鹰9号火箭进入太空,与卫星分离后,安全着陆,一举创造了历史。其发射与着陆的成功证明了可回收火箭的可能性(而非让火箭坠入大海)。

        然而,2016年,对这家公司来说,是更加艰难的一年。9月,Space X 的一支火箭在试发射阶段爆炸,并摧毁了一颗facebook意图租用的卫星。因此,Space X 推迟了另外一支重型火箭 Falcon Heavy的亮相。这一型号的火箭搭载NASA宇航员,并将于2018年发射。

        4. WeWork


        联合创始人Miguel McKelvey、Adam Neumann

        去年3月,专注于联合办公的初创企业Wework获得来自软银的30亿美元投资,其估值升至180亿美元,成为美国估值第四高的初创企业。根据财富杂志Erin Griffith的报道,Wework已经暗示,它将于2017年上市,期间还会收购一些小公司。

        3. Palantir


        CEO Alex Karp





        2. Airbnb


        CEO Brian Chesky,

        product chief Joe Gebbia,

        CTO Nathan Blecharczyk.




        1. Uber


        CEO Travis Kalanick





        THE $10 BILLION CLUB:Meet the 7 most valuable startups in the US

        Over the past several years, we've seen a rise in private companies valued at more than a billion dollars—the so-called "unicorns."

        But when too many startups became unicorns, a new class of startups emerged: "decacorns," companies valued at over $10 billion.

        These are the Ubers and Airbnbs of the world, the startups that steadfastly remain private companies as they seek more millions in funding at higher and higher valuations.

        Following are the US startups valued at more than $10 billion.

        7. Dropbox

        Drew Angerer/Getty Images

        Valuation: $10 billion

        CEO Drew Houston

        Dropbox reached its $10 billion valuation in 2014 after a $617 million funding round. Since then, the company has shifted its focus to business customers, launching Dropbox Enterprise last year.

        The company began to cut back on lavish spending an employee perks in 2016, something that was costing the company $25,000 per year per employee. While Dropbox doesn't disclose its financials, it's reported to have generated more than $500 million in revenue last year. CEO Drew Houston said in June that the company is free cash flow positive now, which is a milestone for a fast-growth tech company.

        Various reports have pegged a Dropbox IPO as taking place sometime in 2017.

        6. Pinterest

        John Lamparski/Getty

        Valuation: $11 billion

        CEO Ben Silbermann

        In May 2015, Pinterest raised a $533 million Series G funding round from investors like Andreessen Horowitz, First Mark, and Goldman Sachs, bumping the San Francisco-based company's valuation up to $11 billion.

        The virtual discovery and pinning platform has more than 175 million monthly active users, over half of whom are international. The company has expanded its focus in recent months to overseas markets like the UK, France, Germany, Japan, and Brazil, and has doubled down on increasing the advertising on its platform. Last August, Pinterest acquired online bookmarking service Instapaper.

        Rumors swirled throughout 2016 that Pinterest was on the brink of going public, and in October, the company named its first chief financial officer, a signal that Pinterest could be inching closer to an IPO.

        5. SpaceX


        Valuation: $12 billion

        CEO Elon Musk

        After raising a $1 billion funding round from Fidelity and Google in January 2015, Elon Musk's SpaceX reached a $12 billion valuation.

        Less than a year later, SpaceX made history when it launched its Falcon 9 rocket into space, dropped off a satellite, then landed back on the ground safely. The success of the launch and landing proved it was possible to reuse expensive rockets, rather than letting them fall into the ocean.

        But 2016 was a more challenging year for the company. In September, a SpaceX rocket exploded during a launch-pad test, destroying a satellite Facebook intended to lease. SpaceX has since delayed the debut of another, more powerful rocket system—the Falcon Heavy—and delayed launches crewed by NASA astronauts until 2018.

        4. WeWork

        Valuation: $18 billion

        WeWork cofounders Miguel McKelvey and Adam Neumann

        Coworking startup WeWork raised $300 million in funding from SoftBank this past March, putting its valuation at about $18 billion and making it the fourth-most-valuable startup in the US.

        WeWork has hinted at going public in 2017, and may also buy up a few smaller companies in the meantime, according to Fortune's Erin Griffith.

        3. Palantir

        Valuation: $20 billion

        CEO Alex Karp

        Palantir has raised about $2 billion in investment, reaching a $20 billion valuation last year. But despite a reported $1.7 billion in "bookings" in 2015 (revenue under contract), Palantir may not be profitable yet.

        The data-mining startup is notoriously secretive, and in June, reports surfaced that Palantir was buying back $225 million in stock from employees in exchange for their silence.

        Palantir is backed by the CIA's venture-capital arm and is said to have worked with the government, at one point being implicated as a player in Edward Snowden's revelations about government spying. It was also said to help the US find Osama bin Laden, and help police sift through massive amounts of video, using facial recognition, to find the Boston Marathon bombers.

        But Palantir recently ran into trouble with the Department of Labor, and the company settled allegations that its hiring practices for engineers discriminated against Asian people. It has agreed to pay $1,659,434 in back wages and stock options to impacted employees.

