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        Happiness is that someone is being dull with you 。But whatsprecious is that both of you dont feel so 。


        Always raining when I think about you 。 I think of the scene with you walking in the rain , not earse something , something sweet , forget your smile 。

        总在下雨的时候想起你,想起与你一起在雨中 散步的情景,抹不掉的是那份甜蜜,忘不了的是你的微笑。

        The sweet thing is loving you everyday and to be loved by you as well 。


        Loving someone who doesnt love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport 。


        They say absense makes the heart grow fonder 。 But I likeit between when youre here 。


        When Im with you , hours feel like second 。 When were apart days feel like years。


        Weep no more , no sigh , nor groan 。 Sorrow calls no time thats gone 。


        It is no use crying over spilt milk 。


        Hope for the best , but prepare for the worst 。


        No can , but will 。


        I may not be prefect , but Im always me 。


        Id like morning better , if my mornings starts with you 。


        Everything is going to be alright , maybe not today 。


        Maybe what I can do is not so much but I will always be with you 。


        Actually,I have been so long starding behind you , lacking of your turning round 。





        No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my

        ises are often like the butterfly, ent of dancing,her they are deserved offended.


        I am looking for the missing glass-shoes .

        24.Look into my eyes - you the more loving be me.


        28.Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.


        29.If I know what love is, it is because of you.


        30.Love is the greatest refreshment in life.


        31.Love never dies.


        32.The darkneis no darknewith thee.


        33.We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.


        34.There is no remedy for love but to love more.


        35.When love is not madness, it is not love.


        36.A heart that loves is always young.


        37.Love is blind.


        38.Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases.


        39.The soul cannot live without love.



        Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well


        Happiness is a way station between too much and too little


        In love folly is always sweet


        The hard part isnt making the decision Its living with it


        Your happy passer-by all knows, my distressed there is no place hides


        You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind


        Love is not a maybe thing You know when you love someone


        In the end, its not the years in your life that count Its the life in your years


        When the whole world is about to rain, lets make it clear in our heart together


        Its better to be alone than to be with someone youre not happy to be with


        Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view


        Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you


        I lied when I said I didnt like you I lied when I said I didnt care I lie every time I try to tell myself I will never fall for you


        One needs things to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for


        No matter how bad your heart has been broken, the world doesnt stop for your grief The sun comes right back up the next day


        Accept what was and what is, and youll have more positive energy to pursue what will be


        Until you make peace with who you are, youll never be content with what you have


        If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


        If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry


        Ill think of you every step of the way我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

        Art is long, but life is short 人生有限,学问无涯。

        Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise 早睡早起,富裕聪明身体好。

        East, west, home is best 金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。

        Everyday and in every way im getting better每天每个方面我的生活都正在好转。

        I know that my future is not just a dream我知道我的未来不是梦。

        Life does not need to be too hard, the heart will bring us to the place to go


        When we understand happiness, it is because we know how to value


        Well, never a shortcut, nor perfect, only business, really alone


        Like writing, literary talent itself has nothing to do, nothing to the views of others, just as his favorite


        We will become better people, especially after so many mistakes after


        World too, life is so short Try to take it nice like they want that way, son


        Always looking for something, and today only to find that they want to find, but the sun is nothing


        Life scenery, in fact, are the scenery of the soul, what can be missed, it is not missed his heart


        Not not pursue, but do not insist Indifferent to live their own lives, not spectacular, just to secure in


        Sometimes accompanied by a song of the time, sometimes accompanied by a cup of warm incense, sometimes accompanied by a word of warmth


        Know your people, we will use the way you need to love you Do not understand you people, we will use the way he needs to love you


        Do not regret it, than do three things: First, know how to choose; the second is to understand how to adhere; third is to know how to cherish


        Remember to forget, do not live in the past sorrow and sad, do not be so capricious, naive; a person, but also neat to live


        Life is always this way, as people everywhere can not be satisfied, not demanding of others, and do not be too demanding their own, to maintain good, be sincere


        Enjoy the scenery the mood with each step taking the sun or rain are incorporated into the luggage behind the journey of life will certainly rich and exciting!


        There is no requirement for a full compliance with your man, waiting for you, feeling the need to pay each other, running is the most suitable


        When he chose the direction of the road, do not complain, only one person to assume the storm journey, in order to ultimately defensible rainbow sky


        Life will encounter a lot of people really stop and stay a few more, life is ultimately deserted crossing, even we ourselves are passing


        Treasure, hard feelings everything life has to offer, and cherish every fate, cherish every encounter, both met, will Xiangxi, both edge, will care


        Love has been in, even live a long time, with the family The phrase Love will eventually translate into family was in fact exaggerating the family, I have been in love!





        1、Hoething is not to forget.


        4、picking me up etimes u need to look back, otherforting me forting me eone in secret is like a seed in bottle waiting for growing up, though not sure whether the future will be more beautiful, still waiting it earnestly and eagerly.


        22、Thank you for standing behind me.


        23、Thank you for being my friend and being around.




        要用的软件是 winhex 百度可以找见的

        下好后 首先打开winhex.exe

       点击 文件-打开-选择 您电脑上挑战归来目录里"data"文件夹里的pack.d04文件。


       按组合键CTRL+F 呼出查找文本框,输入index,XXX(XXX代表你要修改的技能编号)

       在.“整字匹配”前面打上勾,搜索(E): 选择“全部” 然后点确定

       之后再按下F3 如果提示"index,xx未找到" 那就是我们要找的 没提示就再按一下直到提示"index,xx未找到" 然后就有下面的了

       Index,xxx,,,,,,,,,,,, 技能编号

       MaxLevel,10,,,,,,,,,,,, 技能最高等级

       MaxStyleCode,4,,,,,,,,,,,, 未知

       Name,颇捞绢 腔府 技能名称

       Distance,14 技能使用距离(这里的14代表攻击距离调成25到35最合适)远程技能可用


       输入 "LevelIndex" 搜索(E): 选择“向下” 来到技能等级详细设定 后面有很多的如下面的



        以英文逗号为分隔符号 如果你游戏里技能是1级的话只要把第一行倒数第5个也就是“3”改为121或161就可以了


        后面一样 其他技能也是这样改的 技能几级就改第几行就 OK 改好后 点保存 就可以上游戏了 试下效果 以下是各职业技能代码

       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~\^8 ^


       [骑士] 0wcWDE 9

       1 剑术掌握 K_1_1_SwordMastery.csv o7 seGw<$X

       2 狂暴劈击 K_1_1_ShapenBlade.csv G#v7-&Yl6

       3 剑术防御 K_1_1_SwordDefense.csv V:J6eks_

       4 突击 K_1_1_FatalLunge.csv t79MBgZ

       5 钉头锤掌握 K_1_1_AirSmashing.csv u{,^#I}

       101 格挡 K_2_2_Nimbleness.csv i=T/}c)

       102 热情 K_2_2_WindRush.csv ENzeVtw0

       103 连击 K_2_2_AttackAcceleration.csv VJaL$Wv)H

       104 圣灵护体 K_2_2_Insensibility.csv th)jEK;Z

       21 钉头锤掌握 K_1_2_MaceMastery.csv O.dNhd$

       22 破甲 K_1_2_ArmorBreaker.csv ^l,Jbt

       23 猛击 K_1_2_MaceBash.csv ;Z*RCuwg

       24 地震 K_1_2_HeavyBlow.csv 4$"Lf'sH6

       25 落神锤 K_1_2_SolarEvil.csv S}/CzQ

       121 致命重击 K_3_3_DualAdvance.csv ))N^)HR

       122 剑气斩 K_3_3_SpoutAnger.csv Fk4 3sqU6~

       123 致命乱舞 K_3_3_FatalHash.csv ".u?-xcbJ

       124 狂斩 K_3_3_Brandish.csv -1R~3j1_

       41 斧掌握 K_1_3_AxeMastery.csv TwN8|ibVmP

       42 重砍 K_1_3_BleedSlash.csv ,Y!)V

       43 断筋 K_1_3_AchillesTendon.csv e.T5F`Du

       44 割腕 K_1_3_WristChop.csv ,y.0 Cb0

       45 牙突 K_1_3_SonicMassacre.csv F8/@/B

       141 盾牌掌握 K_3_1_ShieldMastery.csv u-Vnmig9

       142 盾击 K_3_1_ShieldShove.csv f t7wMi

       143 盾震 K_3_1_BlindJab.csv 5~ kf:U%~

       144 迅捷 K_3_3_PowerStrike.csv nRGH58

       145 神圣护盾 K_3_1_BounceDefender.csv S8y4 p0mV

       61 双手武器 K_1_4_DualMastery.csv "*0 szz'

       62 双手攻击 K_1_4_CrossPiercing.csv WC4Il C

       63 暴怒斩 K_1_4_CycloneSlash.csv @MM|.# ~T

       64 虚空刃 K_1_4_EnergeticBlade.csv iqU}t2vFrj

       65 六合斩 K_1_4_EigenDash.csv p)oW'#@a

       161 重武器掌握 K_3_2_TwohandMastery.csv :J"e{|g',

       162 迅击 K_3_2_TripleAttack.csv z TK

       163 狂暴 K_3_2_Berserk.csv %:y-"m1\u$

       164 元气之力 K_3_2_Genocide.csv 2::T,Z

       81 强韧 K_2_1_Toughness.csv nuQ"\ G

       82 虔诚 K_2_1_HealthStrengthen.csv 4?&=H *H:

       83 跳斩 K_2_1_JumpingCrash.csv Bj2rA.M

       84 旋风斩 K_2_1_WhirlWind.csv \-B>']:R4

       85 天神合一 K_2_1_SoulKnight.csv jzV#%O{`

       86 蜂刺 K_2_1_DivideSphere.csv hImCy9i}

       181 钓鱼掌握 K_Nac.csv J h"]iN


       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~\^8 ^

       [弓箭手] I@\{6hw

       201 弓掌握 A_1_1_BowMastery.csv Ns $PS\

       202 弩掌握 A_1_1_CrossMastery.csv fx|9*|E

       203 扫射箭 A_1_1_MultipleShot.csv p[wjHfIq

       204 爆击箭 A_1_1_StrikeShot.csv ^J G }|v3$

       205 加力箭 A_1_1_SquallShot.csv >!2'|y^

       206 豪雨箭 A_1_1_TriangleShot.csv KYQ6U.%W

       207 穿刺箭 A_1_1_PiercingShot.csv i!iODt3k

       208 制导箭 A_1_1_GuideShot.csv e,BJD>N ?

       209 寻隙箭 A_1_1_VulnerablePoint.csv M]'AA Uo8

       210 感应箭 A_1_1_WonderFiring.csv IlrmXSr

       211 诅咒箭 A_1_1_Crowwings.csv 7jPmI

       212 闪击 A_1_1_WindShaft.csv $Yka\tS'

       213 女神的气息 A_1_1_FioreNovas.csv _e'mG'P(

       214 神力潜能 A_1_1_DemolitionBomb.csv D8ly8]H

       221 精确掌握 A_1_2_Criticalfire.csv cG?266{g

       241 火焰箭 A_1_3_FireArrow.csv Ie~~LU

       242 冰冻箭 A_1_3_IceArrow.csv NSq"\A\

       243 剧毒箭 A_1_3_PoisonArrow.csv 2Kidbf

       244 爆裂箭 A_1_3_ExplosionArrow.csv ,zFN3NLtA

       245 蓄力箭 A_1_3_SlowArrow.csv sn( }5;

       341 凌波微步 A_3_2_QuicknessMove.csv )sHPIxHI

       342 突击箭 A_3_2_Speed.csv UwU]l 17~

       361 治疗术 A_3_3_FirstAid.csv ooQ(bF

       362 生命结界 A_3_3_TerasMagic.csv H~Cfni;

       281 肉搏掌握 A_2_1_CombatMastery.csv 9[D7N

       282 猛刺 A_2_2_ViolentStab.csv 1*h7L<#|mQ

       283 费傅绢琶 A_2_2_RollingAttack.csv K }BX6dA

       284 死亡反击 A_2_2_SilentKiller.csv vEGK {rMA

       285 地刃剑 A_2_2_DeadSpin.csv $P3nP=mf

       381 钓鱼掌握 A_Nac.csv '9@R=#nd

       03@| dN

       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98^6 {p

       [魔法师] Ck?:8YlF

       401 能量掌握 M_1_1_EnergyMastery.csv uszSFe]E

       402 能量穿刺 M_1_1_EnergyJap.csv i&)C,

       403 能量罩 M_1_4_SizNimbus.csv (}1f]$V

       404 天授圣锤 M_1_1_EnergyHammer.csv ~e9INZe-j

       405 能量穿透 M_1_1_EnergyBlot.csv ~79Qg{+]N

       406 神性损伤 M_1_1_SpoilDivinity.csv y51D-vj

       407 极暴圣泉 M_1_1_AquaShackle.csv c0q)