        2. Airbnb

        Valuation: $31 billion

        CEO Brian Chesky, product chief Joe Gebbia, CTO Nathan Blecharczyk.

        Home-rental startup Airbnb had a challenging 2016, but the company is still the second most-valuable startup in the US.

        Airbnb faced legal setbacks in San Francisco and New York last year, but also raised a massive, $850 million round of funding and launched a new service called Trips in November with the intent of becoming a more full-service travel company.

        In March of 2017, Airbnb raised a $1 billion funding round that valued the company at $31 billion. Now, Airbnb is reportedly keeping a close eye on Spotify's rumoured route to going public through a direct listing—if it goes well, we may see a publicly traded Airbnb stock next year.

        1. Uber

        Valuation: $68 billion

        CEO Travis Kalanick

        Uber is the most valuable startup in the US and across the globe, outpacing the valuation of its arch-rival, Didi Chuxing, by nearly $20 billion.

        The ride-hailing startup raised several billion dollars in recent years, including $3.5 billion from a Saudi Arabian investment fund and $2 billion in the form of a leveraged loan. Uber announced in May that it lost $708 million in the first quarter of 2017, a narrower loss than the $991 million that Uber lost in the prior three months. The company is also hunting for a new CFO with public company experience, a sign that Uber could be considering going public.

        Finances aside, Uber has had a fraught 2017 amid reports of gender discrimination and sexual harassment, a string of executive departures and an acrimonious lawsuit by Waymo, the self-driving car firm spun out of Google, which has accused Uber of stealing its technology.


       有很多强有力的事实证据表明,控股股东会利用他们在集团架构中的优势而进行关联交易,在对投资者法律保护较弱的新兴市场尤为突出。在La Porta等人的报告(1997、1998、1999、2000)、约翰逊等人的报告(2000)、格莱泽等人的报告(2001)中,都发现控股股东可以通过“耗子打洞”的方式攫取私利。这些侵害小股东利益的行为包括:直接**资产;低于市场价格将公司的资产或产品卖给(控股股东)持有股份的企业;或者从公司以高于市场的价格从(控股股东持有股份的企业)收购(资产或产品)。不过,自1997~1998年的亚洲金融危机以来,越来越多的证据表明控股股东还可以用私人资源来给陷入困境的企业“注水”。(1)也就是说,这些控股股东临时将资源注入该企业以提高其账面业绩,从而避免发生违约或退市。因此,“耗子打洞”和“注水”是控股股东在其商业集团内施行关联交易的两个主要目的。(2)这两种现象可以在同一个公司内出现,不过(一般是)在不同的阶段出现。问题在于,控股股东一般会在什么时候、多大程度上更容易“耗子打洞”或者“注水”。




英文专业求职信 篇1

        dear × × × leadership:

        your busy schedule to take some time to read my material in this job, thank you very much for giving me an opportunity for success and challenges.

        i called xxx, xx people, xx tourism management institute of tourism department of × × × ×-year graduates. learning in the university life, a systematic study of the tourism management expertise, and actively participate in the practice of travel agents, tour guides part-time work and regular professional training, so i can have a quality manager and vocational skills. the courses in learning, it is also a minor in the legal profession, the law also have a certain understanding, to obtain a certificate of legal minor. english has passed cet-4, and × × × ×-year tour guides to pass a national qualification certificates. at work, i served as a member of the class life of the party branch secretaries and mission, the mission branch in the organization of work performance and personal been outstanding title of league cadres. has served as executive director of the tourist association and the association of computer and other computer-loving students to create a common network of zhejiang forestry college studio, is responsible for financial management and the technical aspects of the project, in the work of the management of accumulated experience. at the same time, a number of sites involved in the planning and production, with web design, web development skills and experience, the basis of a certain art. at the same time to a wide range of office software proficiency to master vb, c programming language. computer has been through two test computers, zhejiang university (vb language) and the national computer rank examination iii (network technology).

        now i am going to bid farewell to a variety of campus life, face to create a cause, i look forward to in your organization to find a good space for development, and real hope in your heart to do, under the leadership of moses, and share weal and woe! if you hire, will live up expectations! thanks complex, heartfelt gratitude!

        finally, once again thank you for reading this letter and look forward to your reply as soon as possible and wish the prosperity of your organization!