       421 魔法能量 M_1_2_ManaCharge.csv NqE7[wH

       422 能量摄取 M_1_2_UruzGain.csv iLcadX

       501 冰冻掌握 M_3_1_IceMastery.csv h\*rv5\M

       502 冰球术 M_3_2_IceBolt.csv IC.<)I

       503 冰环术 M_3_2_IceWave.csv g*?+ ~0"`Y

       504 冰冻穿刺 M_3_2_IceSpike.csv )-KE4/G

       505 冰风暴 M_3_2_IceStorm.csv a& aPBv1

       506 玄冰乱舞 M_3_2_IceBlanket.csv [=ak >>8

       507 寒冬气息 M_3_2_FreezingSpirit.csv GL =XiBt

       508 暴风冰暴 M_3_2_GlaciersEddy.csv "Xk%3\{P

       441 魔力提升 M_1_3_ManaReinforcement.csv j /dE6d

       541 电击掌握 M_4_1_LightingMastery.csv ]n]uN~)9

       542 电击球 M_4_2_LightingBolt.csv ?V)C9@bp

       543 电击锁链 M_4_2_ChainLighting.csv v7<S F

       544 雷电风暴 M_4_2_LightingCircle.csv oz0n$`O$/

       545 雷霆一击 M_4_2_LightingChase.csv r5!x,{E6

       546 雷电乱舞 M_4_2_CrueltyLightning.csv O`[iz/7m

       547 天雷闪 M_4_2_ThunderSphere.csv nze1]3`

       548 电极磁场 M_4_2_EmittedFlash.csv ]Z$TzT&@%

       461 火焰掌握 M_2_1_FireMastery.csv +)JN Fy-

       462 小火球术 M_2_2_FireBolt.csv <5ft6a2fQ

       463 大火球术 M_2_2_FireBall.csv _/jUs_W

       464 火焰风暴 M_2_2_FireFury.csv )+w/\~@

       465 烈焰柱 M_2_2_FfireBlaze.csv t(j_eq}J

       466 真火乱舞 M_2_2_FlameBombing.csv T\2) $

       467 凤舞朝天 M_2_2_BurstPhoenix.csv > h,y\uV1

       468 神迹火焰 M_2_2_InfernalPillar.csv CQBT::

       581 钓鱼掌握 M_Nac.csv o <D3Y95b


       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S_T {L

       [驱魔师] HUU >hq9

       601 召唤掌握 S_1_1_BeastMastery.csv rV8(ia

       602 召唤杰格鲁斯 S_1_1_Regulus.csv ~:/%/-^

       603 召唤格鲁佩恩 S_1_1_Grupain.csv !y>lOw})Q

       604 召唤炙炎天使 S_1_1_Selaim.csv wUru1_zjO

       605 伊夫利特 S_1_1_Vulagon.csv 3E< aiGU

       606 召唤阿加利斯 S_1_1_Agares.csv vQ:x% =]

       621 死亡飞旋 S_1_2_Boomerang.csv /{fZH,!L

       622 地狱雷陨 S_1_2_Meteor.csv :0M' =~[

       721 双手武器 S_4_1_TwinMastery.csv ~8jThi U

       722 瘟疫波 S_4_1_EboltShot.csv !(W[!%

       723 魔界巨剑 S_4_1_SpritDagger.csv 2yl6~(JC+

       724 暗影蝙蝠 S_4_1_BloodBats.csv - waX#U T=

       725 疾风剑 S_4_1_DevilSwing.csv &[NVP&9&U

       726 刀刃术 S_4_1_BladeSpin.csv i%xI9BO9

       727 堕落掌握 S_4_1_ViciousMastery.csv !IO&&\5

       728 魔界荆棘 S_4_1_ViciousThorn.csv !$D&6M|C8l

       729 风刃剑 S_4_1_BladeDance.csv !-KCFMvT

       730 召唤怨灵 S_4_1_SummonGhost.csv 5_v5

       731 毒剑 S_4_1_PoisonSword.csv d?JAUbqy

       732 毒雾爆发 S_4_1_InfectedEarth.csv +z+ F-

       733 惊天剑 S_4_1_ViciousMirror.csv ] t*33

       734 毒素连击 S_4_1_VenomLight.csv <sa #|Y$

       735 地狱召唤 S_4_1_HellBurst.csv 5xhM0 (

       736 守护 S_4_1_CrossHack.csv TS1pR"6l

       737 毒魔结界 S_4_1_Palpus.csv gRHtgR)T3

       738 黑暗化身 S_4_1_DarkAvatar.csv @]*[c})/

       739 暗影毒雾 S_4_1_IncreasePoison.csv wXz\NGW

       740 复仇之影 S_4_1_ShadowVengeance.csv U4=]#=R~o

       741 魔鬼皮肤 S_4_2_LowerBoundSkin.csv TM)u?t+[

       641 生命掌握 S_2_1_LibidoMastery.csv uN8/Q2

       642 召唤狼蛛 S_2_1_Tarantula.csv P`tyBe#=

       643 召唤奥德巴瑞 S_2_1_Aldebaran.csv *-6?

       644 召唤泰坦 S_2_1_Tentator.csv +N7"EROc

       645 伊鲁特 S_2_1_Anathema.csv Z0 aUHWms

       646 召唤姆斯佩恩 S_2_1_Muspell.csv )J&|\m(e

       661 剑刺连击 S_2_2_SwordBigor.csv S#mK Pi+3

       662 恶魔波动 S_2_2_ForceWave.csv ##v`(#fu

       781 钓鱼掌握 S_Nac.csv V3Yd&HVWNQ

       (vnoP< 0

       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ctHEEFWm

       [巫师] 57<Di!rt

       801 复苏掌握 H_1_1_HealingMastery.csv Q ?^4\_

       802 疗伤术 H_1_1_WoundHealing.csv z0 \N{rP&

       803 医疗术 H_1_1_FastHealing.csv W~yLl%

       804 群疗术 H_1_1_Hyperheal.csv 7h`^N5H.q

       805 圣光术 H_1_1_Recover.csv KUFz:&wK

       806 神佑术 H_1_1_SelfHealing.csv #A )Ab%r8"

       821 福至心灵 H_1_2_RaiseingGuard.csv Mg\TH./Y:

       822 魔力盾牌 H_1_2_MagicShield.csv )~dOmfw%|

       823 神威术 H_1_2_IncreaseAttack.csv ~b6GrY"vB

       824 神咒术 H_1_2_DarkCircle.csv n"Z |e tZ4

       921 血液掌握 H_3_1_BloodMastery.csv V{ |[oIp

       922 血镰术 H_3_1_DeathScythe.csv qrE0H

       923 骨矛术 H_3_1_EvilSpear.csv WFDCPQ@

       924 疯魔杖 H_3_1_BarrageHit.csv :tbd,Uo

       821 福至心灵 H_1_2_RaiseingGuard.csv (w$'o*z;(

       822 魔力盾牌 H_1_2_MagicShield.csv 3{RL \gh$"

       823 神威术 H_1_2_IncreaseAttack.csv x0<^<D&Q

       824 神咒术 H_1_2_DarkCircle.csv C:j]43`

       841 祈祷之力 H_1_3_GrateGuard.csv J\A8qh8

       842 神圣之光 H_1_3_DivineShield.csv H~Uq?!=b

       843 战鼓之声 H_1_3_AmazingAttack.csv A[JM4x

       926 恶灵攻击 H_3_1_RuinsSkull.csv L~&" aF/b

       927 死亡交涉 H_3_1_Dreadnail.csv AC4 l<:Yh

       928 邪恶指甲 H_3_1_Evilsclaw.csv jQ$BPEG&X

       929 死亡血劫 H_3_1_SpiritEmission.csv GOVAb'

       930 魔性洗礼 H_3_1_RisePierce.csv c;!9\1sr

       861 诅咒掌握 H_2_1_CurseMastery.csv a.,_4;'UE1

       862 逆血术 H_2_1_Backdraft.csv M[s\E4l:t

       863 吸星术 H_2_1_Vampire.csv ?OsS`)T

       864 蚀骨咒 H_2_1_Cursefield.csv g^j7@dum

       881 定身术 H_2_2_Paralyze.csv W4vBf^eC

       882 弱魔术 H_2_2_AntiMagic.csv #T"64%dX

       883 虚弱术 H_2_2_DecreaseAttack.csv , N 344y

       884 腐甲术 H_2_2_Diminish.csv N-QCfDao

       981 钓鱼掌握 H_Nac.csv x'i0KF


       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m6MaX}&zv

       [狂战士] 5^2TfG9

       1001 狂暴之击 B_1_1_WildBash.csv *"T+G*~

       1002 格斗掌握 B_1_1_MartialAtrsMastery.csv OjATSmZ@@

       1003 双击 B_1_1_DoubleSmash.csv MYx88y

       1004 组合拳 B_1_1_HardBlow.csv f4 O]`U

       1005 风暴之拳 B_1_1_ShockWave.csv ^A#x<J+

       1006 雷电之拳 B_1_1_TripleRavage.csv H:MUNc8i

       1007 猛兽之拳 B_1_1_MadBarrage.csv w%2ziwgh

       1008 霸者之拳 B_1_1_SpiritsShout.csv 2Fq=jOA)z$

       1009 爆裂之拳 B_1_1_Carnage.csv _yJ|`g]U3

       1101 魂之净化 B_2_1_SpirtMastery.csv M:(&n@e

       1102 魂之打击 B_2_1_ChainBurst.csv zzE]M}s

       1103 魂之震撼 B_2_1_EarthQuake.csv 9 tAE#A

       1104 魂之怒风 B_2_1_Violentgale.csv !mae^A1

       1105 魂之暴虐 B_2_1_Outrage.csv cqjl5UB

       1106 魂之旋风 B_2_1_Tornado.csv 5Kee2s?*

       1107 烈电火焰 B_2_1_DeadSpark.csv =-m(\ }

       1021 战斗精神 B_1_2_InstinctSpeed.csv T;J7+0

       1022 战斗意志 B_1_2_InstinctPower.csv [\a:4vDAbi

       1023 决死命令 B_1_2_BullsCry.csv (H P z

       1024 极限切割 B_1_2_LimitPatience.csv ! . p

       1121 魂之守护 B_2_2_Defensive.csv FN>L7 *,0

       1122 魂之抵抗 B_2_2_MaigcalResist.csv ;*nh=w

       1123 魂之坚固 B_2_2_PhysicalResist.csv *.:!Ax

       1124 魂之蔑视 B_2_2_Resistance.csv ?P%|P

       1141 魂之火焰 B_2_3_BurnKunkle.csv O/(3 87=U

       1142 魂之霜恸 B_2_3_FreezingKunkle.csv z }iSq$

       1143 魂之电击 B_2_3_LightningKunkle.csv >B`Cch/ 'U

       1181 钓鱼 B_Nac.csv


       我也是人工翻译的。。。 而且我自认为还不错,不说很好吧至少有点不同。。。我简化了一些语句,希望你能够喜欢

        We have the right to protect Earth, our homeland. Right now, our city is promoting civilized environment. As long as we do not pollute or waste our resources, we can make our city greener and more environmentally friendly. Putting thoughts into actions, my parents and I started our low carbon lifestyle.


       During the hottest days of summer, it gets really stuffy in our house. Opening cool air conditioning can be wasteful. Thus, I suggested to my dad that we go swimming. My father asked me to go by car but I shook me head and said: "Going by car wastes energy. Besides, the swimming pool is not too far away from our house, let us walk there." My dad praised me for this good idea and for being low energy consuming. We arrived at the swimming pool by bicycle. This way, we get our excercise and save energy; two great things in one action.


       One time, we went shopping someplace faraway. When my mom picked out a few things to pay, my dad intervened, saying: "it's better to shop a lot of things in one trip so that it saves gas." My mother agreed that it's a good idea. Therefore, we saved energy and time by buying things we need in one shopping trip.


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美剧复仇的插曲 everything




        GiveItemNum Gives you anitem. 给指定的物品 请参照下面的物品ID >>例1:giveitemnum 105 1 1 false 给储存箱 1个(第一个数字是物品IP,第二个是个数,最后是物品品质)