英文专业求职信 篇2

        dear sir/madam:


        i was about to nanning vocational and technical college graduate students in an accounting profession. from the "nanning information port" the newspapers and magazines, it was learned that your company would hire accounting positions. i am your company's development has been very concerned, and accounting have great interest in this work is very happy to develop your company do something modest. i am honored to have the opportunity to you brought to my personal data.

        in the two years of university life, i have a good grasp of professional knowledge, learning of cost accounting, management accounting, financial management, computerized accounting, auditing, science and other professional courses. i seriously study, specialized courses average performance of 80 points or more, ideological and moral good moral character issued by the college has received outstanding awards, in-school period, i made the ministry of education examination center two certification computer certification, english b level qualified certificate, accounting certificate. photographic association, served as deputy secretary-general post. i grid bright, passionate work, get teachers and students alike.

        i can skilled use of office software on the computer has a certain degree of operational capability, a skilled five-stroke input method. two years in my spare time in the off-campus part-time. and through the work of learning responsibility to make me feel important. life of the wind and rain so i have a hard-working spirit. honesty and trustworthiness is my character. because i know that accounting treatment is not careless sort of, not to cook the books. serious and responsible in their duties.

        respected corporate leaders, if i can receives your common sense, i will dutifully take concrete action to show you: your company's past, i came for and participation; but your company's future, i am willing to sacrifice the hard work of my life and sweat! i look forward to your good news. after once again my most sincere thanks!


英文专业求职信 篇3


        I have been told by Mr。John L。Pak,Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing,New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June。I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions。

        You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experience in the book business。The companies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ。

        My work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both companies,with some experience also in inventory control。 In both positions,I have been assigned with the daily office administration。The courses taken at Central Commercial and the Bronx Community College specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department。

        I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you。If there is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know。I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter。

        Very truly yours

英文专业求职信 篇4

        respect leadership:


        i'm a graduate student, is now studying in xx university, professional for the international office management. i very love my professional. four years of the study life, from the most basic i professional knowledge to learn on, have been steadfastly, active and diligent. god, three years i made computer nit four modules (computer basis, word, ppt, excel), cambridge communication level 1 qualification certificate, the everyone say english intermediate card, beijing bets english level of professional certificate. also evaluated the XX beijing olympics, paralympics personal contribution award, chaoyang district outstanding student cadres, XX "realistic cup" asian business plan competition best host honorary title, and the smooth by the xx marks the party school certificate.

        as an international office management professional students, in the school study life, i always to improve their overall quality as the goal, take self's comprehensive development as the direction, set up the correct outlook on life, the values and the view of the world.

        during the four years at college, i earnestly study and professional course, achieved good results. in addition, also pay attention to work and learning, and the combination of attended the school all kinds of corporate activities.

        "the walker, often for a often to", though i have learned something, but still need challenge and opportunity. i will use his power to seek of the sky belongs, make oneself to be better used. with a sincere heart, i stand up to your units to recommend oneself, a cooperation opportunities, for me it is a good beginning. i believe that with i complete the knowledge structure and a wide range of knowledge, set with your company can go hand in hand and create a bright future.

        college life and not we imagine the paradise, more is not our ideal paradise, but a exercise person's big melting pot. on this opportunity to exercise and the coming to your unit, cover, and hopes to give me a employment opportunity that take exercise, a sincere heart in expect your trust.

英文专业求职信 篇5

        dear leaders:


        i am a professional international trade of guangdong xx university students willing to twenty years of accumulated knowledge and the ability of exercise contribute to your organization and can do my best for your company to contribute to the progress and development of all power. sincerely hope that your organization give me a chance!

        i know, "opportunity only favors the prepared mind." in school, i seize every opportunity to learn all aspects of knowledge, ability to exercise all aspects of their own to make themselves towards the needs of modern society compound innovative talent development. my english to six, the computer through the national secondary, provincial secondary (excellent), and year after year scholarship. in the effort to learn the knowledge at the same time, i also range widely in philosophy, law, literature, economics and other fields, other than completing a professional course in the economic field and more, and a minor in business english, self-study a second foreign language --- - german.

        college, never late and leave early, on time and complete their work independently and exams. university examinations, to ensure that all of the real. cet-6, although not qualified to state line, but i did not give up, you can not find work because of cheating employers. companies need to really was real material excellent quality products to gain market, products need to create smart and honest people. i think i have a cet-6 in oral and written, sensible businesses will not have a certificate and a growth potential of prospective employees turned away. good people eclectic enterprise applications, rules and regulations strictly!.

        enclosed please find my resume, if any, opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful. even if you think i do not meet your conditions, i will continue to concern the development of your company, and yours the most sincere wishes.



英文专业求职信 篇6

        to respect the leadership of:

        have worked hard! thank you for your busy schedule from the point of view to take some time this cover letter! hard three years out, i heard so much about your company is a very promising power companies, demanding of the staff, is recruiting talented people to join, so, i write this自荐信and sincere hope that your company into the country a !

        i graduated from the hubei province in XX changyang vocational education center department of computer science, computer 2 intermediate certificate, professional qualification certificates. can skilled use of word, excel and other office software, will be a simple word processing, image processing, the production of music cd-rom.

        i have engaged in qc, qa, assistant manager, sales, sales representative, etc., has a wealth of work experience, has also been at work colleagues, led by the recognition and praise. therefore, self-confidence i could do the job requirements of your company, i hope you can use your talents to develop my potential, i will use my potential to create common interests, i want to be pious one of your company for the company's development hard!




       好了,今天关于“asian legal business”的话题就到这里了。希望大家通过我的介绍对“asian legal business”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的学习中更好地运用所学知识。