        1 Simple Pistol简易手枪

        2 Assault Rifle 突击步枪

        3 Rocket Launcher火箭发射器

        4 Simple Bullet简单子弹

        5 Bow弓

        6 Genade手榴弹

        7 Wood木材

        8 Stone石头

        9 Metal金属

        10 Hide兽皮

        11 Chitin甲壳

        12 Raw Meat生肉

        13 Spoiled Meat变质肉

        14 Cooked Meat熟肉

        15 Water Jar水瓶

        16 Water Jar (Full) 水瓶(满)

        17 Cloth Pants布裤

        18 Cloth Shirt布衬衫

        19 Cloth Hat布帽

        20 Cloth Boots布靴

        21 Cloth Gloves布手套

        22 Hide pants皮裤

        23 Hide Shirt皮衬衫

        24 Hide Hat皮帽

        25 Hide Boots皮靴

        26 Hide Gloves皮手套

        27 Chitin Leggings甲壳护腿

        28 Chitin Chestpiece甲壳胸甲

        29 Chitin Helmet甲壳头盔

        30 Chitin Boots甲壳靴

        31 Chitin Gauntlets甲壳护手

        32 Stone Arrow石箭

        33 Stone Pick石镐

        34 Stone Hatchet石斧

        35 Metal Pick铁镐

        36 Metal Hatchet铁斧

        37 Torch火把

        38 Paintbrush漆刷

        39 Campfire篝火

        40 Standing Torch立式火把

        41 Hide Sleeping Bag睡袋

        42 Remote Detonator遥控雷管

        43 C4 ChargeC4控制器

        44 Blood Extraction Syringe采血器

        45 Blood Pack血包

        46 Improvised Explosive Device简易爆炸装置

        47 Waterskin水袋

        48 Waterskin(Full) 水袋(满)

        49 Berrybush Seeds浆果种子

        50 Fertilizer肥料

        51 Bingleberry Soup

        52 Medical Brew医疗补酒

        53 Energy Brew能量补酒

        54 Dinosaur Feces恐龙粪便

        55 Human Feces人类粪便

        56 Stegosaurus Egg剑龙蛋

        57 Spear长矛

        58 Red Coloring红色染料

        59 Green Coloring绿色染料

        60 Blue Coloring蓝色染料

        61 Yellow Coloring**染料

        62 Purple Coloring紫色染料

        63 Orange Coloring橙色染料

        64 Black Coloring黑色染料

        65 White Coloring白色染料

        66 Brown Coloring褐色染料

        67 Cyan Coloring青色染料

        68 Purple Coloring紫色染料

        69 Rex Saddle暴龙鞍

        70 Tranq Arrow麻醉箭

        71 Pistol Hat Skin

        72 GPS全球定位系统

        73 Flint燧石

        74 Metal Ingot金属锭

        75 Thatch茅草

        76 Fiber纤维

        77 Charcoal木炭

        78 Crystal水晶

        79 Thatch Roof茅草屋顶

        80 Thatch Door茅草屋的门

        81 Thatch Foundation茅草地基

        82 Thatch Wall茅草墙

        83 Thatch Doorframe茅草屋的门框

        84 Wooden Catwalk木制小道

        85 Wooden Ceiling木制天花板

        86 Wooden Hatchframe木制天窗门框

        87 Wooden Door木门

        88 Wooden Foundation木地基

        89 Wooden Ladder木梯

        90 Wooden Pillar木支柱

        91 Wooden Ramp木坡道

        92 Wooden Trapdoor木制天窗活动门

        93 Wooden Wall木墙

        94 Wooden Doorframe木制门框

        95 Wooden WindowFrame木制窗框

        96 Wooden Window木窗

        97 Wooden Sign木制指示牌

        98 Blueprint: Note蓝图:注释

        99 Citronal柠檬

        100 Parasaur Saddle副栉龙鞍


        101 Raptor Saddle迅猛龙鞍

        102 Stego Saddle剑龙鞍

        103 Trike Saddle三角龙鞍

        104 Pulmonoscorpius Saddle帝王蝎鞍

        105 Storage Box小存储箱

        106 Large Storage Box大储物箱

        107 Mortar and Pestle研磨器皿

        108 Sparkpowder火花粉

        109 Gunpowder火药

        110 Stone Irrigation Pipe ? Intake石灌溉管道入水管

        111 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight石灌溉管道直管

        112 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Inclined石灌溉管道斜切面管

        113 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intersection石灌溉管道十字管

        114 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Vertical石灌溉管道垂直管

        115 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Tap石灌溉管道出水龙头

        116 Amarberry Seed**浆果种子

        117 Amarberry**浆果

        118 Azulberry蓝色浆果

        119 Tintoberry红色浆果

        120 Mejoberry紫色浆果

        121 Narcoberry黑色浆果

        122 Stimberry白色浆果

        123 Narcotic麻醉剂

        124 Stimulant兴奋剂

        125 Refining Forge精炼炉

        126 Smithy工作台

        127 Compost Bin堆肥箱

        128 Cooking Pot烹调锅

        129 Simple Bed简易床

        130 Small Crop Plot小型种植地

        131 Pteranodon Saddle无齿翼龙鞍

        132 Longneck Rifle长管步枪

        133 Citronal Seed柠檬种子

        134 Specimen Implant

        135 Bronto Saddle雷龙鞍

        136 Wooden Fence Foundation木篱笆

        137 Compass指南针

        138 Scope Attachment瞄准镜

        139 Slingshot弹弓

        140 Pike铁矛

        141 Radio无线电

        142 Obsidian黑曜石

        143 Dinosaur Gateway木制中型恐龙大门门框

        144 Simple Rifle Ammo简易步枪弹药

        145 Summon Broodmother召唤巨型蜘蛛-育母蜘蛛

        146 Cementing Paste水泥

        147 Dinosaur Gate木制中型恐龙大门

        148 Artifact of the Hunter召唤物品

        149 Artifact of the Pack召唤物品

        150 Artifact of the Massive召唤物品

        151 Artifact of the Devious召唤物品

        152 Artifact of the Clever召唤物品

        153 Artifact of the Skylord召唤物品

        154 Artifact of the Devourer召唤物品

        155 Artifact of the Queen召唤物品

        156 Artifact of the Strong召唤物品

        157 Artifact of the Flamekeeper召唤物品

        158 Argentavis Talon阿根廷巨鹰的爪

        159 Megalodon Tooth巨齿鲨的牙齿

        160 Tyrannosaur Arm暴龙的爪

        161 Sauropod Vertebra雷龙的脊椎

        162 Oil石油

        163 Silica Pearls珍珠

        164 Gasoline汽油

        165 Electronics电路板

        166 Polymer聚合物

        167 Metal Catwalk金属小道

        168 Metal Ceiling金属天花板

        169 Metal Hatchframe金属天窗门框

        170 Metal Door金属门

        171 Metal Fence Foundation金属围栏

        172 Metal Foundation金属地基

        173 Behemoth Gate巨型恐龙大门

        174 Behemoth Gateway巨型恐龙大门门框

        175 Metal Ladder金属梯子

        176 Metal Pillar金属立柱

        177 Metal Ramp金属斜坡

        178 Metal Trapdoor金属天窗活动门

        179 Metal Wall金属墙

        180 Metal Doorframe金属门框

        181 Metal Windowframe金属窗框

        182 metal Window金属窗

        183 Super Test meat超级实验肉

        184 Flare Gun信号枪

        185 Fabricator制作间

        186 Water Tank储水池

        187 Parachute降落伞

        188 Air Conditioner空调

        189 Electrical Generator发电机

        190 Electrical Outlet电源插座

        191 Inclined Electrical Cable斜电缆

        192 Electrical Cable Intersection十字电缆

        193 Straight Electrical Cable电缆

        194 Vertical Electrical Cable垂直电缆

        195 Lamppost灯柱

        196 Refrigerator冰箱

        197 Auto Turret自动炮塔

        198 Remote Keypad远程遥控面板

        199 Metal Irrigation Pipe ? Inclined斜切面金属管道

        200 Metal Irrigation Pipe ? Tap金属水龙头


        201 Metal Irrigation Pipe ? Intersection十字金属管道

        202 Metal irrigation Pipe ? Straight金属直管

        203 Metal Irrigation Pipe ? Tap金属水龙头

        204 Metal Irrigation Pipe ? Vertical垂直金属管道

        205 Flashlight Attachment手电筒挂件

        206 Silencer Attachment消音器

        207 Carbonemys Saddle碳龟鞍

        208 Sarco Saddle帝鳄鞍

        209 Ankylo Saddle甲龙鞍

        210 Mammoth Saddle猛犸象鞍

        211 Megalodon Saddle巨齿鲨鞍

        212 Sabertooth Saddle剑齿虎鞍

        213 Carno Saddle牛龙鞍

        214 Argentavis Saddle阿根廷巨鹰鞍

        215 Plesiosaur Saddle蛇颈龙鞍

        216 Chitin/Keratin角质素

        217 Keratin角蛋白

        218 Metal Sign金属指示牌

        219 Holo-Scope Attachment全息瞄准镜

        220 Laser Attachment激光瞄准镜

        221 Wooden Billboard木制告示牌

        222 Flak Leggings防弹护腿

        223 Flak Chestpiece防弹衣

        224 Flak Helmet防弹头盔

        225 Flak Boots防弹靴

        226 Flak Gauntlets防弹护手

        227 Enduro Stew耐力炖汤

        228 Lazarus Chowder拉撒路杂烩

        229 Calien Soup卡里安清新汤

        230 Fria Curry弗里亚咖喱

        231 Focal Chilli聚神辣椒

        232 Savoroot土豆

        233 Longgrass玉米

        234 Rockarrot胡萝卜

        235 Azulberry Seed蓝色浆果种子

        236 Tintoberry Seed红色浆果种子

        237 Mejoberry Seed紫色浆果种子

        238 Narcoberry Seed黑色浆果种子

        239 Stimberry Seed白色浆果种子

        240 Savoroot Seed土豆种子

        241 Longgrass Seed玉米种子

        242 Rockarrot Seed胡萝卜种子

        243 Metal Billboard金属告示牌

        244 Fabricated Pistol制式手枪

        245 Advanced Bullet高级子弹

        246 Advanced Rifle Bullet高级步枪子弹

        247 Rocket Propelled Grenade火箭弹

        248 Medium Crop Plot中型种植田

        249 Large Crop Plot大型种植田

        250 Rare Flower稀有花朵

        251 Rare Mushroom稀有蘑菇

        252 Raw Prime Meat生大腿肉

        253 Cooked Prime Meat熟大腿肉

        254 Battle Tartare战斗神丸

        255 Shadow Steak Saute暗影煎牛排

        256 Rockwell Recipes: Enduro Stew罗克韦尔食谱:耐力炖汤

        257 Rockwell Recipes: Lazarus Chowder罗克韦尔食谱:拉撒路杂烩

        258 Rockwell Recipes: Calien Soup罗克韦尔食谱:卡里安清新汤

        259 Rockwell Recipes: Fria Curry罗克韦尔食谱:弗里亚咖喱

        260 Rockwell Recipes: Focal Chilli罗克韦尔食谱:聚神辣椒

        261 Rockwell Recipes: Battle Tartare罗克韦尔食谱:战斗神丸

        262 Rockwell Recipes: Shadow Steak Saute罗克韦尔食谱:暗影煎牛排

        263 Notes on Rockwell Recipes罗克韦尔食谱说明书

        264 Wall Sign木制墙标

        265 Metal Dinosaur Gateway金属恐龙大门门框

        266 Metal Dinosaur Gate金属恐龙大门

        267 Shotgun散弹枪

        268 Simple Shotgun Ammo简易散弹

        269 Metal Wall Sign金属墙标

        270 Amarberry Seed**浆果种子

        271 Azulberry Seed蓝色浆果种子

        272 Tintoberry Seed红色浆果种子

        273 Narcoberry Seed黑色浆果种子

        274 Stimberry Seed白色浆果种子

        275 Mejoberry Seed紫色浆果种子

        276 Citronal Seed柠檬种子

        277 Savaroot Seed土豆种子

        278 Longgrass Seed玉米种子

        279 Rockarrot Seed胡萝卜种子

        280 Flag旗帜

        281 Hunter Skin Hat猎人皮帽子

        282 Rex Stomped Glasses Saddle暴龙眼镜鞍

        283 Spyglass望远镜

        284 Spider Flag

        285 Phiomia Saddle渐新象鞍

        286 Medium Dinosaur Feces中型恐龙粪便

        287 Large Dinosaur Feces巨型恐龙粪便

        288 Brontosaurus Egg雷龙蛋

        289 Parasaur Egg副栉龙蛋

        290 Raptor Egg迅猛龙蛋

        291 T-Rex Egg暴龙蛋

        292 Triceratops Egg三角龙蛋

        293 Parasaur ARK Founder Saddle Skin副栉龙鞍(方舟系统赠送)

        294 Dodo Egg渡渡 295 烘干箱

        296 铁刺

        297 肉干

        298 腿肉干

        299 霸王龙头盔

        300 帅气眼镜


        301 菜谱medical brew

        302 菜谱 energy brew

        303 spino saddle

        304 菜单 肉干

        305 矿工帽

        306 保险柜

        307 木刺

        308 恐龙老花镜

        309 蓝图柜

        310 石围墙地基

        311 石墙

        312 铁水箱

        313 plesiosaur saddle

        314 海豚鞍

        315 石屋顶

        316 石狗洞顶

        317 石门

        318 石地基

        319 石龙门

        320 石龙门框

        321 石柱

        322 石门框

        323 石窗框

        324 独立日烟花

        325 毒气陷阱

        326 警报器

        327 kibble (ankylo egg)

        328 kibble(argentavis egg)

        329 kibble(titanboa egg)

        330 kibble(carno egg)

        331 kibble(dilo egg)

        332 kibble(dodo egg)

        333 kibble(parasaur egg)

        334 kibble(pteranodon egg

        335 (rapator egg)

        336 (rex egg)

        337 (sarco egg)

        338 (bronto egg)

        339 (蝎卵)

        340 (araneo egg)

        341 (spino egg)

        342 (stego egg)

        343 (trike egg)

        344 (王八蛋)

        345 ankylo egg

        346 argentavis egg

        347 titanboa egg

        348 carno egg

        349 dilo egg

        350 pteranodon egg

        351 sarco egg

        352 蝎卵

        353 araneo egg

        354 spino egg

        355 turtle egg

        356 菜谱 egg-based kibble

        357 石窗

        358 石狗洞顶门

        359 多向路灯

        360 大烤炉

        361 连发散弹

        362 弩

        363 绿色

        364 微黄

        365 粉

        366 紫

        367 白

        368 淡蓝

        369 淡黄

        370 深黄

        371 彩色蛋挞

        372 恐龙定位

        373 恐龙gps

        374 白旗

        375 饲料槽

        376 铁弓

        377 铁箭

        378 水壶

        379 水壶满

        380 镰刀

        381 石巨兽门框

        382 石巨兽门

        383 捕兽夹

        384 大捕兽夹

        385 三角龙头骨

        386 稀有肥料

        387 氧气瓶

        388 潜水眼睛

        389 脚蹼

        390 X物种子

        391 X物种子

        392 喷漆枪

        393 星尾兽鞍

        394 斜茅草屋顶

        395 茅草左墙

        396 茅草右墙

        397 斜木屋顶

        398 木左墙

        399 木右墙

        400 斜石屋顶


        401 石左墙

        402 石右墙

        403 斜金属屋顶

        404 金属左墙

        405 金属右墙

        406~412 各色染料

        413 洗点水

        414 木筏

        415 雷龙平台鞍

        417 肿头龙鞍

        418 肿头龙蛋

        419 肿头龙蛋饲料配方

        420 洗点水配方

        421 油画画布

        422 巨蜥鞍

        423 巨蜥鞍平台

        424 毛皮

        425 dimorph egg

        427 双齿翼龙饲料。。429-御寒毛皮腿裤,

        430 御寒毛皮胸甲 ,

        431 御寒毛皮帽子

        432 御寒毛皮鞋子

        433 御寒毛皮手套

        434 木质球棒(俗称闷棍)

        435 毒气手榴弹436 新半自动步枪(自带镜头)

        437 嘟嘟霸王龙面具

        438~445 温室建筑

        446~450 防爆服

        451 电击棒

        452 手铐

        453 启蒙肉汤

        giveitemnum 465 600 600 false风神翼龙蛋饲料

        giveitemnum 464 200 200 false风神翼龙蛋

        giveitemnum 493 1 1 false南方巨兽蛋

        giveitemnum 493 1 1 false南方巨兽鞍

        giveitemnum 499 1 1 false远古企鹅蛋饲


        Giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItemAmmo_AdvancedSniperBullet.PrimalItemAmmo_AdvancedSniperBullet" 50 0 0


        Giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItemAmmo_TranqDart.PrimalItemAmmo_TranqDart" 50 0 0


        GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Shields/PrimalItemArmor_TransparentRiotShield.PrimalItemArmor_TransparentRiotShield" 3 1 0


        GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponSword.PrimalItem_WeaponSword" 3 1 0


       美剧《复仇 Revenge》第一季第一集插曲/原声

       Hold On by Angus & Julia Stone

       出现场景:Emily looks out at the water and flashes back to her childhood. She meets her landlady.

       For You by Angus & Julia Stone

       出现场景:1. Fire & Ice party at the beginning, 2. Emily with the real estate agent, 3. Emily talks to Daniel on the boat, 4. montage at the end.

       Sound the Alarms by The Postelles


       Say La La by Keegan DeWitt

       出现场景:Emily moving into her house

       California Breezes by John Vandervelde


       Summertime by Latin Bitman


       I Raise Up by Bushwalla

       出现场景:Emily is introduced to Victoria, at the fundraiser

       Summer Dust by The Love Language

       出现场景:At the Stowaway. Jack chases after the guy from the bank.

       美剧《复仇 Revenge》第一季第二集插曲/原声

       Let U Down by Those Darlins

       出现场景:In the bar as Declan is texting Charlotte and Jack's dad says to close the bar

       Babyface by The Elected

       出现场景:Emily talks to Daniel at the Polo Field.

       Avenue by Agnes Obel

       出现场景:Starts when Daniel and Emily kiss and continues through the montage at the end of the show.

       Home by Ok Sweetheart

       出现场景:Emily on the deck of her house, and Jack walks up to talk to her.

       Daydream by Beach Fossils

       出现场景:Emily's party.

       Red Tan by The Raveonettes

       出现场景:Declan in the bar and Charlotte's friends show up to beat him up.

       美剧《复仇 Revenge》第一季第三集插曲/原声

       You're Too Weird by Fruit Bats

       出现场景:Adam sneaks into Charlotte's room.

       Blue Orchids by Sun Kil Moon

       出现场景:Jack makes Declan breakfast and they talk about their father.

       Undercover by Little Majorette

       出现场景:Scenes of the beach and introduction to the senator's party.

       Melissa by The Allman Brothers Band

       出现场景:Carl Porter's wake at the bar.

       A Twist In the Sky by Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez

       出现场景:Jake and Declan in the bar and talk about picking up their dad's ashes.

       All In One by Mari Persen

       出现场景:Emily arrives at the Grayson party for the senator

       Apostrophe (Shawn Lee Remix) by Jed and Lucia

       出现场景:Victoria greets a guest at her party

       美剧《复仇 Revenge》第一季第四集插曲/原声

       Riverside by Agnes Obel

       出现场景:Last song of the episode. Throughout episode during the flashbacks to Emily's childhood with Dr. Banks.

       Leave No Trace by Fool's Gold


       Benediction by Thurston Moore

       出现场景:Emily goes to Stowaway

       Me and You by The Strange Boys

       出现场景:Daniel hanging out drinking

       Wilderness by Middle Brother

       出现场景:Nolan gives Jack finacial advice

       美剧《复仇 Revenge》第一季第五集插曲/原声

       Twice by Little Dragon

       出现场景:The end.

       Get By by little hurricane


       Cheek to Cheek (1958) by Ella Fitzgerald

       出现场景:The gala party.

       Bugs by Emma Louise

       出现场景:Ashely shows up at Emily's house

       Angel (RAC Remix) by Mr. Little Jeans

       出现场景:Charlotte driving

       美剧《复仇 Revenge》第一季第六集插曲/原声

       Second Friend by Megafaun


       Anyone's Ghost by Silver Swans


       YTEFGHWS by The Strange Boys


       Full Moon Song by Peter Bradley Adams

       出现场景:Declan opens up the Stowaway

       Waltz for the Faithless by Peter Bradley Adams

       出现场景:The double date

       Bloodhound by The Donkeys

       出现场景:Declan giving Jack a speech about Emily

       Catamaran by Allah-Las

       出现场景:Tyler shows up at the bar

       No Nostalgia by AgesandAges

       出现场景:Daniel not feeling well at work

       美剧《复仇 Revenge》 第一季第七集插曲/原声

       By the Sea by Summer Fiction


       Baby's Arms by Kurt Vile

       出现场景:Emily and Daniel at the beach

       Credit Cards by Falcon


       Know What I Mean? by Cannonball Adderley & Bill Evans

       出现场景:Declan arrives at the Greysons

       Simba by Les Baxter

       出现场景:Nolan and Tyler hang out

       Blonde Bad and Beatiful by Airbourne

       出现场景:Frank arriving at the strip club to investigate

       Peace of Mind - Unreleased by Hazel Scott

       出现场景:Dinner at the Greysons-everyone gets up and leaves

       Shotta by Bonjay

       出现场景:Stripclub - Frank talks to Amanda

       美剧《复仇 Revenge》第一季第八集插曲/原声

       Fire by Yukon Blonde

       出现场景:when Daniel quits the Stowaway

       Puppet to the Man by Kurt Vile

       出现场景:Nolan comes to the Stowaway to give the boat back to Jack.

       Limbs by Widowspeak

       出现场景:Victoria shreds the letter.

       Trouble by Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions

       出现场景:Amanda swimming at Nolans. Jack arrives

       No Work And All Play by


       Blues For Tiny by Smokey and Lee


       Untitled (Love Song) by The Romany Rye


       美剧《复仇 Revenge》第一季第九集插曲/原声

       Hold On by Alabama Shakes

       出现场景:Nolan talks to Jack about Amanda at the Stowaway

       Bang Pop by Free Energy

       出现场景:Tyler and Daniel play volleyball

       I'm Alright by Agent Ribbons

       出现场景:Emily confronts Amanda on Jack's boat

       Astronaut by Blitzen Trapper

       出现场景:Nolan talks with Emily on the phone at Stowaway

       Pigs & Pearls by J Roddy Walston and the Business

       出现场景:Amanda watches Jack work at Stowaway

       Sunlight by Turtle Giant

       出现场景:Bar closed, Jack packs up food for his boat ride with Amanda

       Sweetest Kill by Broken Social Scene

       出现场景:Declan prepares for another romantic evening with Charlotte, lights candles, turns on music

       美剧《复仇 Revenge》第一季第10集插曲/原声

       You're In My Dreams by The Fling

       出现场景:Emily enters Stowaway Tavern, Sammy & Jack greet her

       Judy by Plains

       出现场景:Jack struggles to keep up with busy crowd at Stowaway.

       Life Is Good by Funkservice International

       出现场景:Tyler and Ashely have dinner

       Someday In The Future by Bad Sports

       出现场景:Amanda and Jack together at the Stowaway

       Oh! Sweet Nuthin' by The Velvet Underground

       出现场景:Jack makes dinner for Amanda

       美剧《复仇 Revenge》第一季第11集插曲/原声

       Nothing Else Matters by Lissie

       出现场景:End of the episode.

       Don't Move by Phantogram

       出现场景:Guests arrive for Daniel's B-day

       Facing the Sun by Treefight For Sunlight

       出现场景:Charlotte & Declan arrive for Daniel's B-day

       Plains by Wye Oak

       出现场景:Grayson's gather for the clam bake

       Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven) by Robin Alciatore

       出现场景:At The Start Of The Episode.

       美剧《复仇 Revenge》第一季第12集插曲/原声

       Red Arrow (John) by Gem Club

       出现场景:This Is the song when emily has just burned down the house.

       By the Sea by Summer Fiction


       Black Mood Ring by Viva Voce

       出现场景:Jack and Amanda working at the Stowaway

       Throw Your Arms Around Me by Summer Fiction

       出现场景:Jack brings the tip jar to Amanda

       Love Like a River by Girls

       出现场景:Charlotte covers Declan sleeping in a chair

       Hot Blooded by Foreigner

       出现场景:Amanda working the bar at the Stowaway

       Figueroa Street by Heavy Young Heathens


       Which animal has the fastest snapping jaw? If you’re guessing a shark or perhaps an alligator, you’ll have to think smaller.


       The trap-jaw ant (Odontomachus bauri), which lives in Central and South America, moves its mandibles (mouth parts) at 115 to 207 feet (35 to 63 meters) per second.

       陷阱颚蚁(Odontomachus bauri)是一种生活在美洲中南部的的蚂蚁,它们活动下颚(嘴的一部分)的速度在每秒115到207英尺(35到63米)

       Another way to think about this is that the ant’s jaws close at 78 to 145 miles per hour (125 to 233 kilometers per hour). That’s 2,300 times faster than the blink of an eye.


       Scientists were able to measure the amazing jaw speed using high-speed video techniques.


       Sheila Patek, assistant professor of integrative biology at the University of California,Berkeley, says the key is that the jaws have a pair of latches: “Having a latch system is critical in obtaining explosive speeds.”

       Sheila Patek,加州大学伯克利分校的生物学助教,提到关键在于这种颚有一对“闩子”她说:“拥有一个“闩子”系统是获得这种爆炸性速度的关键。”

       Consider a bow and arrow. If you try to throw an arrow with your arm, it won’t go very far.If you use a bow, elastic energy stored in the bow is released almost instantly when you release the arrow with your finger or a latch.


       The combination of the springy bow and latch mechanism is what makes the arrow zoom through the air. “That’s exactly what really fast organisms are doing,” says Patek.


       Maybe even more amazing than how fast these ants grab food or even enemies is how they use this same energy to move. As the ant closes its jaws, it uses them to push off the ground—all faster than the eye can see without slow motion video. A snap of the jaw can launch an ant up to 3.3 inches (8.3 centimeters) in the air. That’s like someone’s who’s five-foot-six (1.7 meters) leaping 44 feet (13 meters)!


       Trap-jaw ants cover ground the same way. Not only can they quickly evade predators (enemies who want to eat them), but often a group of ants will start jumping all at once.


       Imagine a lot of popcorn popping. It would be hard to grab just one. Researchers think this “popcorn” effect might help the ants escape by confusing their enemies.


       People have suspected the ants used their jaws to jump for over a century, but could only prove it with today’s modern video equipment.


       今天关于“arrow energy”的探讨就到这里了。希望大家能够更深入地了解“arrow energy”,并从我的答案中找到一些灵感。